is physical size an issue?


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
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lol, you're getting advice from idiots. They're all saying 'do cardio'. Wtf is that gonna do ? He's got 8% body fat, there's no need to do anymore than he's doing now.

I think the main reason why more girls don't go up to you is because of your height. I belong to a gym where there's a trainer thats about 5'3, and benches 350. You can only imagine how muscular the guy is. I've seen him at bars. With loose clothing, you barely can tell teh guy is muscular. WIth such short arms, sometimes w/o looking twice its not necessarily an eye opener until he has his shirt off.

Now lets look at a guy thats 6'0 240. Longer arms means more muscle showing forth. Wider (broader) shoulders, and an intimidating tall person in general. While this person might be equally as muscular as the 5'3 guy, the 6 ft tall guys image is a lot more impressive.

So you ask why you're not getting more looks, my best guess is that very reason. I'm not saying you're really short, as 5'9 is about average height. But this plays a lot into it.

Go to the beach, show your ****, and i guarantee you won't be getting girls ignoring u


Don Juan
May 15, 2006
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Wiesman44 said:
lol, you're getting advice from idiots. They're all saying 'do cardio'. Wtf is that gonna do ? He's got 8% body fat, there's no need to do anymore than he's doing now.

you obviously know nothing about this subject

cardio, if done alone, actually burns off muscle mass stupid. why do you think marathoners have no muscle mass. when one does excess cardio, it burns calories, and at 8% bodyfat, there is not much to burn so it begins to eat away at muscle.

follow the others advice of doing nothing but cardio, because it will decrease your muscle mass (should you wish to lose some muscle mass).

i would suggest a large dose of cardio supplemented by bodyweight excersizes rather than weights. bodyweight excersizes done at higher reps make your muscles leaner, beacuse you utilize muscular endurance and flexibility on top of strength.

a good book for you and everyone else to check out would be "never gymless" by Ross Enamait (


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
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Thank you for that wonderful post blow me. I had no idea runners were really thin. Thanks for the enlightenment. you're calling me stupid, yet you're the one saying he wants to lose muscle mass.

Why in the hell would anybody EVER want to lose muscle mass. he obviously put in thousands upon thousands of hours in at the gym. He's proud of his body. Why would he want to lose muscle mass ?

He's complaining not enough girls are approaching him, not that he can't get girls. He's saying that more girls approach his friends than him.

Frankily, I wouldn't worry about this. Work on your game. Not everyone gets girls approaching them.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
Check it out; girls dig a strong, powerful guy.

With that said, they don't neccessarily think guys who are THAT physically strong are confident and powerful.

You ask why?

This is why. Girls don't want to date a man who feels he needs his muscles to be himself. They want a man who is confident with who he is and doesn't need the gym to make him feel like a man. So what should you do?

Avoid any talk with girls about fitness, the gym, food, etc. You're your own man for what is inside your mind. Not for what is outside. As corny as it sounds, I myself have been taken back when women find it a total turn off that I'm so into my workout routine.

The bottom line is they feel that you have a vunerability or insecurity about your innerself, and you need to compensate by going to the gym everyday and getting ripped and huge.

Hope that helps


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
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hey for whoever that was that wanted the pic, I am working on it. then for whoever said I want to lose muscle mass, huh uh, I dont think soo. That would be like winning the lottery and then giving it all to charity. I will say that I havent devoted myself to changing my appearance to something that I like to then change it because my scrawning buddies have chicks approaching them, dont get me wrong I have chicks approaching me, just not as common as they do. If a girl that I approach doesnt like the fact that a man who is very self disciplined about himself is aproaching them, then they can fvck off!! right? right. I was merely wondering why my buddies get girls approaching them more often then me. I am proud of what I have turned my body into, I am not building more muscle, merely maintaining what I already have. I agree that stretching out a 350lb chest on a 5'3" person and a 6' person is night and day, I am benching 340 right now. squatting 535. why in the hell would I want to sit back and watch those numbers shrink, when it has took me sooo long to get there? If she doesnt like me then the next one will.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Skilla_Staz said:
If they pull the "one night stand" line, just be like "I'm not into the whole hit it quit it and dip deal babe, if you're good enough you'll be around for a while ;)"

And then they'd walk away because you talk like a weirdo.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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MotoXXX said:
I was merely wondering why my buddies get girls approaching them more often then me.

Girls don't fear your friends eating them at 4am in a sleep walking protein binge.


Don Juan
May 24, 2003
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What are you trying to do? Scare women and little kids away from you?

Sure seems like it...

There are few girls out there that like a huge pumped up guy, I'm not saying don't lift at all, because I lift. I am saying you have to know when to stop getting bigger, enough is enough. Get on a fatloss routine and up the cardio, lose some of that weight and stature.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Well the answer to your question is pretty simple.. your friends get approached more because they do not look like a freak.

You look like a freak, either loss the mass and get a life or keep it and let your normal looking friends do better than yourself.

Just don't act like you don't know why they do better than you. They do better because they don't look freaky.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
I've found that the majority of women who appreciate true muscle types are those who are equally interested in bodybuilding or fitness. More times than not women like muscular men but not necessarily bodybuilders.

Plus I'm imagine that people find bodybuilders (along with other people who are generally into fitness) as people who are into extremes at least in the diet sense. People feel that they will be judged by these folks because their lifestyle is not nearly as healthy in comparison.

The scary thing is that truly healthy people are in the minority here in the states and it's even growing abroad. Sad state....


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2005
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Bvbidd said:
Being all bulked up like that does not look that much diffrent than being bulked up with fat in a women's eyes.
I think maybe most women don't like overly developed physiques in men because it sort of reminds them of a baby.

Babies are bulky with fat, and move around awkwardly.
A bodybuilder has over developed their physique to where they look bulky and awkward like a young baby.

But I'm a skinny bastard, so I wouldn't mind having that kind of problem.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
some really hot girls love the extreme muscle mass but these girls are alot of the times attention *****s

your size is intimidating so normal girls will definitly wait for you to make a move

also I'm willing to bet your bodyfat is way over 8%

somebody that is 230 with 8% bodyfat at your height should be benching well over 340


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
The answer to your problem is clear.

Loss the extra muscle and get lean muscle.

That will help you. If you do not do that then be happy with the amount of approaches you get.


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Wiesman44 said:
lol, you're getting advice from idiots. They're all saying 'do cardio'. Wtf is that gonna do ? He's got 8% body fat, there's no need to do anymore than he's doing now.

I think the main reason why more girls don't go up to you is because of your height. I belong to a gym where there's a trainer thats about 5'3, and benches 350. You can only imagine how muscular the guy is. I've seen him at bars. With loose clothing, you barely can tell teh guy is muscular. WIth such short arms, sometimes w/o looking twice its not necessarily an eye opener until he has his shirt off.

Now lets look at a guy thats 6'0 240. Longer arms means more muscle showing forth. Wider (broader) shoulders, and an intimidating tall person in general. While this person might be equally as muscular as the 5'3 guy, the 6 ft tall guys image is a lot more impressive.

So you ask why you're not getting more looks, my best guess is that very reason. I'm not saying you're really short, as 5'9 is about average height. But this plays a lot into it.

Go to the beach, show your ****, and i guarantee you won't be getting girls ignoring u

I guess this is the real reason. Shìt, I've had some people telling me that I look too short & stocky at 5'9 and 155 lbs... This guy is fùcking 230 lbs...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
I was on this site awhile ago under a different name. I think I can speak on the issue of physical size. I am 6'5 250lbs..with about 7 percent body fat. My arms are 21.5 inches.

I've also found that my physical size intimidates certain women, but it also draws a lot of hot women towards me. I think it's more how you carry yourself. Be friendly, and they won't think you're so intimidating.

>>>>>> Here's my pic

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
MotoXXX said:
This has been a question I have had running through my head for awhile now. Is physical/appearance size an issue when attempting to pick up chicks? I ask this because I am a muscular person, I am 5'9" and I weigh 230lbs. I have 8% body fat. My bicep region is 18.5" in circumference. Now what I am asking is I see my buddies who are of average build getting chicks coming up to them all the time but I rarely do, what gives. When I do approach though it is probably 90% successful. And probably 25% that I end up in bed with wont sleep with me because they say they really like me and dont want to be a booty call of mine? AWWW so I never call them back again.
I'm not sure but 230 pounds for 5'9 is overweight...

The average weight for a 6'4 man with a large frame is 207 pounds.

Perhaps the reason why these women are leaving because you are overweight. You may consider shedding some pounds.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
I've found that the majority of women who appreciate true muscle types are those who are equally interested in bodybuilding or fitness. More times than not women like muscular men but not necessarily bodybuilders.

Plus I'm imagine that people find bodybuilders (along with other people who are generally into fitness) as people who are into extremes at least in the diet sense. People feel that they will be judged by these folks because their lifestyle is not nearly as healthy in comparison.

The scary thing is that truly healthy people are in the minority here in the states and it's even growing abroad. Sad state....
I'm relatively is Brad Pitt, and several other "slim" looking men.
We are look as people that are in "shape" and "fit".

This dude is VERY muscular. To me he is a man that works out others he might be one that takes illegal drugs or might experience some "vein pop" or "shrink balls" or some other stereotypical thing.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
I love Hyori Lee said:
I'm not sure but 230 pounds for 5'9 is overweight...

The average weight for a 6'4 man with a large frame is 207 pounds.

Perhaps the reason why these women are leaving because you are overweight. You may consider shedding some pounds.

The worst thing you can do is follow those official height to weight scales. They are very underweighted. 6'4 207 is crackheadish. I'm 6'4" 250 ...........I'm big but I still look relatively slim. You have to realize that muscle is much denser than fat. So you can look slim but be real heavy. Most people that look at me think I weigh about 225. Once you start hitting the gym you can throw that scale right out the window.

Hey MrKnowitall, you have some good size there. What you on and where can I get some.

Here's a good article that explains better what I was getting at:


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Perhaps these guys are right about you being too bulky, but if YOU are really happy with the shape you're in, then I'd just work with the approaches you get.

Or better yet, why not concentrate on YOU making the approach, rather than waiting for chicks to talk to you? Thats part of being a DJ in the first place...