Master Don Juan
If the dance floor works for you, then don't stop it. All I am trying to say is that it's not so much a seduction skill because it is based almost entirely on your looks and your dancing skill. All this talk about confidence is kind of redundant. No matter what your technique is, you have to be confident I think we all know that.
MotU says,
Alphaness was what I did ONLY for most of my time on this board. Was I successful. Yes, moderately so but the results were unreliable. I was not consistent. Anyone who has consistent results relying completely on alphaness is EXTREMELY alpha. Like let's say you are Allen Iverson or Brad Pit, THEN you might get consistent results with the total alpha strategy. Or to a lesser extent a person who is well-know in his area for one reason or another may have success that is consistent but what happens when you take the big alpha fish out of his small pond?
- The seductionist formerly known as trickynick
You either own the game or it owns you.
~"Pon atencion al latido de tu corazon...y el ritmo de tu respiracion...como te permites llegar a ser completamente llevada...por la conexion que esta tomando lugar." ~
MotU says,
How are you to know what's going to work? Also I think you missed my point on alphaness. Alphaness (making a concious effort to behave in an alpha way) is a an approach that relies completely on her attraction to you because of a combination of the appearance of some kind of social and other things that would cause her to become attracted to you normally (looks, confidence, et.), alphaness is NOT a seduction method (although it will HELP a seduction).SS works the best with that particular chick, use it. If it's alphaness, use it. If it's dancing, use it. Bottom line, whatever works is the right method.
Alphaness was what I did ONLY for most of my time on this board. Was I successful. Yes, moderately so but the results were unreliable. I was not consistent. Anyone who has consistent results relying completely on alphaness is EXTREMELY alpha. Like let's say you are Allen Iverson or Brad Pit, THEN you might get consistent results with the total alpha strategy. Or to a lesser extent a person who is well-know in his area for one reason or another may have success that is consistent but what happens when you take the big alpha fish out of his small pond?
- The seductionist formerly known as trickynick
You either own the game or it owns you.
~"Pon atencion al latido de tu corazon...y el ritmo de tu respiracion...como te permites llegar a ser completamente llevada...por la conexion que esta tomando lugar." ~