Is it possible to gain 40 pounds in 4 months?


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2007
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
No. Mucle is not storage. Its a stress response. Fat is storage. Muscle is not like fat in the respect that it cannot store amino acids. Its made of amino acids, but it does NOT store. The cells are physically unable to because of their structure.
Seriously, burn what I said before in your head cause we aint gonna get further until you learn that and/or learn not to lie on the internet.
Muscle stores aminoacids, glycogen and water. It is storage. It is as much as stress response as fat is, designed to enchance survival abilities. The end.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
You're so wrong I can't even mock you. Its pathetic.
Yet, you fail to explain all, even with all your 'degrees' and go back to constant verbal abuse. Interesting. BTW, a mod might wanna check this.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
It makes no sense because this mythical partitioning ratio doesn't exist. My body does not come with a dail where i can adjust the ration of fat to muscle I gain from excess calories. How my body stores fat and rebuilds muscle is based on metabolism, stress on muscle caused by weights, calories and WHERE the calories come from, enzyme activity, hormone levels.... and etc. There is no freaknig ratio. And chances are 100% that your body does not have a ratio either. You just made it up, and if you didn't you're a moron for believing in it.
Again, reading too much. But the body does give more calories to one side or the other, and you can improve the partitioning.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
The traning style the coach recomends is plenty of cardio to "build a base". I don't listen to her though.

I just do HIT 3 times a week and eat properly as best I can without going zany. I like to do low reps and sets. Low weight hhigh reps really pisses me off. It takes forever to make progress on that. So I do plenty of weight at around 5 reps per sot and adjust sets on exercises. Anywhere from 3 to 5 sets.
You do HIT and are trying to correct me on anything relating to weight training? This loss of time ends here.


Sep 4, 2006
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"is is possible to gain 40lb in 4 months?"

yeah it's possible...esp. if you have a bit of test + dbol ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Redux said:
Seriously, burn what I said before in your head cause we aint gonna get further until you learn that and/or learn not to lie on the internet.
Fvck you man. I take pride in my brutal honesty. Don't call me a liar.

Muscle stores aminoacids, glycogen and water. It is storage. It is as much as stress response as fat is, designed to enchance survival abilities. The end.
Glycogen is stored in the liver. Water is not stored. That's why you die of thirst in two days but die of hunger in 3 weeks. Water DOES NOT STORE. Just because muscle contains it does not mean that it stores it.

Primary source of glycongen in LIVER:

With a lesser amount in muscle.

And muscle in NOT a storgae of amino acids. Storage tissue is not that active. Yes it is made of amino acids, and yes these amino acids can be burned in time of starvation. However, the purpose of muscle is not for this. Its to be used for movement.

Saying that muscle is a storage for amino acids is like saying that the brain is a storage for fat. Hey, when you get into the late stages of metabolic shutdown and your body does the unthinkable and starts to "eat" the brain... that means that it MUST be storage tissue... right? All tissues are storage tissues if you use this reasoning.

Yet, you fail to explain all, even with all your 'degrees' and go back to constant verbal abuse. Interesting. BTW, a mod might wanna check this.
Boo hoo. I verbally abused you. Did I also verbally rape you by tearing you a new as*hole?

I never mentioned I have a degree, you have to graduate to get it. I am a student here at University. I started out through Chem and switched progams since I like this Nutraceuticals more.

Myself said:
However I go to the gym frequently and I study nutrition here at University. Nutrition and Neutraceuticals. Not the applied sh*t like at College.

And before some of you nuts fly off the handle, yes I did mention that I did Chemistry before. I switched majors.
And yes. The mods can check this quite easily. I am connected to the Uni network most of the time I post. All they have to do is trace the IP and cross-reference that with the IPs of Canadian Universities. I'm not saying which because frankly, you don't need to know, and I don't care to tell.

BTW. If you really want them to prove this ask them to do their thing before the 15th of April. That's the last day of school here and we're getting off Campus for the summer. Chances are I will post at least once then.

Again, reading too much. But the body does give more calories to one side or the other, and you can improve the partitioning.
Body works on a priority system. Heart and lungs get the first dibs. Then other organs. Then muscle. Then the remains get stored if there are any. If there is not enough to go around, the body dips into storage.

There is no ratio. That would assume a distribution based on some kind of pre-set amounts. Like when you divy up candy at haloween. That's false.

You do HIT and are trying to correct me on anything relating to weight training? This loss of time ends here.
This is what I have chosen as the best for me with my lifestyle and schedule. If you don't agree, fvck you.

Go back to your crossfit.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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1. The body is comprised of water throughout. It is not centralized. However, muscle is mostly water, amino acids, and stored glycogen. The reason for a pump, beyond the water, is sugar being directed to the muscles. Water attaches to carbohydrates/sugar/glycogen. The reason you deflated on cutting diets and carb diets are a loss of water and sugar, which inflates, and basically bloats if it's enough water. I.e Water Retention.

2. Muscle and fat are lost and gained in a ratio of 1:3. For every lb of muscle you gain, you'll gain 3 pounds of fat, without cardio to cut it back. Conversely, when you lose weight, you lose 3lbs of fat for every 1lb of muscle. (See Dr Gregory Ellis).

3. Everything beyond maintenance (assuming activity is included in maintenance) goes for whatever the body allows. If you genetically can produce muscle faster, or quicker, and/or are using steroids, then theoretically, you will create muscle faster than the average guy. However, if you're obese, although you ARE lifting, the presence of extra fat tends to direct MORE calories BEYOND maintenance to fat storage, due to the extra estrogen found in the body, which is due to the presence of fat (fat and estrogen are found together). If you're obese, or chubby, go to lose weight first. Extra calories won't be efficiently dumped into muscle, as compared to a lean guy who can eat above maintenance and gain muscle much better. The skinny guy has less fat, so the body doesn't easily put it in fat stores. Whereas, with a chubby/obese guy, he has a host over other issues clouding nutrient partitioning...such as the presence of extra estrogen, his body easily dumps calories into fat, possible insulin issues, and hormone issues. Also, metabolism issues.

4. Is it possible to put 40lbs on? Absolutely. Eat. Eat, and Eat some more. 40lbs of muscle? I doubt it. Not even someone on steroids can claim 100% of 40lbs as muscle. Alot of steroid gain would be attributed to water retention, and then fat gain, too, just to get to 40lbs. Without roids, there's a genetic threshhold for muscle growth. With roids, you push that barrier out a little, so you have to eat better, cleaner, and can lift more frequently. Tons of guys in my gym are pretty ripped, and big, without using big weights, i.e. using machines, or cables...which hints to me, they're on light steroid cycles.

Even 10lbs of muscle is noticeable. Focus on growth. Do it within reason. Gaining too fast adds another issue to deal with. Do it intelligently, and you're golden. Think of it like this. If you BLOW up, you'll have to swing to the opposite extreme to get weight off. Whereas, if you do it on a program of ever increasing weight gain, you won't have to go nuts on dropping weight, like so many do. There are anabolic components to bulking cycles, such as increased energy and increased strength, but I wouldn't take a bulk cycle too far. I did one nearly a year ago. Ate alot. Tried to stay as clean as possible. I had incredible energy in the gym. I got pretty strong, but then I gained some fat I didn't want so I stopped, and dropped it. Fluctuating clothes aren't for me, and although I love lifting, I also have other loves...such as golf, and to be doing other things, like Flag Football, which requires speed and cardio work. I'll get bigger as I go, but in this day and age...activity is more important than anything. Activity and strength, to be exact.



Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
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Leeds, UK
A-Unit said:
Even 10lbs of muscle is noticeable. Focus on growth. Do it within reason. Gaining too fast adds another issue to deal with. Do it intelligently, and you're golden. Think of it like this. If you BLOW up, you'll have to swing to the opposite extreme to get weight off. Whereas, if you do it on a program of ever increasing weight gain, you won't have to go nuts on dropping weight, like so many do. There are anabolic components to bulking cycles, such as increased energy and increased strength, but I wouldn't take a bulk cycle too far. I did one nearly a year ago. Ate alot. Tried to stay as clean as possible. I had incredible energy in the gym. I got pretty strong, but then I gained some fat I didn't want so I stopped, and dropped it. Fluctuating clothes aren't for me, and although I love lifting, I also have other loves...such as golf, and to be doing other things, like Flag Football, which requires speed and cardio work. I'll get bigger as I go, but in this day and age...activity is more important than anything. Activity and strength, to be exact.
Good post mate :up: By the way, I notice you like to play golf, I play somewhat too, what's your handicap? :)



Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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A Unit has some VERY GOOD points in his post,I would suggest reading it over and over until you have it all down in your head.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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A-Unit said:
2. Muscle and fat are lost and gained in a ratio of 1:3. For every lb of muscle you gain, you'll gain 3 pounds of fat, without cardio to cut it back. Conversely, when you lose weight, you lose 3lbs of fat for every 1lb of muscle. (See Dr Gregory Ellis).
How is that?

What if you go to the gym and then eat very unhealthy after?

You're bound to break that ratio. It could be 1lb of muscle and 6lbs of fat. This is a false estimate.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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A-Unit said:
2. Muscle and fat are lost and gained in a ratio of 1:3. For every lb of muscle you gain, you'll gain 3 pounds of fat, without cardio to cut it back. Conversely, when you lose weight, you lose 3lbs of fat for every 1lb of muscle. (See Dr Gregory Ellis).
Forgot to add: This ratio can also be disproven in another way. When losing weight, you don't eat much protein and still go to the gym. A terrible cutting diet.

Do this and tell me that you're going to lose 3lbs of fat for every lb of muscle.

This is a myth. And its bulls*t like this, A-Unit, that handicapps newbies and robs them of gains. Thinking "its okay to do it improperly cause my body knows to lose 3lbs of muscle for every lb of fat".

Complete BS.

Dave Tate's Cutting Routine:

Initial Body Measurements:

February 20, 2006

Body Weight: 296 pounds
Body Fat Percentage: 19%
Lean Mass: 239.8 pounds
Fat Mass: 56.2 pounds

2 Month Check-Up:

April 23, 2006

Body Weight: 272 pounds
Body Fat Percentage: 12%
Lean Mass: 239.4 pounds
Fat Mass: 32.6 pounds

So let's see: He lost 23.6lbs of fat in 2 months and only .4lbs of lean body mass.

Gee. That throws your theory out the window.

Explain THIS.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
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a-unit, i respect you & nearly everything you write, but this 3:1 ratio seems pulled out of the air. i don't buy it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2006
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If it is possible, you have to work HARD. Not just hard at the gym, but making sure that you eat every 2 hours, with a good ammount of protien in each meal. Make sure you also use a lifting journal.

Sleep atleast 8 hours a day. In the middle of your sleep, wake up and eat something, take a wizz, go back to sleep. After you body runs out of protien, your body breaks down protiens from you muscels in order to keep its amino acid levels high. I found this overnight catabolism is pretty devestating for me, at it might be for other people in the 135 lbs and below weight class. If I sleep for 7+ hours, I make sure I have a midsleep protien shake

More about what happens to your body when you go to sleep:


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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Like always, be careful who you take advice from.. I doubt many people in this thread had gained 40lbs in their lifetimes, yet alone 40lbs of muscle.


Nov 2, 2006
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A-Unit just pulled a ratio out of his a$$. You can determine bullsh*t when someone gives a direct number to describe a subjective body. Good job calling him on it Call_Me_Daddy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Oxide said:
Like always, be careful who you take advice from.. I doubt many people in this thread had gained 40lbs in their lifetimes, yet alone 40lbs of muscle.
I've gained around 40lbs. Not all muscle though, and I was very skinnt when I started weight training. 145lb @ 5'11. Now I'm 180lbs. I went all the way up to around 195 a little more than a year ago, but I cut it down. Too much fat for me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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spesmilitis said:
In the middle of your sleep, wake up and eat something, take a wizz, go back to sleep.
I agree with everything except this. Not good to break sleep.

If you're worried about the protein... just get a casein supp and eat it before bed. Really slow digesting.

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Evidently alot of you guys are actually NEW to SoSuave. So I'll introduce myself.

"Hi I'm A-Unit, 26 years old, I research everything before I make a claim, I read everything, far out or not. If I make a statement I'll provide the source, and if you don't have contradicting information, then YOU ARE the one with bull**** info."

Now that we dispensed with the trivialties of male socializing...I dragged that info from Dr Gregory Ellis, who has a book, well over 500 pages on diet, fitness, macro nutrients and pretty much anything else. Like ALL statistics, it isn't PERFECT. It's more of an AVERAGE. If you've got not fat to lose, obviously you'll more muscle. And if you're ALL fat, then you'll lose more fat than muscle. Also included in weightloss/fatloss numbers should be water weight, which does have weight, right guys?

If you went on COMPLETE restriction or deprivation right would initially lose fat. THEN, once you've gone past what is theoretically a CLEANSING diet, you would pass into starvation and begin consuming muscle. Conversely when you begin lifting, a good bunch goes to muscle. Over time, the body will add more of it to fat. Which is why...dee, dee, dee...people cycle.

Before you guys start playing "Who's got the biggest prick," why don't you actually think a little more than you have been, eh? I've been here over 3 years, of which the last has been more pure stupidity than anything, so I'm not apt to troll or post crap that's unheard of. And...if you want to contradict something, provide reasons WHY, not pure idiotic diatride that spew forth on the boards.

Now...pray tell what is so off? Go research and let me know, ok? I realize it's not a precise science. ON average, it's 3lbs of fat to 1lb of muscle. If you're super obese, probably more. If you're super ripped, much less. If you're using drugs, then you can swing it in your favor. But since most of the boards are AVERAGE WHITE MALES, averages apply well.

I'll wait for the follow-ups Good Gents,



Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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I thought about this over the night - when you are on fatloss, you still lift.. so you generate muscle - which would result in gaining while losing it at the same time - so it could be possible to keep the same muscle amount or even gain a little bit on fatloss (i know people who have done this persoanlly, usually these are marginal gains though 1-5lbs).

AU, feel free to post or pm your pics to me if you want me to vouch for you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2006
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
I agree with everything except this. Not good to break sleep.

If you're worried about the protein... just get a casein supp and eat it before bed. Really slow digesting.
Waking up works for me. I have a feeling it might not work for everyone though. But, I have tested this on my own body and I find that waking up to replenish protien is effective for me.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2006
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A-unit is pretty legit guys, look up threads started by him. Other guys you can trust on here: warboss alex, effort, throttle. Look up threads started by these guys.

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
