I’m a philly cat, born and breed! Philly like NYC is composed of many races and ethnicities. Contrary to popular belief metropolitan area’s aren’t melting pots (like the media would have you believe), they are more like salads. You might get some juice from a tomato on your carrot, but it will still taste like a carrot for the most part. This is to say that while people eventually cross the racial border, its doesn’t represent the majority. In my experience dating RACE matters, to an extent. Like Backbreaker expressed, If your rich and good looking and the top 10% of the male populus, then of course race is less of a problem. The reality is ppl marry what they are familiar and comfortable with. Not in all cases but statistics show that most married couples consist of partner of the same or similiar race.
The western world was conquered by European nations. The american school system teaches us North America was conquered by European nations, mostly british. South America by Espania (Spain), Canada by the French. 2/3 of the dominating European cultures are white (Caucasian), IDC what anyone says there is a certain white privilege that stands in this country and a many others. And while not absolute, who would dare argue that it certainly exists?
Lets intoduce some history and Psych:
1. Females: Preselect a mate based on comfort, luxury, affluence and essentially to be taken care of, which is why a lot of young girls date older more established men. A lot of women from cultures other than white, both trans America and pan-America see marrying a white guy as a way to move up the social latter and bring their families up with them. Women of a lot of cultures associate white(Caucasian) with prestige, wealth & aristocracy(not masculinity, bbut the other 3 are darn good to be associated with). Its only natural they would want to assimilate in to this perception. Its not that they are gold diggers or shallow they just want to be part of what they consider the winning team. To prove this point most north Asians traditionally don’t date blacks, but many south east Asians countries do, ie Philippines do. You may remember around the pearl harbor era, a lot of American troops were stationed in the Philippines. Coincidently at this time a lot of these troops were black American men, thus black was associated with western culture ie the ”winning team” in their country. As a result alot of phillipinas date black guys, with the perk of becoming and American if ole boy wifed em up.
***we should also looking into the “fair skin complex“. Working class men were outside working and getting tanned, while the upper class dukes, lords and nobles were inside, sheltered from the suns rays. This might be why people of one race with varying complexions (Spanish) might prefer a mate of fair skin(this isn’t completely accurate in afro American culture, which is something different called “slave mentality“).
Men (generally speaking): date for beauty, youth and vitality. Most ppl follow the European standard of beauty, this is what they are taught is beautiful and this is what they like. So blonde haired blue eyed fair skinned women are most attractive and activle sought out. This could explain why alot of asian, indian and middle eastern guys chase down white girls. Attraction can be taught, the culture I grew up in taught me that curvy females are the standard of beauty. Full lips, big behinds & thick thighs, accents, fiery attitudes, chocolate and caramel skin. As a result i am generally physicall attracted to women who have the physique of vida Guerra, jlo, which happens to usually be spanish and black women. u get the pic. That doesn’t mean I haven’t stepped outside of that but its not my normal dating behavior.
f283000 and papichulo are on to something but the didn’t quite connect all the points together, as a result onlyliveonce has portrayed them as bigots, which is inaccurate. A lot of the poorer communities in America area black, Spanish and in the rare occasion Italian. In these communities it sticks to the survival of the fittest concept/model, if your weak you perish- if your strong you flourish. Strength/survival(dominate traits) are synonymous with masculinity which is what are trying to say. ALL women are hard wired to pick up on these masculine traits. This is a trait that helps Black guys do well with women of various races (alone with the great in bed thing). Their Pvccies tingle from all the testosterone. Which is one good thing that comes out of being in a rough neighborhood. There are quite many other reasons but im about to dismiss class. OP, bankshot and vaTloco made good points.
Someone here mentioned homosexual rappers, put little Wayne in the ring with the average suburbanite pop singer of similar weight and build and Wayne would prevail. The part of new Orleans he grew up in is raw. Wayne is gay, not soft