Incels are a subculture of mostly young men who feel frustrated because they are unable to form romantic or sexual relationships. While most incels do not engage in violence, some discussions within the community involve suicide, self-harm, and admiration for violent acts committed by others in the name of inceldom. The ideology of incels has been linked to several mass murders and deaths since 2014.
Interestingly, the participants expressed a desire for help in areas such as improving their looks, social skills, and maximizing their attractiveness. However, they showed skepticism towards traditional mental health therapy and believed that their challenges were primarily physical rather than psychological.
Common coping strategies included engaging in media entertainment like video games, consuming pornography, using social media, and turning to food.
Incels experience a complex combination of psychiatric symptoms but feel they cannot be helped by mental health professionals
People who identify as incels (involuntary celibates) have higher rates of self-reported mental health disorders compared to the general male population, according to new research published in Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. Despite their elevated psychiatric symptoms...
Interestingly, the participants expressed a desire for help in areas such as improving their looks, social skills, and maximizing their attractiveness. However, they showed skepticism towards traditional mental health therapy and believed that their challenges were primarily physical rather than psychological.
Common coping strategies included engaging in media entertainment like video games, consuming pornography, using social media, and turning to food.