I agree
@SW15 about the classes. Notice I didn’t say “dance classes”. I said Dance.
The classes can be too stiff and some guys could use a beer to take the edge of the anxiety off.
It is a very important distinction. I think there are a lot of men out there that think they'll find girlfriends at dance classes and it sets them up for a bad experience.
Men need to view the classes as loss leaders or see if they can self teach themselves dance on YouTube. By doing this, it proves that they are passionate enough about dance and not doing it for the wrong reason, which is only for meeting women.
Here’s the short cut for the ballsy among you. Go to a nightlife venue. Observe the good dancers. Often (not always but often) you can chat one up about dance. From there you get one of the girls to show/teach you. I am excellent at both C&W as well as Latin. I have shown any number of men how to 2-step over the years. Yah they were picking up on me & no I didn’t get with anyone, but it exposes you to a less formal more social way to dance and I know many men who learned this way.
That's an interesting tip. I can see how that could be more fun than a structured class. As far as pickup goes, I would have mixed feelings about that. I've been more of a sports player than a dancer lifetime so my experience is limited there.
That's still right away though imo. You might not start with a hug but you can start with arm touching/high five's etc and work up to it. As long as you can make her smile/laugh or bond through commonalities you can get to this point. If there's a style of game involved here's it's presenting yourself as attractive with a sexy vibe and running comfort game where you can established kino and escalate to a hug for the initial in person interaction.
This assumes you're not interacting in a nightclub/bar for the first time where you can be more aggressive.
In the now unpublished book "Game" (published in 2018), Roosh had a observation about bar/nightclub game that mirrored my own experiences. Roosh noted that bars and nightclubs have gone downhill as a means of arranging first dates. Phone number closes in bars/nightclubs have gotten flakier. The goal of a bar or nightlife visit needs to be the same night lay and not collecting phone numbers and arranging first dates. If a goal is a same night lay, then that would make bar/nightclub game a more aggressive form of game. Roosh said to only accept a phone number in a nightlife venue if the woman makes it completely clear that there's no chance she's coming home with you or inviting you back to her place.
If a man wants to arrange first dates from nightlife venues, the best play for that is the 5-8 PM type weeknight Happy Hour time.