Improving social proof.


New Member
Apr 14, 2007
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losers who do nothing but argue on the internet all day
That's a pretty accurate description of yourself.

he just started giving stupid, nonsensical advice, that would in no way help me
Look, you're in no position to judge other people's advice. You're a loser. You have no friends. Everybody in real-life hates you. You can't even make friends on the Internet. Be grateful that people are even replying to your topics.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
I followed all his advice to a certain point, but then he just started giving stupid, nonsensical advice, that would in no way help me. Whether or not I use his "approach other guys" sh*t, won't affect me becoming a PUA or not. Hell, I already have friends, I don't need to do that. And if I continue hanging with my current friends, I'll be able to make even more friends through them. Then there are always people in band and track I can become friends with... I don't need to do that g*y approaching other men stuff to become social.

Serious question here...what are you going to do in college when you know NOBODY?:confused:

Thai Foon

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Hell, I already have friends, I don't need to do that. And if I continue hanging with my current friends, I'll be able to make even more friends through them.
But you dont have any... and if you could "make even more friends through them" then why are you asking for advice here?

ElStud said:
Then there are always people in band and track I can become friends with...
Then why dont you go do that?
Because you cant, which is why you posted this thread.

ElStud said:
Man superchill must be such a baby in real life.
He has done more approaches in one week than you have in your lifetime


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
lolwut? if anyone is mad its you. I'm not mad. Lets assume that you DID take peoples' advice... you're obviously not taking the right advice seeing as you're still an AFC after being in the community for several years.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
You know what, you guys know everything and even though you are wrong, I'm not going to argue, because YOU THINK you know everything. I'm honestly not even putting up with it anymore, you're WRONG, you don't listen, and you think you are HOLIER THAN THOU.

But you dont have any... and if you could "make even more friends through them" then why are you asking for advice here?
Strike 1, I have friends.

Then why dont you go do that?
Because you cant, which is why you posted this thread.
Strike 2, I can do ANYTHING.

He has done more approaches in one week than you have in your lifetime
Strike 3, only because that has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

You're out!

Look, you're in no position to judge other people's advice. You're a loser. You have no friends. Everybody in real-life hates you. You can't even make friends on the Internet. Be grateful that people are even replying to your topics.
Superchill, get a life. You must only be saying everyone in real life hates ME because everyone in real life HATES you. I know everyone in real life doesn't hate me, few people do. There you go again, "You can't even make friends on the Internet", no I don't WANT to make friends with you losers. Come on superchill, are you serious? No member registers just for the sake of hating on a particular member. Add to the fact this "Cortex" guy seems to have the same motive as you, you're not fooling anybody.

Serious question here...what are you going to do in college when you know NOBODY?
Meet friends through clubs, activities and sports, duh.

I'm trying to improve my game, and I don't need this.

You know what, mods, admins you want to believe these idiots, and ban me fine, I'm just tired of arguing with these people who DON'T LISTEN, and think they know everything.

Why is it 3 pages? You guys LOVE to argue, you don't listen and you never shut up(Just watch, I bet one of you smartasses is going to bump this topic with yet another argument).

I come here, make an approach journal with actual approaches and show that I'm improving and then you guys are going to get on my ass because I didn't follow one piece of advice? Wow, how immature. THEN when that's settled someone's going to come up here and say "OMG! VIPER YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS" WTF? and then when I explain it, you're still saying that BS about how I have no friends. F*ck that sh*t, if you don't want to believe me that's your problem, I already know I have friends and don't need to prove anything to myself. Maybe it's what I should of expected, seeing as most of you are younger than me.
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Don Juan
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
lolwut? Superchill89 hasn't been on this thread for like 2 days. You're trippin'.
You do realize that every time you post you seem more retarded right?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
limerick said:
lolwut? Superchill89 hasn't been on this thread for like 2 days. You're trippin'.
You do realize that every time you post you seem more retarded right?
Thanks for proving my point. But I'm not going to answer that nor explain myself, cause I'm not arguing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Sure, whatever you say superchill. I should of done this a long time ago, but welcome to my ignore list. You too limerdick, I don't need you two bringing me down when I'm trying to get better. Remind to never take advice from either of you idiots again, oh wait, you CAN'T! I ignored you. The only way I'm going to improve is to STOP listening to immature jerks who have nothing better to do than to argue over the internet. And just so I make myself clear, I'm not talking about the forum, I'm talking about you two, yes, Superchill and Limerick. If it wasn't for you two this thread would still be on page 1 and no would be arguing. I don't even mind Touchbout or Thai Foon, it's you two who I can't stand.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
I already added mrconfidence to the ignore list. I see you've started another account and are doing the same thing all over again. welcome to the ignore list elstud.

by the way, you're all just showing your maturity level by sticking around on this thread. i found out about 3 viper threads ago that i don't benefit in the least from trying to help him anymore, and neither does he, so its a waste of precious time.

let it go, let him do his thing. just put him on the ignore list and surround yourself with more successful people. i get a sick feeling in my stomach whenever i read his posts..
