The reason why I came up with "you caught my eye..just had to shoot my shot" as an opener is because I used to always go up and open with a compliment on her appearance instead like you did in your example, and on the off occasion I got a bad reaction it was like rewarding bad behavior, so I stopped that. It also usually closed off the interaction right away, and wouldn't lead to convo nearly as often since it was direct and they would instinctively jump to an excuse right away, with no room for me to work. It's like showing all of your cards imo. If they are receptive, then I pay them the compliment to show intent. Fair?
You can do what works for you. Like I said, I'm nitpicking, but I would probably open with something that sounds less invested in whether or not she likes me.
Suggesting that we buy drinks together, will definitely try that. Didn't think of that. But if we ditch her friend for a drink and she goes back at some point, I'm thinking her friend would talk **** and try to talk her out of it. Seems like a group of 2 is much harder to separate than one girl from a group of 3+, since they'd have each other.
If she's interested, and you're doing your job, she won't go back to her friend. Going back to her friend means she's more interested in that friend than you.
In my experience, the girl will either
text her friend to let her know she's ok and with me, or will try to find the friend WITH ME to let her know that we're leaving together.
With the self-eject the only mistake I made there was not suggesting something like postgame and seeing what could be done that night? So what if I say, hey let's do this at my place, and she responds with, "what about my friend" or "sorry, I can't leave my friend." Then going for the number in that case is the best I can pretty much do right?
I like to say "so what are you doing after this?" If she gives you an answer that opens the door; "nothing", "I don't know yet", "why don't you tell me", etc then you'd invite yourself over/offer to leave together. From there it becomes logistics. Like you, I don't really have the option of bringing women to my place since I'm living with my parents right now, so I have to invite myself over, which isn't usually a problem.
If she answers with something along the lines of work, her friend, some other BS then she's probably not that interested. The only real caveat is if she offers some other night that she's free/is receptive when you offer it. Experience will help you pick up on whether she means or it vs. just telling you what you want to hear so you'll go away.
ALL OF THIS should only happen IF she's shown she's attracted to you - ideally by escalating at least to the point of a kiss. This is not some sort of Hail Mary you throw out when she's focusing more on her friends or her phone than on you.
It was around 9pm at the time if that matters. Isn't that a bit early for postgame? And it wouldn't be a turnoff if I suggested we do something at her place? I ask because I'm actually staying in an airBNB and can't have another guest over rn. I wouldn't even know how to suggest that because I normally just tell them I'd like to show them something at my place, not theirs. If I just alright suggest sex at hers, that ASD would prob kick in, I'm thinking.
Yeah I would definitely go out later. In Delaware bars close at 1AM, so I usually go out around 11PM, 10:30PM at the earliest. It is often true that there are more girls out at the bar earlier in the night - but they are not usually there for the same reason you are. I typically stay until close unless I meet someone and leave with them earlier, so the idea of inviting myself over makes more sense because it's the natural progression of the night - rather than cutting short an otherwise fun night out for her.
You don't usually need an excuse. If you've escalated and she's shown attraction to you, then you really just need to facilitate sex. If she says she's going home afterwards, ask her if she'd like company. If she's worried about work in the morning or has obligations, tell her you'll set an alarm. This all ties back to whether she's interested enough, it's the difference between her saying these things waiting for your reassurance vs. using them as excuses.
ASD won't be a thing if she's attracted to you and you're alone together. She might offer some last minute resistance about how she "never does anything like this", in which case you just need to reassure her that you won't think less of her for sleeping with a total stranger (you).