Honestly, you can just put up a youtube search that "no guys show up to singles" (events) and you'll see a list of videos pile up like crazy. Here are a couple of them.
I initially found this from Better Bachelor and Phil Scott Show, but can't find the specific videos from their channels with that stats. It might be there under a different title. However, it is an extreme trend. Chances are, if the internet rumours are true, if you go to any single's mixer or event, you'll likely have a great sex ratio working in your favour.
It still begs the question. Guys are still not showing up to those events because they know they are wasting their time. Women have unrealistic expectations that only 5-10% of the male population can reach, and those guys have so many options already from dating apps or elsewhere that why would they bother going to such an event when they can get women throwing themselves at them online and coming straight to their home? For guys that are struggling, the women already gut punched them with their bad behaviour, ghosting, flaking, throwing themselves on Chad but making them jump through endless hoops, etc.... Why would they bother showing up for more of the same?
Guys are not avoiding women. They don't feel these women want them in the first place so there is no point trying.