Anyway, marriage nowdays is heavily stacked against the man!
I guess i was sort of lucky, i've been married for over 10 years and while it hasn't been a bed of roses; it seems to be miles ahead of where all my friends relationships are at least right now at this point in time!
Cuz, all of my male friends (my broters included) have either been divorced are in the process of divorce.
My wife could decide that she wants out tommorow and take my children, the house, car, money and whatever else she wanted-cuz the laws are stacked against us (men). And women have been known to change their minds at the last minute....
Its sounds like a good idea (marriage), but once you think about it I don't see too many benifits to men getting married, 9 times out of ten any women you meet will be either:
Mentally I'll (aren't they born that way)
, Selfish, Gold digger, Lying-cheating slut, have baggage (kids-abusive ex),have multiple STD'S...
Last but not least most women nowdays have been biten by the feminazi Bug.
Have you ever noticed that even women from foreign countries that come over here turn into feminist's, usually worse than the women already over here.
Get married if you want, but your are literally gambling with your life!