Let me see if I'm doing the math correctly.
You have a
message from the last week of September, asking about a girl who you had seen only 3 times.
Not even 2 months later, she's already your girlfriend?
So in two months time, she went from a relatively new person to being someone who "secured" you as a boyfriend?
And you're wondering why all of a sudden she's not acting like she used to?
I'm sorry, but you went from being the "challenge" to being "safe" in less than 8 weeks. It's no wonder why she isn't the "same" as she used to be. You decidedly gave yourself away WAY too quickly.
You are asking if all of this is a product of her being more comfortable.
The correct answer is she should NEVER feel comfortable. She should always feel like you could be the one that gets away, like you are the one who could end it TOMORROW... with two words... through a text.
If after 2 months, she is seeing you as less of a challenge, then that's on YOU and not her. Women are reactive. They will react to the situation created by the man... in this case... you. You became more available, you allowed yourself to become a boyfriend in a short amount of time, you always respond... so, where's the challenge for her?
Who cares what she thinks about you pulling away?
That's HER problem. NOT yours. It's time that you start saying that you have something else to do than to see her, every once in a while. You took a process that normally takes people 6 to 7 months and condensed it into 6 or 7 weeks. It's time to start ignoring her texts... for a WHOLE DAY. You're busy, you don't have time to be looking at your phone and cute texts all day.
And that's where a LOT of men fall. They believe that since the initial stages of dating are over,they can let their guard down a little, text a little more, see them a little more, not have to say "NO" at all... and then she's gone and you're left wondering why.
You owe it to yourself to stop all this whining about "What if she's posting on another forum"... because honestly, that's exactly what you want. You want her to be wondering, worrying, unsure... yes, you want to be a good boyfriend, but you don't want to go from Mr. C&F Bad Boy to Mr. Reliable in 2 months time.
Nut up soldier, you are steadily losing this war.