I'm beginning to think gettnig a lay in High School... is impossible.

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Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
There has been plenty of advice in this thread alone that you completely ignore man.

People put time and effort into empathizing with you and then writing out good, understandable advice, then you come in here and stomp all over it saying its garbage.

I know from first-hand experience that half of the advice here given to you is gold, and following any bit of it would turn your life around.

And back you come talking about disrespect, KJs, and haters. Man what the ****? I wouldn't even listen to the haters and stalkers on here discrediting you, but I would take advice and run with it. For some unapparent reason, you're happy to get hugs and kisses on the cheek from girls and tell guys on here telling you step-by-step how to get laid, to piss on their own advice, than to really listen to it and get laid.

You literally ignore good advice, and focus on people 'hating' on you. It's like you dig that **** and come back for more. Ignore it and take the good advice from posters who know their ****.

And when you do even respond to somebody giving advice, you give them **** because some small technicality that separates their experience from your 'experience' makes it void. Explain that away ElStud.

I don't give a **** about all the other KJs and Trolls on here bro, there always have been and always will be kids who will NEVER have the balls to figure things out on their own. At least they don't stomp on help when they ask for it. It's like calling the cops and then when they arrive call them dumb pigs and retards.

You better sharpen up and either a) stop asking for advice that you apparently don't want, or b) sift through the **** and find the advice that IS helpful to you. Because the longer you stomp on people giving advice and trash members for being KJs and haters, the less people are going to care about helping you.

If you can't see that I'm trying to help you in this thread, and instead think that I'm just attacking you, then you are truly lost.

Honestly ElStud, you have potential, smarten up.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
antidonjuan said:
Stop replying Elstud, you are taking so much space and other people need other advices. If you don't accept the advices of others, don't come to this forum. Be polite when you are asking a question and stop wasting your time replying. People at this forum and kind people who tries to improve yourself, maybe they sound somewhat harsh but you have to accept the fact that they are spending their precious time trying to answer your questions.

I hate your attitude, stop replying and move on
It's not about that man. It's that people expect you to blindly take any piece of advice, good or bad and jump on your ass if you don't. That's as simple as it is. Plus, just the fact that the forum has been taken over by flamers and haters and if you try to argue against those flamers and haters, you're made to be the bad guy. For now, I'm leaving.
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