Is it true that BPD = just low attraction


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Thanks for proving my point. The first 2-3 months are always great. But then the warning signs show up out of nowhere, and this is when it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as a grown man to respect yourself enough to walk away (or keep her as a fvck buddy).

I could not agree with this more... folks on here are constantly diagnosing chicks with some kinda mental disorder.. BDP etc

The truth is, usually what they are dealing with is either a chick who has low IL in you, or you are just dealing with a low quality toxic chick.. not a BDP

When i met my current ex, hell she was displaying obvious red flags within weeks of dating her..

Did I dump her and walk away like any self respecting man with do, with options? Erm hell no

I ignored my gut, and just stuck around.. Overtime i picked up on other red flags..

Deep inside i didn't even trust her.. there where several occasions where I should straight up walked away..

So who's fault was it, that I am suffering now.. my own!

She was not BDP.. she was just a selfish, bytchy person, who I didn't have the balls to walk away from sooner..

Nobody can treat you poorly unless you allow it..

In the future.. grow a pair.. have some self respect and walk the fuk away!
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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I could not agree with this more... folks on here are constantly diagnosing chicks with some kinda mental disorder.. BDP etc

The truth is, usually what they are dealing with is either a chick who has low IL in you, or you are just dealing with a low quality toxic chick.. not a BDP

When i met my current ex, hell she was displaying obvious red flags within weeks of dating her..
What were the red flags if you don't mind my asking?

Did I dump her and walk away like any self respecting man with do, with options? Erm hell no

I ignored my gut, and just stuck around.. Overtime i picked up on other red flags..

Deep inside i didn't even trust her.. there where several occasions where I should straight up walked away..

So who's fault was it, that I am suffering now.. my own!

She was not BDP.. she was just a selfish, bytchy person, who I didn't have the balls to walk away from sooner..
If you know who you are dealing with is a selfish b1tchy person, what can you do about it other than leave? "Boundaries"? They don't care about our boundaries...

Nobody can treat you poorly unless you allow it..

In the future.. grow a pair.. have some self respect and walk the fuk away!
Some of them you can't stop from treating you poorly unless you don't deal with them in the first place.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) are entirely real. They are serious and they are forever.

They also exhibit uncannily common behavioral traits that are diabolical in expression. You can Google the DSM IV criteria and read what they are.

They are also relatively uncommon compared to the general population.

But they exist on a spectrum.

People who truly have these disorders are powerful f u c k e d up. And they will suck you in, screw you up and spit you out without a shred of dignity. They make horrific parents and abusive partners.

So they are indeed very real. I agree that some here readily assign the labels to women without really grasping what the labels mean.

This minimizes the seriousness and damage these disorders wreak in those who have them and those in close proximity to those that have them. That's unfortunate in my book.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2015
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The biggest mistake you can do is dump them you want them to dump you, if you dump them it triggers their abandonment fears in turn they will make your life a living hell. How to I know? my life got turned upside down, you will see a vindictive side of them you've never seen before. She ran me through the meat grinder it screwed me up for a long time trying to figure out what happened. I picked myself up dusted my self off and rebuilt my life it took a good year to do so.


Oct 20, 2006
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You're trying to correlate more money = less problems with women?
I asked you a question but you are focusing on things I said back before you joined - funny how you know about my Tom Brady analogy.


Can we assume you are unemployed?


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
The biggest mistake you can do is dump them you want them to dump you.
Yes, I bluffed a breakup in January and she called my bluff and almost moved to Las Vegas overnight (the Beatles cover this in perhaps their saddest song, "I'll Be Back" from their 1964 album Hard Days Night). Fortunately, she and I both realized how much we meant to each other and promised never to do that again. Now we are in the phase of just openly admitting our love whenever we are together.

The biggest improvement I saw was that I got her closer to her dad. Suddenly she wants to be a good girl instead of a bad girl. All I needed to do was tell her to make him proud and she made me proud.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
People who truly have these disorders are powerful f u c k e d up. And they will suck you in, screw you up and spit you out without a shred of dignity. They make horrific parents and abusive partners.

So they are indeed very real. I agree that some here readily assign the labels to women without really grasping what the labels mean.

This minimizes the seriousness and damage these disorders wreak in those who have them and those in close proximity to those that have them. That's unfortunate in my book.
A lot of people are missing the point that HUMANS exist on a spectrum.

This idea that certain women have some condition that means that good is bad is false. Good people are good people, even if they have a bad condition. Meanwhile, bad people are bad people even if they don't have a bad condition.

I'm hearing things reversed here, people are saying "That awesome girl you are dating is actually bad because someone labeled her as BPD", and I'm hearing "I want to know how to game that terrible girl who dumped me and hurt me". I prefer to date awesome girls, and avoid terrible girls, regardless of labels and conditions.

Also, just because Steve Jobs dropped out of college doesn't mean your odds of success go up when you drop out of college. Just because Billionaires got played by women doesn't mean that it's ok for non-Billionaires to get played by women.

I'm hearing the exact same doom and gloom forecasts from people worried about BPD as I used to hear dating strippers. "She'll hurt you one day!" "She's no good!". But a good stripper is better than a bad non-stripper.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
What were the red flags if you don't mind my asking?


If you know who you are dealing with is a selfish b1tchy person, what can you do about it other than leave? "Boundaries"? They don't care about our boundaries...

Some of them you can't stop from treating you poorly unless you don't deal with them in the first place.
What were the red flags if you don't mind my asking?


If you know who you are dealing with is a selfish b1tchy person, what can you do about it other than leave? "Boundaries"? They don't care about our boundaries...

Some of them you can't stop from treating you poorly unless you don't deal with them in the first place.

To answer some of your questions.. some very early red flags i CHOSE to ignore..

01. My ex was a retail store manager.. she mentions to me, that she is in charge of recruitment, and is glad of this, because she tends to try recruite only the good looking guys to work in her store. ATTENTION *****

02. Couple of weeks in we are talking about exe's.. i innocently mention that my ex was a rather attractive woman.. she gets angry.. flips out and tells me, so what.. I HAVE GOT LOADS OF GUYS AFTER ME

03. We go on a weekend break together.. i said something that she did not like..she ends up humiliating me, disrespecting me in public and infront of her friend.

I then dump her... then like a weak idiot, get back with her two weeks later.

04. I noticed within months, she does not really accept responsibility, and the biggest red flag... when she does FUK up she makes ZERO effort to then try fix things.. instead shifts the blame.

05. I accidentally yawned once while on the phone with her.. was really tired.. she turned this into a drama.. fell out with me.. i soft next her for this for 3 days.. i tell her I will yawn all i fuking like.. don't ring me when I am tired.. again unessasary drama!

06. After helping her dig up her garden, spent hours slaving away, even with a bad back.. i later ask her to drop me off into town, just a 15mins ride..

She rudely tells me NO go get a BUS that is appreciation for yeh..

07. Withind days of dating.. she tells me, that she is not a very loving or effectionate person.

When called on her behaviour she tries to tell me, that she is not VERY GOOD at RELATIONSHIPS.. even tho she was in a 25 year marriage.

08. Bar girl at the age of 51.. she also dressed much younger, somewhat tarty.. and always in sexy high heels, no matter what.. revealing clothes sometimes.

09. Very confident around men, always talking to dude.

10. Loved her two chuwawas more than humans.

The list goes on and on man.. too many to go through.. there was another major incident of disrespect too..

The point is.. as men of value and respect, we should not be sticking around for this kind of treatment.

If the red flags are there in the early days.. dump and walk away.. save yourself from getting mind fuked!!


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2017
Reaction score
A lot of guys label girls that dumped them BPD to rationalize the breakup.

In the end it doesn't matter why she dumped you... You can't make them love you... Move on.
When I first came to this forum, I was amused by all the topics about bpd women. Like everyone was dating half-insane girls wtf :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
To answer some of your questions.. some very early red flags i CHOSE to ignore..

01. My ex was a retail store manager.. she mentions to me, that she is in charge of recruitment, and is glad of this, because she tends to try recruite only the good looking guys to work in her store. ATTENTION *****

02. Couple of weeks in we are talking about exe's.. i innocently mention that my ex was a rather attractive woman.. she gets angry.. flips out and tells me, so what.. I HAVE GOT LOADS OF GUYS AFTER ME

03. We go on a weekend break together.. i said something that she did not like..she ends up humiliating me, disrespecting me in public and infront of her friend.

I then dump her... then like a weak idiot, get back with her two weeks later.

04. I noticed within months, she does not really accept responsibility, and the biggest red flag... when she does FUK up she makes ZERO effort to then try fix things.. instead shifts the blame.

05. I accidentally yawned once while on the phone with her.. was really tired.. she turned this into a drama.. fell out with me.. i soft next her for this for 3 days.. i tell her I will yawn all i fuking like.. don't ring me when I am tired.. again unessasary drama!

06. After helping her dig up her garden, spent hours slaving away, even with a bad back.. i later ask her to drop me off into town, just a 15mins ride..

She rudely tells me NO go get a BUS that is appreciation for yeh..

07. Withind days of dating.. she tells me, that she is not a very loving or effectionate person.

When called on her behaviour she tries to tell me, that she is not VERY GOOD at RELATIONSHIPS.. even tho she was in a 25 year marriage.

08. Bar girl at the age of 51.. she also dressed much younger, somewhat tarty.. and always in sexy high heels, no matter what.. revealing clothes sometimes.

09. Very confident around men, always talking to dude.

10. Loved her two chuwawas more than humans.

The list goes on and on man.. too many to go through.. there was another major incident of disrespect too..

The point is.. as men of value and respect, we should not be sticking around for this kind of treatment.

If the red flags are there in the early days.. dump and walk away.. save yourself from getting mind fuked!!
To answer some of your questions.. some very early red flags i CHOSE to ignore..

01. My ex was a retail store manager.. she mentions to me, that she is in charge of recruitment, and is glad of this, because she tends to try recruite only the good looking guys to work in her store. ATTENTION *****

02. Couple of weeks in we are talking about exe's.. i innocently mention that my ex was a rather attractive woman.. she gets angry.. flips out and tells me, so what.. I HAVE GOT LOADS OF GUYS AFTER ME

03. We go on a weekend break together.. i said something that she did not like..she ends up humiliating me, disrespecting me in public and infront of her friend.

I then dump her... then like a weak idiot, get back with her two weeks later.

04. I noticed within months, she does not really accept responsibility, and the biggest red flag... when she does FUK up she makes ZERO effort to then try fix things.. instead shifts the blame.

05. I accidentally yawned once while on the phone with her.. was really tired.. she turned this into a drama.. fell out with me.. i soft next her for this for 3 days.. i tell her I will yawn all i fuking like.. don't ring me when I am tired.. again unessasary drama!

06. After helping her dig up her garden, spent hours slaving away, even with a bad back.. i later ask her to drop me off into town, just a 15mins ride..

She rudely tells me NO go get a BUS that is appreciation for yeh..

07. Withind days of dating.. she tells me, that she is not a very loving or effectionate person.

When called on her behaviour she tries to tell me, that she is not VERY GOOD at RELATIONSHIPS.. even tho she was in a 25 year marriage.

08. Bar girl at the age of 51.. she also dressed much younger, somewhat tarty.. and always in sexy high heels, no matter what.. revealing clothes sometimes.

09. Very confident around men, always talking to dude.

10. Loved her two chuwawas more than humans.

The list goes on and on man.. too many to go through.. there was another major incident of disrespect too..

The point is.. as men of value and respect, we should not be sticking around for this kind of treatment.

If the red flags are there in the early days.. dump and walk away.. save yourself from getting mind fuked!!

As you can see from that list of red flags... Number 02. Is where I should have downgraded her to fuk buddy.. or simply walked away..


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
To answer some of your questions.. some very early red flags i CHOSE to ignore..

01. My ex was a retail store manager.. she mentions to me, that she is in charge of recruitment, and is glad of this, because she tends to try recruite only the good looking guys to work in her store. ATTENTION *****

02. Couple of weeks in we are talking about exe's.. i innocently mention that my ex was a rather attractive woman.. she gets angry.. flips out and tells me, so what.. I HAVE GOT LOADS OF GUYS AFTER ME

03. We go on a weekend break together.. i said something that she did not like..she ends up humiliating me, disrespecting me in public and infront of her friend.

I then dump her... then like a weak idiot, get back with her two weeks later.

04. I noticed within months, she does not really accept responsibility, and the biggest red flag... when she does FUK up she makes ZERO effort to then try fix things.. instead shifts the blame.

05. I accidentally yawned once while on the phone with her.. was really tired.. she turned this into a drama.. fell out with me.. i soft next her for this for 3 days.. i tell her I will yawn all i fuking like.. don't ring me when I am tired.. again unessasary drama!

06. After helping her dig up her garden, spent hours slaving away, even with a bad back.. i later ask her to drop me off into town, just a 15mins ride..

She rudely tells me NO go get a BUS that is appreciation for yeh..

07. Withind days of dating.. she tells me, that she is not a very loving or effectionate person.

When called on her behaviour she tries to tell me, that she is not VERY GOOD at RELATIONSHIPS.. even tho she was in a 25 year marriage.

08. Bar girl at the age of 51.. she also dressed much younger, somewhat tarty.. and always in sexy high heels, no matter what.. revealing clothes sometimes.

09. Very confident around men, always talking to dude.

10. Loved her two chuwawas more than humans.

The list goes on and on man.. too many to go through.. there was another major incident of disrespect too..

The point is.. as men of value and respect, we should not be sticking around for this kind of treatment.

If the red flags are there in the early days.. dump and walk away.. save yourself from getting mind fuked!!

At what point, do you guys feel I should have walked away from this train wreck???

I feel somewhat angry with myself for not having the courage to dump her and move on , as soon as the drama started....


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
He said bpd is caused by low interest level and doesnt happen if the girl has high interest level.
In general, most of the Manosphere blames THE MAN for whatever happens with the woman.

- If the chick is stone bat crazy, that's somehow the Man's fault
- If the chick divorces him, that's somehow the Man's fault
- If the chick cheats, that's somehow the Man's fault
- If the chick is bad with finances, that's somehow the Man's fault
- If the chick gets fat, that's somehow the Man's fault
- If the chick has a nasty attitude, that's somehow the Man's fault

Everything is the Man's fault. Women aren't held accountable for shyt. Don't you know that by now lol?


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
At what point, do you guys feel I should have walked away from this train wreck???

I feel somewhat angry with myself for not having the courage to dump her and move on , as soon as the drama started....
#3- complete lack of respect is where I draw the hard line.
Don't be angry with yourself. You experienced and survived a world class mindfvcking, and things got very fuzzy when you were still involved with her.
It's only now that you finally see what really happened in that encounter. Learn from it and don't dwell on it. She's in your past now.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
I think woman like this come in to ourselves, for us to learn a lesson.. and for us to turn our lives around to be better men!

Most importantly love yourself man.. doesn't matter how hot she is.. NEVER value her above your self.. and if she acts a bytch.. have the courage and balls to immediately walk away!

This is key.. the sooner you leave, the less your exposed to the mind fuk.. and the quicker you can recover!


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Im glad a lot of people here are making sense. High value men don't stick around and get "wrecked" by BPD because high value men have options and as a result naturally tend not to tolerate bad behavior.

Like another poster mentioned and I always mention, 1.6% of US population has BPD. With the frequency of BPD horror stories here, you would think that number is more like 70%.

The manosphere tends to blame the man for majority of problems in the dating market because in the end the man is the agressor/decision maker/leader. How can the problem be the woman when its YOU who has chosen this woman? She is not forcing you to stick around. Just like in all the BPD stories she did not force the man to bask in the toxicity.

In the end this BPD discussion can be explained the way most sosuave discussions can be explained: Lack of Options

The reason why BPD is so frequent is because we have low quality men dating bad dating prospects and lacking options. The fix is the same as its been for 25 years.

Improve your SMV, spin plates.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Unless the moderators here can control certain fat black women on welfare from creating 3 accounts per day this forum has turned into the DNC.

For example: any member who joins but clearly shows they know details about other members should be instantly banned, and no new accounts from their county should be allowed for a week.

The very notion of a SS member creating multiple accounts is the essence of deception. May the lord strike me down if I ever in my 10+ years here created a second account. Apparantly certain losers do this in order to create the illusion of consensus.

Other forums have handled this, for example, new members can't reply to posts until their account is active for 1 week and has certain amount of activity, based on page views.

Just remember one thing Latisha: Trump is your President.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Angelina is BPD and painted Brad black
I always sensed a sort of seductive evil in her like the Jezebel spirit. She was diagnosed with BPD in the late 90's. How Brad lasted as long as he did is beyond me. Dude looked like a walking zombie when she was done with him.