Why though? There's a balance to picking up women, a pace. Your question only comes off as impatient to me and most likely it would be received as impatience or worse if you did it. Too late and you're out, this is true, but so is being too soon.
The idea that kino has to be performed at some arbitrary point in time only shows a lack of fundamental understanding for when to use it appropriately. It can be very effective when applied at the right level, at the right time, but it can be completely counterproductive when applied incorrectly. When is the time right and how much? You'll have to pay attention because it will vary from woman to woman.
The balance is between tension and comfort. Too much tension, too fast and it will make her uncomfortable to the point she just wants to get away, you creep her out. Too little tension, too late and she'll be bored/uninterested and move on. If you go for touching a woman who doesn't know you at all right away, you'll create an uncomfortable level of tension. A little bit of tension makes excitement, a lot makes anxiety, none makes boredom.
What you want is to keep the tension at the level of excitement. As the interaction and time passes she'll grow more comfortable, so you gradually introduce more tension by escalating to stay at that level of excitement. You should pay close attention to where she's at if you want to remain in the sweetspot. If she appears slightly uncomfortable you should dial it back a little and give it a bit of time before advancing again, if it appears her excitement is fading a little you should dial it up a notch. Getting that right is just practice, couldn't teach you this in a forum post even if my life depended on it.
Touching right away will only work in edge cases where the woman happens to be unnaturally comfortable with very rapid advances, but you can't even know if she's such a case if one of your first actions is to touch. As such you can expect a lot of failure doing it, but it might very rarely work out. It's not worth it when the alternative is to start at a more reasonable level of introduction, gauge her and then adjust accordingly.