Mirage said:
Nice, didn’t think about that. Well done. I’ll keep that in mind.
You should really try a bunch of different things and figure out what works for YOU. I'm a wordy dude; write poetry, have extensively studied pursuassion, NLP, Copywriting... Mostly because I knew it'd make me better with seduction through the written word.
I think a lot of people get messed up when they seek advice and then mix all the advice together. When what works for me, might not work well for the next guy... This also applies to offline game.
I don't eve know if my game is transferable because it has to be completely conguent with who you are as a person. The "spam for date" guys are offering a much more "open source" type of method and is probably better for the beginner.
Mirage said:
I’d be interested to read how you proceeded to coax her to agree to this. I would imagine this was the result of a previous flirtatious message, but still.
If it gets to the point where I'm pitching a meetup at one of our places - it's because I've already gotten plenty of IOI signals from her; AND i've screened out the possibility that she'd be bad in bed.
When i get 'token' resistance to the idea of hanging out at one of our houses. I feel free to engage her logically. She WANTS to come see me; she just needs to be able to justify it in her head as to not feel like a s!ut.
Overall: I'll tell her how much easier it is to get to know someone when you're in a private setting. Might even mention it's more romantic. Will say TRUST ME, a lot.
If she objects that i might be a killer so she'd rather meet me out: I'll tell her she must have the greatest people reading skills of all time to be able to know if a guy is a killer, and that im leaving a terrible paper trail for myself. They normally concede this issue, and I'll say "the real issue if you just want to make sure I look like my pictures. so theres a little mall down the road from where i live, we'll meet there and you can follow me back to my place as long as we're both who we say we are." Most of the time this is enough.
If she objects because she doesn't want to give the impression that she's coming over for sex or anything along these lines: I'll tell her I have to feel our vibe in person before even considering sex (truth) and that i've had plenty of girls over and didn't fvck them (truth) because the vibe wasn't there. "Still had fun though".
Those are the two main objections, and the 2 main ways i deal with it.
Mirage said:
Perhaps there would be ways to improve those odds. 8-9 positive is pretty good but 1 or 2 for sex seems it could be better (no offence). I like your direct approach. I’ve actually tried being super open about my intentions. I pretty much wrote: “Would you like to have sex” to three or four different women.
I've never asked a girl if she'd like to have sex. It's only implied; only hinted; the sex is the bloodstream of the fliratcious banter though.
I also am not "super open" about my intentions. You don't need to be, most these women have "super open" legs when the guy attracts them enough. It's only a matter of that.
Mirage said:
I wouldn’t be insulted if a woman asked me if I wanted to sleep with her.
She's not insulted; she's just not attracted enough to you to consider the request as anything more than pathetic. Get a male models pic and ask her the same thing.... See what part of her body blows then...
Mirage said:
Oh I only want to have sex with them. I don’t think that’s morally wrong or unethical. I resent the part about being devious about it but if there’s no other way, gonna have to bite the bullet on that one.
You don't have to be devious or lie. Women rarely ask for intent so don't volenteer it (that's a question men ask women in hopes of hearing something that'll make it easy for them.) If a woman does ask me: "I don't like that question because it changes from person to person. Do you want the same thing from each person in your life?"
Mirage said:
Anyways, I’d rather take real situations as opposed to talking about things in a general fashion.
Take this girl for instance:
See, for me, this picture sends the message that the girl is looking for sex.
What kind of first message would you send to convey this idea while, I guess, being indirect enough that she won’t freak out like that other girl?
Girls put up pics looking like they want sex for the guys they'd want to have sex with!
If their reaction to you hitting on them in a sexual way is negative - that only means you aren't the type of guy she wants to hit on her like that.
When i hit on a woman who i think are the "upper levels" looks wise of online dating (the ones who get 100-200 messages a day). I push "@sshole game" hardcore on them and if I can get them engaged in the conversation (even if it's insults back and fourth) I then work on transfering that energy to sexual energy. This has worked for me with the hottest ones i've fvcked from online.
The last one was a clear bad girl from her pics; but had about how she wants a nice guy and she's tired of cheaters, etc in her profile (typical blah blah). My approach to her was basic and she rejected it; so i went with...
Me: You don't really want a nice guy; you'd chew him up and spit him out and leave him broken. Better you stick with what you're good at.
Her: Lol and what am I good at?
Me: Attracting what you are.
Well, you'd have thought I'd spit lava in her face. But it didn't matter. We went at it for about a hour; all that mattered was that she was responding and investing a lot of emotion into her responses.
She got to school and told me she had to go (just like that.)
And yet she kept responding to me and each time was getting softer. To the point i asked told her "stop writing me; pay attention to class" and she said "but you're more interesting."
About a week later she made th drive from about a hour away to come to my place....
It rarely works that well though. But that's how I've landed most of the hotter level girls on there.... By p!ssing them off first and then refusing to care.