The final effects of no more races.
I’ve always thought that Jane Fonda was really beautiful. I haven’t seen her for awhile, but I will always remember “Barbarella” and the way she looked in that film. But if I had the chance to re-design her, I think it would be with a loop at the back of her neck and a string to be pulled when you wanted her to speak. There would be a canned set of about two hundred things she could say and that’s all. She was so bent out of shape about the whales, meanwhile, the entire White race is being bred out of existence. Not to worry, though, someday we will all be only one color and there will be no more races. “After all,” she probably thinks, “the concept of Race is outmoded and only a social construct, so in time this too shall pass.” That is, if she thinks anything at all.
Of course, a couple of months ago, they traced an American Black woman’s genetic code to some obscure tribe in east Africa that is almost extinct there. Her family line had been in the US about two hundred years and she didn’t have a clue to her real lineage. I wonder if this kind of thing would make Jane rethink her ideas? Probably not. Learning disabilities, and difficulty in conceptual reasoning plague her. But she is/was beautiful.
Somewhere, people who advocate race-mixing think that races will disappear someday. The desirability of this notion has supporters in thoughts other than racially related ideas. These other supporters believe that Race is the cause of all wars and physical strife in the world. And, most wars are between different gene sets, even families get into wars. Tribes get into wars…and nations??? Wow! When people get into fights, they have, shall we say “ideological conflicts”, and so, the theory goes, if we all were of the same race, most of the reasons for physical violence would be eradicated.
So what would the conditions be if we were all the same?
The process goes like this. Characteristics have a tendency to seek the average of themselves. Tall people have tall children, short people have short children, and a tall person and a short person will tend to have children who’s height will be in the middle somewhere. Race mixing would include this mechanism at a much more fundamental level. Understand also that this process is pretty slow, since it takes generations to achieve the end result. If you only look at your children, for example, you would have a tough time predicting what your great great great grandchildren would look like. At least with correct instruction, they would be in your same race.
Many people who believe that race-mixing is a good idea also think that inbreeding causes morons. This is promoted by snickers and laughter behind the hand on the popular TV shows etc. This idea is completely wrong. The only way inbreeding causes morons is if the genetic codes of the parents were predisposed to produce moronic children. If the two people were rocket scientists, their children would also be very intelligent. So inbreeding of itself does not cause retarded children at all.
The fabulous idea of a one world government, one kind of people, no nations etc. promotes the “one race” idea all the time. But the idea of no more races revolves around two poles: inbreeding vs. outbreeding. With inbreeding, gene sets find commonality and relate in that way. Their characteristics are reinforced at each instance. They continue to seek each other, and in fact, races come about this way. There are different races of horses, for example. With outbreeding, the genetic gene sets disperse into the general milieu, and their specificity is completely lost. A drop of Coke in a Coke will not change the drink, and a drop of Coke in the sea will not change the sea.
One extremely important characteristic for everyone is intelligence. Like all the others, this characteristic also averages the values of the parents. In the one world concept of one race, there would also be only one level of intelligence. Everyone would have the same IQ and that would be 100, the average. As time went on, and people became more “normal”, the number of idiots would gradually diminish, but the number of geniuses would diminish also. It is the geniuses who solve the world’s problems. With only people whose IQs were 100, there would be no more solutions for the complex problems we see being solved everyday. If you think the Dark Ages were bad, just imagine a world with no creativity, no structure, no art, no music and no cultural lead maintained by anyone anywhere. The characteristics of music, art, conceptual reasoning, objective thinking etc. are all built into the genetic code and they would be lost in the sea of averages FOREVER! No plague could do worse, no nuclear wars, no cataclysmic meteor or earthquake or climate shift could match the effects of the “one race only” idea if it were to succeed. In any imaginable scenario, the remaining people could rebuild a civilization, but to have all of the characteristics of all of the people evenly distributed throughout everyone everywhere would not be recoverable. It would be impossible to unravel the error.
So who is the “hater”? Observe: someone writes in and asks about interracial dating and its consequences and some encourage it. They encourage the person to undertake a taste of something new, perhaps thinking that it could be developed into an appetite? And, as we have seen, the person would encounter a dramatically increased possibility of a venereal disease and death. A monumental increase in the probability of divorce would occur, and mongrelized children would certainly be the outcome of a marriage. The children would suffer for such an indiscretion too. Hate upon Hate upon Hate.