Im sick and tired of hearing that girls are better than us.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
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Im sick and tired of hearing all of this stuff about how girls are better than guys.
" girls have 10 times more social intelligence than us"
" girls know exactly what you want to do ie kiss them"
" girls know this better, girls know that better"


all these things subconciously make them the prize. this is whats wrong in the north american society. they think girls are perfect and the guy is the one having the problem and he must adjust himslef to meet the perfect standards of the girl.


women are nothing special. even the most beautiful ones are the biggest losers inside. do you know why they have better social intelligence? do u know why they can tell what your intentinos are? DO YOU KNOW?

not because they are natural at it. THEY ARE GEEKS. THEY WORK HARD. they read and they read. they have read MILLIONS of magazines, GIZILLIONS OF WEBSITES. they have knowledge about guy nature. they apply it too and thats why it is the way it is. they cooperate with eachother, they share eachother's experience, they learn from it and they apply it. THEY FVCK GUYS UP LIKE THAT.

Women are dominated by their primarily emotional urges which once triggered are hardly irreversible. This translates to: EVEN THE NICEST GIRL YOU SEE HAS SOME THOUGHTS RUNNING DOWN IN THAT BRAIN THAT ONLY THE MSOT EVIL MAN COULD EVER THINK OF.

us guys are lazy our entire lives, we dont read about how the female nature works, we dont apply, and we dont get laid much. IS THERE ANY SURPRISE?

start reading, starting applying, start dominating, start disrespecting and more importantly respecting yourself. start messing with girls. dont show up to their dates and tell them something came up. do weird things, be funny, ****y. JUST DO IT. DOMINATE THEM. DESTROY THEM ALREADY. dont let them get the upperhand on you.
If you have any pride in your freaking self and your gender, you wont let girls do that **** to you and disrespect you.

DONT TRUST WOMEN, DONT STAY LOYAL IF A BETTER GIRL COMES ALONG. DITCH HER. WHY? SHE WOULD DITCH YOU IF A SMOOTHER DUDE COMES ALONG. girls are all sluts inside, dont be fooled. they have twice sex as men at age 22.
WHY? they sleep with the top men. the ones who dominate them. the ones who know about female emotion and apply them. the ones WHO PLAY THEM LIKE LITTLE TOOLS. then when they konw a guy is good, all their friends go sleep with the same guy. so that guy is getting ALL the ladies, while 99% of men and all the chumps dont get anything.
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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Rowland Heights, CA
yup most guys don't realize girls are humans too and that humans aren't that different. We all have to eat, we all have to learn, we all have to become better...People visualize a lot of things that aren't necessarily true in reality

nice post...I obviously had to figure this out the hard way : )


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
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I know you mean well, but i find this kind of negativity fvcking depressing and i don't think it's the best kind of mindset to have either. Yeah guys need to grab their balls, that's true, but i don't think it's a good idea to pump up your own confidence by raising your value through devaluating others. They are slvts, they are stupid, geeks, unfaithful, etc, etc. Yeah if you look at a woman that way i guess it's pretty easy to approach them because they aren't worth sh1t anyways...

But you are still fooling yourself. Only now your fairy tale actually serves your purpose, it's still a fairy tale though. Women do have a value, they are just human beings, like men, some are stupid, some aren't, some are easy, some aren't, etc. The point is, value them for what they ARE and not for what you think they are.

A lot of guys have a problem where they view every girl as intelligent, principled, etc, they are thinking with their d!ck!! Why? Because they weren't paying any attention to her, instead thinking about what line to pop next and what not.

I know there are a lot of guys here who like to diss women in general, and i may even made similar comments myself. Or adhere to the "a good woman is rare" philosophy, while that may be true it's also true that half of them aren't all that bad. They just aren't perfect, that's all. And i have to say that these kind of 'motivational' posts basically do nothing for me but piss me off and they are quite frankly a bit depressing.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
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Social reject--> Think what you want for yourself. this post was meant in a positive way.
Everything I said in there was facts, women do cheat more than men by the way, ur girl( if she is hot and gets attention) has prolly cheated on u without u knowing.

yea they are people, but I am telling you that this society gives them more value than men. Yesterday one of good friends who happens to be a girl went out and this guy ditched him. so im not saying guys are good either. its just a constant competitoin to win over the other gender. women try to put men down and raise their confidence and the men who CAN AND KNOW HOW TO try the same.

women are humans yes, and what are humans? good people? bad people? NOO, they are animals who want themsleves to be the best, they want to dominate, they wanna put people down to feel good about themselves, they want have girls/guys chasing after them. so u cant put a label of good or bad. just simply deal with the concept of survival of the fittest and WIN.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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khash said:
us guys are lazy our entire lives, we dont read about how the female nature works, we dont apply, and we dont get laid much. IS THERE ANY SURPRISE?

Oh come on. Women haven't a clue about male nature. "Oh, he wants sex." That's about their extent of knowledge.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
NO. they know much more than we do.
AND, we do want sex, at my age anyway.


New Member
May 11, 2006
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Its better to let them think there better then when we act all ****y n funny, it'll be like fishin wit dynamite


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Man, you're a little angry, but I agree with a lot of what you said.

I'm sick and tired of this feminist bullsh1t that's being pushed down my throat all the time. Women need to stop trying to outdo men, it's unattainable and reeks of desperation. At the most, they need to try and close the gap, and be equal.

If I had a nickel for every girl who's *****ed about their boyfriend not being nice and sensitive, yet she goes out in wh0rish clothing to flirt with random guys, I'd have a Viper. If I had a nickel for every girl who complained about how men suck so bad, then end up falling in love with a dumb ass jerk who is tall, lanky, and has a car, I'd be rolling in a Ferrari. If I had a nickel for everytime a girl I know has cheated on her boyfriend on some level (emotional, physical, whatever) I'd ****ing own condos on the California coast and call Bill Gates on the weekend to play poker.


New Member
May 11, 2006
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ShizamDaMan said:
Man, you're a little angry, but I agree with a lot of what you said.

I'm sick and tired of this feminist bullsh1t that's being pushed down my throat all the time. Women need to stop trying to outdo men, it's unattainable and reeks of desperation. At the most, they need to try and close the gap, and be equal.

If I had a nickel for every girl who's *****ed about their boyfriend not being nice and sensitive, yet she goes out in wh0rish clothing to flirt with random guys, I'd have a Viper. If I had a nickel for every girl who complained about how men suck so bad, then end up falling in love with a dumb ass jerk who is tall, lanky, and has a car, I'd be rolling in a Ferrari. If I had a nickel for everytime a girl I know has cheated on her boyfriend on some level (emotional, physical, whatever) I'd ****ing own condos on the California coast and call Bill Gates on the weekend to play poker.
lol thats gold i'm gonna use that don't copyrite it


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score

my point simply summed it. :up:

i was angry writing this post btw.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score

Someone give this man a prize.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
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I agree. I say we are better then girls. We aren't sacred to be rejected.
Couple girls on my job I can easily be ass to and they still talk to me !!!!

Me: throw this away
girl: ugh
Me: here
girl: ( takes it and throws the paper away for me )
( no please or thank you )
Look how weak they are. :D

After thing.

I heard 2 girls talking about guys

1 girl: he said love ya
2 girl: theirs a difference between i love you and love ya.

LMAO :crackup: No their isn't

See how stupid girls are. Girls better then guys. Don't make me laugh.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
There isn't a better sex, just better people.

We should all be focused on individual efforts and not some silly "battle of the sexes":up:


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
damn. khash that was awesome and just what i needed.

fvckin girls...even the most "innocent" ones talk shiet about you behind your back and have the mos fcked up manipulative plans in their pretty little heads. i have 2 good female friends who tell me sht in their heads and i'm like, "how the fvck do u come up w/**** like that"

but seriously. fck them man. this isn't women hating. this is the fvckin truth.

FM 3321

Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2004
Reaction score
Haha...I fvcking love the original post. There are some very good points right there. I had some great sex with a girl last night and it was mind blowing for her because I was using sexual techniques that I learned from this site, David DeAngelo and the rest of the "seduction community." Hell, I think it's sad the way thing are these days for most men but I think we are the lucky few who have found this information and are consciously trying to improve ourselves.

Also it is true that girls "read and they read." I think it will help if men did the same. I love to watch sports and all that other stuff but I think reading the books recommeneded by, David D. and books from the "secduction community" will really help us get what we want. From time to time I think back to why I started down this path and it just re-enforces my desire to learn, apply and approve. Plus it also helps to look back at my first several threads on this site. I was heartbroken over a girl and I felt like I wanted to die. I laugh now when I read them but I was really hurting when I was seriously lacking the knowledge and mindset to deal with women. I still stumble on sh!t but you always need to be constantly improving yourself.

Women do it all the time, we should do it for ourselves. Maybe that's why they seem better. They're always working on themselves from make-up to testing men and getting their way with people. Men need to learn how to subtley take advantage of everything in their lives and move forward.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
FM 3321 said:
Women do it all the time, we should do it for ourselves. Maybe that's why they seem better. They're always working on themselves from make-up to testing men and getting their way with people. Men need to learn how to subtley take advantage of everything in their lives and move forward.

There is hardly anything that comes closer to the truth than that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
I think you just can't be desparate. Most people have this need to be liked by everyone, those that don't end up having most people try to like them. It's sad but true.

That's the reason why the biggest wankers are also the most popular, everyone is trying to earn their validation, as if their oppinion matters more or something. This is true of ALL relationships, not just romantic ones.

It's a cliche, but treat them mean and keep them keen.

Have a "don't give a **** attitude" and you'll be OK. But yea, I agree with everthing the original poster said.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
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PRMoon said:
There isn't a better sex, just better people.

We should all be focused on individual efforts and not some silly "battle of the sexes":up:
THANK YOU for saying in 1 line what i tried in a whole bunch but more or less failed anyways...

kash, you 'facts' are a bit lopsided... while there may be some truth to it it's still lopsided. Your post assumes that all women cheat. They don't! That is bull, utter and complete bull. SOME women cheat... you could even say MORE women than men cheat. But don't try to make that into ALL women cheat, because that is simply negative and untrue!

I agree that "society" tends to give women a higher value. The dumb ones among women actually believe themselves to HAVE a higher value. The ones who have college or uni degree's are ESPECIALLY annoying because they think a "degree" means they are smart and so that clears them of any ignorance, and so everything they say must make sense. Let me tell you, some of these women I've spoken to... they must have sucked d!ck to get their degree because they are DUMB AS SH!T when it comes to thinking outside the box. I have found the perfect way to save myself the frustration of their existance though.... AVOID them.

Oh and human beings are not animals bent on dominance and survival. We, unlike "animals" are self aware. There for we have the power to improve and grow. That is what this site is all about (imho). To say we cannot rise above such primordial characteristics is to say we cannot evolve.

There is however a difference between not being ABLE to evolve and simply not evolving because for the moment it is the smarter choice.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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khash said:
NO. they know much more than we do.
AND, we do want sex, at my age anyway.

Then why are they completely and utterly flabberghasted by what we do all the time?

Why are their feelings hurt all the time if they understand our actions? They'd know we were just being how guys are and not out to get them all the time.

I know.. they're faking ignorance all the time, right?

Or how about their incredible ability to nag forever yet we continue to not do what they say because they're nagging? Let's keep on doing something that never works! yay! what incredible social skills!