Well, i decided to take out 5 more minutes to read past the OP...
Interesting to read your own reply to your own topic MuayThai. At least there is some measure of comfort in knowing you aren't one of the people who honestly believe that crap, which makes it one less on earth, which is good. I stand by my previous post, although i hope you will see that it was directed at whoever came up with that crap and not you personally.
I tend to agree with you that value and social status alone isn't enough to get women... but more elaborate i'd say it isn't enough to get women to want YOU, instead of your assets (not specifically in the sense of monetary of course, but perhaps mere standing and appeal).
There for i can't entirely agree with your assessment of high flying politicians and the likes gathering trophy wives. How would this be a positive thing for a person? I'd much rather be with someone who sincerely wants me for me, and not because of my status... Be it as it may, I'm sure that at least for myself i can say that i DO know the difference between the two, and imho, everyone does, and they feel it, they know it, deep down.
But do they care? That remains to be seen, though i think it's fair to say that if they don't care; This alone says enough about their state of mind.
The Alpha Male jibberish...
What can i personally really say about this? Other than i think it's a load of bull. Alpha males could basically be defined as men who react more instinctively and live more impulsively than others. A natural responce to confrontation and struggle is fight or flight and it's within each and every person to seek dominance over others as a natural means of establishing security in ones own life.
This serves a man (or a woman) in the caveman age, obviously, yet does it in today's world? I would say yes and no... It is in this day and age no less important to stake your own claim than it was in the caveman times, but the methods have changed as people have become more dominated by the conscious, and less by the subconscious. In that light i do not believe that the typical alpha male, who is born and bread one, will have the greatest advantage in life.
It's my understanding that those who will have the greatest advantage in life (in all areas of life) will be those who have been there and done that. Those who have learned from struggle and misfortune, and have instead of whining about it, set out to alter their world. One could argue these are 'alpha' traits, traits of aggressive approach and relentless pursuit... but the motives, and the understanding is different. One who has risen from the ashes, figuratively speaking, will have different motives and drive than one who has always defended his claim through sheer force.
As you said, and i think we can agree on this... pain and struggle are the instigators of growth. Which is exactly why i believe the modern day alpha male is one who has learned and grown through struggle and pain. This could be a previous loser, a nerd, that high school kid who was always teased by the bullies and ridiculed by everyone else... but not necessarily. No one can really measure a persons emotional anguish by looking at his life... it's all in the mind
So how, in my opion does this relate to seduction and the ability of a man to attract women?
In essence, what is called 'game' is a replacement, or in some cases the embodyment of what everyone has, or can develop naturally... Intuition, the ability to feel what others feel and to sense what they mean without saying it. Women may throw sh1t tests at you... if you are aware enough, you will know what they are doing and you wont need to think "ok i've read about this and i'm supposed to do this or that"... your reaction will flow naturally.
Imho the guys who are completely oblivious to these kind of 'signals' have trained themselves to be oblivious to them for personal reasons. Perhaps social insecurity/anxiety, who can say? The bottom line is that they have chosen to shut themselves off from others at some point and have in so doing become deaf and blind to the outside world. Yet i do not believe this is 'permanent', i do believe however that is challenging to redevelop these talents, and even more challenging to become in tune with them again.
I'm not exactly coughing all this up from a theoretical point of view, more specifically this is the way in which i've witnessed myself develop from deaf and blind to aware... and now perhaps somewhere along the lines of 'in tune', though i can admit to myself i still have ways to go...
I wont say that seduction material didn't help me AT ALL. What i WILL say is that it's helped me only very little. Consider it that initial shove in the back i needed to get going. What's it's also done is planted a few ideas in my head which made me angry and frustrated, which i'm glad to say i've now disarmed completely.
This board especially is a fuking maze. There is SO MUCH crap here that doesn't do anything at all but piss a person off and the last thing it does is help you get women or lead a better life. So when Johnny AFC comes around basically not knowing WHAT to believe... the first thing he sees is a bunch of angry rant posts that make women out to be the enemy... while in truth, the real enemy is always within ourselves. Yet it seems to be a human knack to always seek blame outside ourselves first, not only that but instead of working at it, wallowing in it.
And this isn't just directed at this board either, it's the same deal for a lot of seduction material. I've read a fair bit on this topic and i can honestly say that even from the supposed 'gurus' there is a butt load of simplistic, narcissistic CRAP out there.
It's the curse of learning by experience... you know you can do something, you know you can reproduce results, but you don't really know 'how' you're doing it. So you ponder and make up a quick sketch, then proceed to preach it to the world... only to see that in the end it makes little sense, although it does still work. The question in the end is... to what end? Why do guys who can't get women want them? Because they can't have them, because they have a sex drive. What happens when they've used all the 'techniques' to get laid over and over again and have convincingly established that they have options? Well basically nothing happens, life goes on, much in the same trend as it did before, with the same issues you had before. You gain no new knowledge, no new insights, only a little more confidence in one area of your life. While that in itself is a good thing, it's a FAR sight of true confidence.
Yet perhaps that's not withint the field of this site. Is it not? Some think it is, others think it isn't... Then perhaps the only purpose of this site is whatever the majority one makes of it. In that light i can say one thing... gettign women, no matter how many, isn't going to earn you true confidence, it's not going to make you more comfortable with challenging situations. What it does is increase you comfort zone to include women, but you are still operating within your comfort zone in the end, you've just made it bigger to include more things.
In the end, you're going to find confidence in the willingness to accept, and cease to struggle with that which you cannot control. You cannot control women, you can only control how attractive you are to them, and in so doing somewhat control how many you will sleep with. Yet i think many will find in the end that this control alone will not help them have a fulfilling lovelife, or sexlife. I know it didn't for me at least, yet don't take this as a bitter whine. I do have a fulfilling love life, and life in general. But seduction didn't make it so.. it was one tiny little step on the way towards true inner confidence, but by no means defined it. Yet that is what i feel many guys come seeking here.
Yet of course, none of this applies to those who only come here seeking the wisdom to become true player and seducers. If this is your one and only goal then perhaps this is the place for you and seduction is exactly what you need to study. Yet i see a lot of people here who have issues that go WAY beyond an ambition to become pimp daddy.