Is this a good Idea...or foolish?

The Assistant

Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
BBbardot said:
my young age? irrelevant, i'm pretty mature ( except when im playing)
the fact i'm in france? well you can guess by the way i speak english that i probably have an american+irish bf and i travel a lot to the us and the us travel a lot to paris=>irrelevant!
what else, i'm a girl? good point but you can't deny it adds another perspective which is not a negative thing.
-my first thread? I asked a question about how to change my don juan tag cause it doesn't apply for me obviousely, I got my answer, i was happpy. I was friendly. nothing wrong so far.
-furthermore, If the picture i posted offended you i'm sorry...It wasn't meant to... :)

whoa whoa whoa....your age is VERY relevant. There is no 17 year old out there that know what the HELL they are talking about when it comes to dating........and especially a 17 year old girl - your advice to guys is complete SHYT to all men in this world.

That's really the end of the better be here to LEARN and ask QUESTIONS, and for the love of god, stop giving ANY young men advice - you are a 17 year old little know NOTHING about dating, sex, love, or getting pvssy


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
The Assistant said:
whoa whoa whoa....your age is VERY relevant. There is no 17 year old out there that know what the HELL they are talking about when it comes to dating........and especially a 17 year old girl - your advice to guys is complete SHYT to all men in this world.

That's really the end of the better be here to LEARN and ask QUESTIONS, and for the love of god, stop giving ANY young men advice - you are a 17 year old little know NOTHING about dating, sex, love, or getting pvssy
stop arguing the person start arguing posts: you're being irrational

oh and just chill out


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Lunacyde said:
I've been dating (going out on dates with, not in a relationship with) this girl for almost a month and a half and we have been on 4 dates. Things are going very well although slow.

Today I realized that a band that both of us consider one of our very favorites is playing two shows as close as they ever will be playing in mid -March. This is one of her favorite bands ever and she loves going to concerts, and I love the band as well. I was thinking that it would be a great experience for the both of us, however as tickets will be selling out no doubt I will need to ask her far in advance.

Is this a good idea? Should I ask her to go? When should I ask? Etc.
I would go for it, provided that you have a backup plan, i.e. you think you are able to find someone else to go if she flakes. Women can be absolutely ruthless about flaking. I've gotten burned on tickets before, but if it's an event that I really want to go to, I'm willing to take the risk.

Twenty-Two Two's

New Member
Dec 22, 2010
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How is this anything but a win-win? Just buy the tickets, don't tell her if it makes you feel weird, but hold onto them for a few months. If you guys are still together or whatever, great, take her! If not, you will easily be able to sell the ticket(s) back at cost since they seem to be in high demand.

Problem solved.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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The Assistant said:
can someone else tell me why BBBardot, as a 17 year old girl from Europe, is giving advice to men on how to approach dating in America?
Because she registered like everyone else?

If you have a problem then you need to chill out and explain it better to everyone. Typing in all caps makes you look like you have rage issues especially after a couple of posts (not even aimed in your general direction). If your fuse is this short you won't last in some of the longer and more heated discussion here.