Is it true that BPD = just low attraction


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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I always sensed a sort of seductive evil in her like the Jezebel spirit. She was diagnosed with BPD in the late 90's. How Brad lasted as long as he did is beyond me. Dude looked like a walking zombie when she was done with him.
Yup, supposedly he is going through a very deep depression right now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Yup, supposedly he is going through a very deep depression right now.
He looks like me after my HPDex put me through the meat grinder. I lost 50lbs, my hair greyed 30% more, I started to randomly cry alone. I can only imagine what he endured in 10 years with her and all those kids. He looks so out of it, hope he rebounds.

You can feel such deep pain from this pic


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2015
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The guy my ex is with looks like a ghost she's slowly killing him, all I can say he looks horrible. He was a healthy young man before he met her he had everything going for him, its all gone now. She was cute he wanted her she latched on him, he was thinking with the wrong head, today he's screwed, his health is declined so much I doubt he would ever recover.

Not my problem, I got her out of my life before she could damage me anymore, I had job burnout and her causing stress in my life there was mornings I was surprised I woke up. Waking up in the morn with chest pains and numbness in my arms and face I knew I was in trouble I was getting phucking scared.

The last time I seen her I'm healthy and fit she probably didn't like that she didn't destroy me like she has with the previous men in her life. She was proud of the fact she destroyed the guy before me.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
I know a 60 year old guy with an anti social personality disorder (manipulative cold bastard, pity seeker, egocentrical eternal victim, conning people, inflated ego).
His wife is a diagnosed Borderliner.
They've been "happily" married for at least 30 years, well he beats the **** out of her once in a while, or he just leaves the house and doesn't come back for a week or 2.
So if you have some cluster B traits yourself it's easy to stay in a BPD relationship.

Their kids are massively damaged though.