A very attractive female said this to me once: "In the initial stages, always stay on the side of less data sharing. Most women actively seek to disqualify you, so the more information they have about you, the easier this is. Make them work for it, and by all means, fack them silly before you share much; that way, they'll at least stick around for sex."
This is good advice, but there's more nuance to it. My thoughts since creating this topic have changed somewhat. I maintain that oversharing is bad, but there are silver linings to it. Yes, oversharing can make them disqualify you. But this is a good thing. Women who will disqualify a man over trivial things are in a sense doing the work for you (ie, disqualifying the girl). One of the first things I talk about on dates now is comedy, to gauge their sense of humor, since it's extremely important to me that the people in my life can laugh at things without getting offended. I'll gladly share the fact that I like Louis CK, Ricky Gervais, Anthony Jesselnik, other "dark" comedians, and I may make offensive jokes or statements. If she doesnt like it, that's good because it means I wouldn't get along with her. Of course, as a general fact, and over the long-run, oversharing is definitely a net negative and bad idea.
All this said, it depends on the caliber of woman you're with too but this is further nuance that can be applied to any discussion. I she's like a 9/10 and intelligent, kind, overall high quality, then yeah, you probably shouldn't give her reasons to disqualify you, and yeah, you might need to chase her a bit more than you would with other women.
But if you're on a date with a mid girl and you slip in that you like to sleep in and don't like working all day,
let it disqualify you, who does this mid chick think she is to disqualify me because I'm not a worker bee in the matrix of the rat race?