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Is it normal to not get desired women when you're 18?


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2021
Reaction score
Hey, guys. I'm in 18 year old guy, who in high school could get almost every girl in my high school that was younger than me by at least one year. Now that I'm in college, I have less friends, and therefore less connections to women. I do however go up to women I see at the gym in person and employ game tactics. Being ****y and funny, but most of the time getting straight to the point ("hey, I think you're really cute. Can I have your number?"). I gave up on using game tactics via social media a year ago. I'm just wondering is it normal for me to have lower success being younger? Or am I doing something wrong? I haven't asked as many girls as I like. I will with time, however.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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Hey, guys. I'm in 18 year old guy, who in high school could get almost every girl in my high school that was younger than me by at least one year. Now that I'm in college, I have less friends, and therefore less connections to women. I do however go up to women I see at the gym in person and employ game tactics. Being ****y and funny, but most of the time getting straight to the point ("hey, I think you're really cute. Can I have your number?"). I gave up on using game tactics via social media a year ago. I'm just wondering is it normal for me to have lower success being younger? Or am I doing something wrong? I haven't asked as many girls as I like. I will with time, however.
Try 28 year olds. They will get turned on by the fact that you're just 18 years old.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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When I was 18 it was easy street for me with women. Now I’m approaching 40 and it’s a **** show. And I’m in better shape now than I was back then!


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2018
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I am pretty direct with my cold approaches, however, "hey, I think you're really cute. Can I have your number?" is not direct, it's simply uncalibrated and that is why women are turning you down. In HS you may have had better luck due to social proof and relying on your looks alone. You have no social proof at the gym (unless you have the kind of reputation there that women want), so unless you are a 9 or a 10, you'll need better social skills.

To paint an even more extreme example of what you are doing, imagine going up to a woman and saying, "You're cute, want to get married?" and actually meaning it. I say that sometimes as a joke and as a social freedom exercise, but only to women I have no intention of going out on a date with. Saying "you're cute" is fine, but asking for the number straight-away is not going to work. No one does that. You have to have a conversation first so she can assess you beyond your looks and determine if she is attracted to you. If you are really attractive, it will take less time and effort and the interaction won't need to go as smoothly, but the less attractive you are, the more you will have to make her tingle from your conversation with her. So learn how to banter and flirt with women and THEN ask for her number. Simple as that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I have to admit, I hung around some young dudes recently, and I'm impressed by how bold they are in asking women out. They didn't get any numbers, but that's some mad respect from me. They aren't bad looking either, just a different demographic (hispanic) than who they were going after (whites and asian hotties).


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Don't worry about it your still a kid , females (even ones your age) want men they just want to sense male dominance and power that you cannot display at 18

Just keep messing around being stupid do whatever you need to make mistakes and learn from them to become a man

I didn't even get laid until i was 20 because i was so useless

Pretty confident i could now walk into a room with a load of 18 year olds and have everyone of them drooling in about 30 mins

Funny enough i was in a bar a couple of weeks ago and opened 3 18 yr olds

they were in complete awe


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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At 18 years old, the only thing you have to offer women is social status. That’s why they all flock to the athletes and big time fraternities on campus. They’re also trying to get their back blown out by upperclassmen, not freshman. It’s just the order of things.

Willie Naylor

Nov 2, 2021
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I'd love to be 18 again.

Now, I'm 37 and sometimes fall asleep with crumbs on my shirt.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2016
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18-20 is kinda no mans land from a social perspective unless you have a social pipeline like an active dorm who hosts or gets invited to parties. I found the Greek System sure was a good conduit for meeting women, although my approach was not as effective from inexperience. Luckily there were enough women that I eventually stumbled into bed with a few , and met my future wife.

So I'd work to develop friendships with other GUYS in your course of study. The hopes being that as a group you can host and attend small social functions. Usually one or two of the guys with girlfriends would have single friends they would bring along to :

Watch Super Bowl
Watch World Series
Have an off Campus Holiday get together
Movie Marathon
Bonfire inthe Patio
Pool party.
Basically trade off who hosts at their apartment so it's not your place getting trashed every weekend.

You are going to meet these people in :
Campus wide clubs (also a resume builder) find one that focuses on LEADERSHIP.
College (course of Study) clubs
Intramural sports
On Campus Jobs . My job at the Student Union introduced me to so many attractive women, it was amazing.
Creating a study group for your classes with a mix of guys and girls.

Once you turn 21 then you can hit the clubs and bars, but focus on building that social circle now.

THAT is the College Experience every Freshman needs to have.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2021
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I am pretty direct with my cold approaches, however, "hey, I think you're really cute. Can I have your number?" is not direct, it's simply uncalibrated and that is why women are turning you down. In HS you may have had better luck due to social proof and relying on your looks alone. You have no social proof at the gym (unless you have the kind of reputation there that women want), so unless you are a 9 or a 10, you'll need better social skills.

To paint an even more extreme example of what you are doing, imagine going up to a woman and saying, "You're cute, want to get married?" and actually meaning it. I say that sometimes as a joke and as a social freedom exercise, but only to women I have no intention of going out on a date with. Saying "you're cute" is fine, but asking for the number straight-away is not going to work. No one does that. You have to have a conversation first so she can assess you beyond your looks and determine if she is attracted to you. If you are really attractive, it will take less time and effort and the interaction won't need to go as smoothly, but the less attractive you are, the more you will have to make her tingle from your conversation with her. So learn how to banter and flirt with women and THEN ask for her number. Simple as that.
Most helpful info. Thank you. So how does "I like your___ tell me about your____sound?"

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
Hey, guys. I'm in 18 year old guy, who in high school could get almost every girl in my high school that was younger than me by at least one year. Now that I'm in college, I have less friends, and therefore less connections to women. I do however go up to women I see at the gym in person and employ game tactics. Being ****y and funny, but most of the time getting straight to the point ("hey, I think you're really cute. Can I have your number?"). I gave up on using game tactics via social media a year ago. I'm just wondering is it normal for me to have lower success being younger? Or am I doing something wrong? I haven't asked as many girls as I like. I will with time, however.
You are 18, and therefore still a kid. Focus on bigger things than women. Work your butt off and build something for your future. You have no idea that you have the world at your feet if you wanted to build an empire.

Women will be a distraction and obstruction of that.

At the end of the day, you will do what you believe is right, and that is the difference between a man and a kid. Not how many lays you have but rather what kinds of beliefs he possesses and how he acts upon them.

Modern Man Advice


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2021
Reaction score
You are 18, and therefore still a kid. Focus on bigger things than women. Work your butt off and build something for your future. You have no idea that you have the world at your feet if you wanted to build an empire.

Women will be a distraction and obstruction of that.

At the end of the day, you will do what you believe is right, and that is the difference between a man and a kid. Not how many lays you have but rather what kinds of beliefs he possesses and how he acts upon them.

Modern Man Advice
If an up and coming Porche MSAT and future tuning company as well as a growing Roth IRA isn't enough to convince you that I am trying to fulfill myself and my future, then I don't know what will. I plan on moving to LA and I don't want to see myself having trouble with women that I very well will have the financial, possibly social proof to get. I'm trying to hit the ground running. I've read all of Rollo Tomassi's books and have studied female rhetoric and characteristics via in-person interaction. Taking note of past experiences and current experiences. I want to get my game strait, so it's like a second nature when I'm in LA.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2021
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I hear women in LA will tear you apart. To "get used to it" I'm trying my best with the circumstances at hand of me living in Phoenix AZ.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2018
Reaction score
Most helpful info. Thank you. So how does "I like your___ tell me about your____sound?"
That is a good start, but there is a wealth of information to learn. It took me several years to get great at it. There are countless threads in here, and videos on youtube talking about "day-game" and "cold approach". Plenty of them are bad, some of them are great, and all of them (good or bad) have at least some haters here on this forum. I would start your research and form your own opinion on who's suggestions seem like they would work.

I will give you an example of a direct opener and an indirect opener situation I've had.

Direct: Saw a girl in Target and she was just my type. Slender, long legs, blond, very cute. She was using the self-checkout so wasn't a great place to stop her and have a conversation so I waited outside the front door for her and when she came out, I stepped in front of her while she was a couple yards away and said, "Excuse me, I know it's a little odd to approach a stranger, but you caught my eye in there and I just wanted to meet you." She blushed and said, "Oh, ok" and stopped to have a conversation. I said, "So what are you buying all this stuff for?" She explained and that opened up 100 other things I could dig into. The goal is to be a mile deep and an inch wide - don't just ask a bunch of questions and accept her first answer each time, moving on to a different topic after each question. IE she says she likes photography. Make her tell you why she likes it. Go deep into it. How does it make her feel, when did she know she liked it, etc. Then relate what she says to something you have experienced (it could be the same hobby as hers or it could be something different, but gave you the same emotion she said photography gave to her). After a few minutes, you say, "Well listen, I have to get going but we should get together soon." Don't ask - tell. But even though you aren't technically asking, she still basically has to say yes or no and if it's yes, ask her for her number and then reach out in a couple days to set the date for a specific time and place.

Indirect: Saw a really young (23 looked 18) girl at the grocery store wearing yoga pants and just my type. We ended up looking at the organic nut-butters at the same time and I said, "It's always hard to find one that doesn't have sugar added to it" and she said yeah and made some comment about nut butters and then I asked her what she was going to make with it and then that lead to other topics. Said we should hang out same as in my Direct opener example above and she said yes.

When being direct, women know what you mean when you say, "you caught my eye", but in some cases I have also said things like, "Hey, I noticed you from the park bench and you look so damn stunning in that dress that I just had to come and find out who you are". When cold approaching, I find most women actually respond better to direct approaches. This is because if you are indirect, they don't know what you want - there is a LOT of pressure there for a woman (who are smaller and more vulnerable). Is he going to ask me for money? Is he a meth-head? Is he a weirdo? Is he going to ask me to sell Amway? WHAT DOES HE WANT?!?! Sometimes a girl who might be interested may just be so nervous by the pressure of not knowing exactly why you are talking to her that she may come off as disinterested even if she isn't. When you put it right out on the table directly, you can see most of them breathe a sigh of relief and immediately feel comfortable.

Be careful with Rollo. I agree with most of what he says but it can make you black-pill, and some of it is a bit too black and white for me.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
If an up and coming Porche MSAT and future tuning company as well as a growing Roth IRA isn't enough to convince you that I am trying to fulfill myself and my future, then I don't know what will. I plan on moving to LA and I don't want to see myself having trouble with women that I very well will have the financial, possibly social proof to get. I'm trying to hit the ground running. I've read all of Rollo Tomassi's books and have studied female rhetoric and characteristics via in-person interaction. Taking note of past experiences and current experiences. I want to get my game strait, so it's like a second nature when I'm in LA.
Well, then that is a good start. Think long-term financial stability. Proud of you for taking care of those first steps. Materialistic things do not impress me, a girl may be, but not men.

Remember, that validation is not a male trait. Men do not need to convince others or validate themselves. At least not real men.

If you need to say you're alpha, you're not.

Real men simply do and live as such.

You do not need social proof, let go of that social construct. There is only you vs you.

But hey if the lays and social proof are important to you, there are other members here that focus more don't that stuff. I can't help you with that. It's too surface-level to be interested in helping you that way.

Good luck.

Modern Man Advice


Apr 5, 2021
Reaction score
If an up and coming Porche MSAT and future tuning company as well as a growing Roth IRA isn't enough to convince you that I am trying to fulfill myself and my future, then I don't know what will. I plan on moving to LA and I don't want to see myself having trouble with women that I very well will have the financial, possibly social proof to get. I'm trying to hit the ground running. I've read all of Rollo Tomassi's books and have studied female rhetoric and characteristics via in-person interaction. Taking note of past experiences and current experiences. I want to get my game strait, so it's like a second nature when I'm in LA.
It's not about whether or not you can get girls with money.... It's about why would you want to?

Having fun is one thing, but trying to form something real based on money? No way.

I Googled Rollo Tomassi one time and he looks like a heroine addict. Not sure how he got God status around here.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
Being ****y and funny, but most of the time getting straight to the point ("hey, I think you're really cute. Can I have your number?"). I gave up on using game tactics via social media a year ago. I'm just wondering is it normal for me to have lower success being younger? Or am I doing something wrong? I haven't asked as many girls as I like. I will with time, however.
Just be careful with the funny part, many of us when we were young, turned into the dancing monkey, magician. And even worse that beta male giggle that comes out when you think things are going good.

funny should only be a light vaneer, you should be cool and collective the rest of the time.