Master Don Juan
My father always told me I should try to be BETTER then him, so the relationship i seek with sarah or who ever I end up with will be similar, but like a version 2.0 more updated, better faster. My father and I are very similar in that we both good listeners and are both well rounded but i'm definately going to surpass him sooner or later in terms of our ideas and quaities. Sarah Is in many ways very much like my mom, but in my eyes she's better becaue she's more on my level then my mom was with my father. My parents had things work out very well for them working in tandem as a team, I hope to form a team that is one step better then theirs. Oddly enough at first my dad made more money then my mom then when they started dating my mom was the primary fiancial earner then my dad got promoted and he made more. It went back and forth for a few years promotions, new jobs etc etc. My parents knew that having respect for one another and making joint decisions in all matters was the best way to go. They're both very strong minded and stern when it comes to people outside our immeadeate family. They'll do anything to protect one another and their only son (me). I'm not sure how long my parents courted before they married, but it was definately through work that they met I remember my mother telling me something about meetings they met at. Neither of them was wealthy before they met, they built their wealth together.Originally posted by Brother_Rapp
Brother Rapp
If you are going to compare your parent’s marriage to a probable marriage between you and your girlfriend, then questions have to be answered as to the similarity of the two. Let's not compare apples to oranges. How much are you and your dad alike? The same should be asked of your mother and your girlfriend. Is your mother as domineering as your girlfriend? Who made the most money between your dad and mom? What were your parent’s individual financial status before they got married? How long did your parents know each other before they got married? How many sisters and brothers do you have? How is the birth of each of them spread out? How long after they were married was the first child born? You also said that behind their relationship you turned out okay (you’re okay with the way you turned out). Who knows what lies in the dark corners of another person’s brain? Although you sound like it, we have only your word that you’re a pretty stable and sane individual. And last, did either of your parents cheat on the other and to what extent can you be sure of your answer?
I think I'm okay because with my private school education came an expencive school psychitirst who said to me "you are one of the most honorable young men I've ever met" after he gave me full bill of mental stability. Oddly enough I've heard similar things come from people my entire life. I may only be 24 but my philosphies and values compare to people with several times my life experience, because that's how my parents raised and taught me to be.
I can never truely know if my parents have ever cheated on each other. I mean if they did It's one of the best kept secrets in our family because I've never heard anything about it from either side of my extended family. Obviously my parents wouldn't tell me if they did or didn't but I highly doubt it. My parents are like best friends. Like I said the team always came first with them and I can't decribe the level of respect and appreciation they have for one another. Not saying they have the prefect marriage, because no marriage is perfect, there's always work to be done. But my parents are both still together and I can see the love they have for one another in their eyes when they're together, because they're best friends. I'm trying to best them but It won't be easy but I'm pretty sure I'm on the right track with my current interest.