Improving social proof.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
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New Member
Apr 14, 2007
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I support banning his IP. He adds no value to this forum.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
stfu people.

leave him alone... literally... as in stop replying to him.

quit making all of his threads 2-3 pages long.

he's not going to disagree with you guys anymore... he's just going to agree now but keep saying "yeah i can do it... ill do it tomorrow... yeah i'll do this..." to bump the topic back to the top of the list.

you can't IP ban him and expect him not to come back if hes uses a proxy. (he'll come back either way pretty much)

ask the mods to report him to his internet provider and shut him down if he keeps coming back for using a proxy after being banned. if he really is a high school kid being a troll... his parents will beat his ass for having their internet shut down.

if not... either way he has no more internet.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
1. First, he b1tches and moans about his pathetic life, tells everybody how nonexistent his social life and social skills are, begs for advice on how to change.
2. People are compassionate and give him lengthy, good advice.
3. He ungratefully rejects their advice. He argues and tells them why they are wrong, and why he is right, despite his complete lack of success.
4. People get pissed and diss him and make fun of him for being the loser that he describes himself as.
5. He pathetically attempts to defend himself, suddenly denying everything he said in his initial post. Conveniently after someone disses him he is no longer a "loser" even tho he makes a post called how to stop being a loser. He suddenly has friends and "enough social proof" despite the thread being about getting social proof.
6. He gets frustrated and says something along the lines of f*ck it, i'm just gonna do it anyway, i don't care what you guys say, i don't need the forum
7. he leaves and comes back a week later.
8. repeat
Well one thing, you're really great at pulling stuff out of your ass. I would argue, but I really don't see any value in doing it. I can safely say that "1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8" are utter BS and NEVER happened.

I don't got time for this. You kids keep arguing while I do something that actually improves my life. This thread is pretty much worthless to me now.

he's not going to disagree with you guys anymore... he's just going to agree now but keep saying "yeah i can do it... ill do it tomorrow... yeah i'll do this..." to bump the topic back to the top of the list.
Nope wrong. If it's up to me, this thread while die down like the worthless piece of crap it is. The only way it's going to get bumped to the top again is if one of you bumps it.

I support banning his IP. He adds no value to this forum.
Haha, nice making another account just to say this SUPERCHILL89. If it wasn't SUPERCHILL it was MICHELE. I actually thought it was really someone else until I saw the post count of "1".

A problem that I've noticed with you Superchill89 is YOU HATE PEOPLE DISAGREEING WITH YOU. I'm wrong? No, I disagree with you, block you, and then you come here badmouthing me. What a hater. You like to think your advice is LAW. Man, if you were a dictator and someone even slightly disagreed with you, you would send them to their deathbed. Let's be glad people like you don't have power. You think you're HOLIER THAN THOU.

And Michele, you're an idiot as always. You know, I would get mad at you, but seeing as the majority of your post contribute nothing to the forum, it's a wonder that you're talking about ANYONE being a "high school troll". Hell, atleast I have proof that I'm improving(My approach journal). You just post crappy threads asking for help and give really bad advice. Not just to me, but to everyone. At least superchill gives decent advice and has proof of his game, he just can't take people disagreeing with him.

I see no value in making friends when the friends I have now are fine.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
WesCottII said:
Shut up Viper.
Maybe he should make it less obvious then. I think superchill's sick in the mind or something, so obsessed with getting me banned just because I slightly disagreed with his advice. I agree with all the other advice he gives and then I "slightly" disagree with one piece of advice, and he trys to f*cking trash me by saying I don't take advice from ANYONE, and all that other sh*t. He probably does the same crap when somebody disagrees with him in real life too. This isn't about social proof, high school, girls, being a don juan or any of that, it's about your inability to act maturely when someone disagrees with you. You know I'm right. I should be banned because you're immature? I don't think so. Besides, mods can look back at any of my past threads and see that I clearly take advice. Also, let's remember this thread would still be on page 1 if it weren't for superchill's little outburst.


He didn't do what I told him to and what he promised me he would do
I never promised you anything, fool.

he argued against everything I told him, and told him to do
Oh you know that's bullshit. You liar. Proof that it's bullsh*t is you told me that social proof is important to girls, and now I've started to hang out more with my friends at lunch, and I'm no longer sitting alone. I also got one of the friends numbers, and we're going to chill this weekend. Liar. I only disagreed when you started giving illogical advice. "You already have friends you can hang out with, but for no apparent reason, approach other guys and make friends with them" WTF? I already have friends I can hang out with that are quite social, why do I need to approach other guys when I can just make friends through the friends I already have? It's a lot more natural then approaching other guys which feels downright awkward.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
LOL are you serious? no wonder you're a sped
Yeah, uh, whatever the hell that means. I don't really care what it means myself.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah yeah. Don't try to justify it. Anyway, if you wont let this thread die, I'll make my best attempt to do it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
by the way, sped means special ed, aka retarded. that really does explain a lot. he told me himself that he was placed in a sped program. so , as my farewell message, for everybody that considers helping him: he has a learning disability and is mentally retarded , meaning he simply is unable to learn this material. don't bother trying to teach him.
Haha, what's up with you and this lying? Hey, yeah, I am. But you sir are an idiot for ever thinking being in a "sped" program means retarded. No one in the program is "retarded"(There's a whole nother program for people who are retarded) and to tell the truth, some of the most socialble people in the school are in this program, proving my point. Besides, it's not like it's your choice, it's the schools. But man, you know I told you I didn't have a learning disability(Want to lie about that too, so I can show everyone the LOG?), you liar. I hope you burn in hell for all the lying you do. Also, you much be pretty damn stupid to believe someone who's retarded could type all this. If I really DID have a learning disability I wouldn't be able to type, play music, program, or do any of the sh*t I do.


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
limerickC1 (11:36:56 AM): I DISAGREE WITH U!
limerickC1 (11:36:58 AM): U MAD?
superchill89 (11:37:12 AM): no
limerickC1 (11:37:25 AM): kk i just proved ElStud wrong then
limerickC1 (11:37:27 AM): =)
ElStud - you've been on this site for 4 years and you have less knowledge than I do, a newbie of 4 months... You're not one that can turn down ANY advice.
You don't know Superchill so don't assume shyt, k? You can never have enough friends, high school is all about networking. The main problem I see with you is that you're way too dependent on us to tell you exactly what to do. You have to be independent. All this pickup shyt is just a way to teach you a basic skill set from which you develop your own skills.

I also have a hard time believing that you have a lot of friends in real life. You can't even make friends on the internet, the easiest place to make friends. I suggest you listen more in real life and online if you want help and respect, otherwise they won't help or respect you.

long story short...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
limerick said:
ElStud - you've been on this site for 4 years and you have less knowledge than I do, a newbie of 4 months... You're not one that can turn down ANY advice.
You don't know Superchill so don't assume shyt, k? You can never have enough friends, high school is all about networking. The main problem I see with you is that you're way too dependent on us to tell you exactly what to do. You have to be independent. All this pickup shyt is just a way to teach you a basic skill set from which you develop your own skills.

I also have a hard time believing that you have a lot of friends in real life. You can't even make friends on the internet, the easiest place to make friends. I suggest you listen more in real life and online if you want help and respect, otherwise they won't help or respect you.

long story short...
Haha, man, that AIM convo was a horrible attempt to prove me wrong. You could at least disagreed about SOMETHING.

Anyway, point is, superchill has an anger problem. You can justify him all you like, but when someone OUTBURSTS on somebody for disagreeing with them, you know they have problems. Anyway, go ahead talk all the sh*t and lies you want about me, I got better things to do then argue with a couple losers over the internet. While I was wasting my time arguing with you, I could've been playing a video game, approaching a girl, playing guitar, hanging with my friends. I would've thought you guys had better things to do too, but apparently I was wrong. You two are a waste of my time.

Thai Foon

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
I told you your methods were pointless. I already have friends, I have no reason to get new ones. I'm happy with the friends I have, I don't need new ones. These friends are pretty much all the social proof I need, and since my friends are pretty well known, I make friends off of them. I'm not going to cold approach another guy. I blocked you for a good reason, your advice is not helping me at all, especially when I'm fine how I am.
Some viper quotes:

"Well alright, even though I have several hobbies, I've pretty much always been a loser. Basically what I mean by loser, is not that I don't have any hobbies or anything, but it's that I don't have any friends. "

"The reason I don't have any friends, is that I'm just afraid of going up to people, and starting conversation with them. My biggest fear, is that they're just not going to like me, which is also the reason that I'm afraid to approach woman. "

"Well, in school I pretty much have no friends, and I want to change that, but I'm not sure how."

ElStud said:
Haha, man, that AIM convo was a horrible attempt to prove me wrong. You could at least disagreed about SOMETHING.

Anyway, point is, superchill has an anger problem. You can justify him all you like, but when someone OUTBURSTS on somebody for disagreeing with them, you know they have problems. Anyway, go ahead talk all the sh*t and lies you want about me, I got better things to do then argue with a couple losers over the internet. While I was wasting my time arguing with you, I could've been playing a video game, approaching a girl, playing guitar, hanging with my friends. I would've thought you guys had better things to do too, but apparently I was wrong. You two are a waste of my time.
"What I'm aiming to do is get a group of friends that I can hang with outside of school. I already have a lot of people who just say hey, and small talk to me, but no one who I can hang outside of school."

lol, okay viper.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
What I'm aiming to do is get a group of friends that I can hang with outside of school. I already have a lot of people who just say hey, and small talk to me, but no one who I can hang outside of school.

I told you your methods were pointless. I already have friends, I have no reason to get new ones. I'm happy with the friends I have, I don't need new ones. These friends are pretty much all the social proof I need, and since my friends are pretty well known, I make friends off of them.

While I was wasting my time arguing with you, I could've been playing a video game, approaching a girl, playing guitar, hanging with my friends.
In only a few days!!!!

Mods, close this thread please...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
What are you waiting for? For me to defend myself? No, I don't need to prove anything to myself. God damn it, stop posting in this topic.

Touchout said:


In only a few days!!!!

Mods, close this thread please...
To tell you the truth, I've actually known all of those guys for a while. I just haven't started really socializing with them until recently. Don't believe me? Oh that's too bad, I wish I cared.

Thai Foon said:
Some viper quotes:

"Well alright, even though I have several hobbies, I've pretty much always been a loser. Basically what I mean by loser, is not that I don't have any hobbies or anything, but it's that I don't have any friends. "

"The reason I don't have any friends, is that I'm just afraid of going up to people, and starting conversation with them. My biggest fear, is that they're just not going to like me, which is also the reason that I'm afraid to approach woman. "

"Well, in school I pretty much have no friends, and I want to change that, but I'm not sure how."

"What I'm aiming to do is get a group of friends that I can hang with outside of school. I already have a lot of people who just say hey, and small talk to me, but no one who I can hang outside of school."

lol, okay viper.
Nice job not checking any of my recent threads buddy. All those threads are old and I've changed since then. I even posted an approach journal, which you would know about if you checked ANY of my threads as ElStud.

And you misunderstood what I meant by "friends" in that post. There are tons of people who say hi to me, and even make small talk to me that I can along with, but I don't really consider them "real" friends. I consider a real friend someone who I can hang out with during the weekends. I guess I could also consider a few people on the wrestling team friends.

Thai Foon

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Nice job not checking any of my recent threads buddy. All those threads are old and I've changed since then. I even posted an approach journal, which you would know about if you checked ANY of my threads as ElStud.

And you misunderstood what I meant by "friends" in that post. There are tons of people who say hi to me, and even make small talk to me that I can along with, but I don't really consider them "real" friends. I consider a real friend someone who I can hang out with during the weekends. I guess I could also consider a few people on the wrestling team friends.
Nice job making a complete change in less than one month. Youve been here about three YEARS, about time.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Thai Foon said:
Nice job making a complete change in less than one month. Youve been here about three YEARS, about time.
What complete change? I just started to approach girls again. What complete change? That's not even a big change. If you're talking people saying hey and starting small talk with me, they've always done that, no change there.


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Haha, man, that AIM convo was a horrible attempt to prove me wrong. You could at least disagreed about SOMETHING.

Anyway, point is, superchill has an anger problem. You can justify him all you like, but when someone OUTBURSTS on somebody for disagreeing with them, you know they have problems. Anyway, go ahead talk all the sh*t and lies you want about me, I got better things to do then argue with a couple losers over the internet. While I was wasting my time arguing with you, I could've been playing a video game, approaching a girl, playing guitar, hanging with my friends. I would've thought you guys had better things to do too, but apparently I was wrong. You two are a waste of my time.
lol that was a joke. you're an idiot. I find it kind of funny how you just can't seem to keep your story straight... I also find it funny how u like to antagonize anyone that disagrees with you and try to make them sound like retards. If they're so messed up and retarded... why are we flaming you and not him? If you're not willing to take advice, and criticism I think you should just leave this site and get a credit card and buy yourself some pretty neat porn because at this rate you will never be a PUA.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
limerick said:
lol that was a joke. you're an idiot. I find it kind of funny how you just can't seem to keep your story straight... I also find it funny how u like to antagonize anyone that disagrees with you and try to make them sound like retards. If they're so messed up and retarded... why are we flaming you and not him? If you're not willing to take advice, and criticism I think you should just leave this site and get a credit card and buy yourself some pretty neat porn because at this rate you will never be a PUA.
No, you see jokes are suppose to be funny therefore that doesn't qualify as a joke. I'm not going to bother saying anything about the other stuff you wrote since it's all pretty much inaccurate. Haha, I find it funny you say I can't keep my story straight just because you're too dumb to understand it. I mean seriously, a two year old could understand it. Yeah, you're right, if I keep taking advice from losers who do nothing but argue on the internet all day(superchill and limerick), I'll NEVER be a PUA. Oh, I take advice, just NOT YOUR ADVICE. And that's why you're p*ssed, I take everyone elses advice and not yours. I'm NOT about to take advice from some losers who just want to argue all day. You know why no one else in the forum really cares about this topic? They're mature, they know when to shut up. There you go again I didn't "ANTAGONIZE EVERYONE" who disagreed with me, I only antagonized superchill because he did it to me first. Letting people know the truth because they were obviously misinformed, is not antagonizing. Look up the definition, you might learn something and be a little less stupider than you were before.

You two have a habit of taking something I did to you, and putting "EVERYONE" on it.

If you're not willing to take advice,
Oh, I'm willing to take advice, but not from you. Anyone who believes this crap limerick post is an idiot. You can even go into my past threads and see that I clearly take it. Limericks angry because I didn't "kiss superchill's ass". I followed all his advice to a certain point, but then he just started giving stupid, nonsensical advice, that would in no way help me. Whether or not I use his "approach other guys" sh*t, won't affect me becoming a PUA or not. Hell, I already have friends, I don't need to do that. And if I continue hanging with my current friends, I'll be able to make even more friends through them. Then there are always people in band and track I can become friends with... I don't need to do that g*y approaching other men stuff to become social.

We've been arguing over the same thing for 3 pages! The fact that you guys can't act maturely when someone doesn't follow all your advice. I followed all superchill's advice, all Limerick's advice, all the advice given to me on the forum, and then superchill goes FURIOUS, because I didn't follow ONE piece of his advice. Man superchill must be such a baby in real life.
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