Story time again lol
AS I have stated I do web development. This thread reminded me of something I run into alot. There are times for instance, I might put out like a few proposals, and I don't hear back from a client, but then out of the blue they come back weeks/months later ready to rock and roll right then and there and I am bombarded with more work than my established team can handle. At that point, I outsource the work to freelancers. Isn't often but it happens.
Anyway, I say this thread reminds me of this because you run into these programmers, who talk the best freaking game on earth like they are god's gift to computers. "who do you think you are trying to pay X amount to, dont' you know I went to college to learn how to do this, and I should be making $75 dollars an hour" blah blah blah blah. Guys never are busy because no one will hire them lol and they all assume it's because they are "too cheap".
A few weeks ago I took one of these programmers up. To jump off the bat,Becuase I had a full blown proposal out the guy jumped my ass lol, the client lol, becuase he "wanted to know why I couldn't' do the work and something doesn't smell right". I was like dude, if you don't want the job don't ****ing take it, but I dont' have to talk anyone into taking a 2300 dollar 2, 3 week tops project. I assure you I can find someone to do this. Anyway, the guy tells me "well, I don't consider working with people who dont' pay me "at least" half up front".. It wasn't the money./. it was his attitude that really just pissed me off.. but the talked like he knew his ****, so I said screw it. That and my oneitis recommended him to me, okay gave the guy his money. So, this professional goes to work.. first, I dont' hear from him for 3 days. Then when I ask him, what the **** is he doing, in nicer terms of course, he catches another attitude.. "obviously you don't know what goes into web programming".. i'm like dude, you are presenting a ****ing mockup it takes 3 hours it's been 3 days. Even if that is the case, you haven't said anything to anyone.
So then, he sends me.. mind you this is a pretty big project, a task management site, similar to (which we built a well).. IN fact it's pretty much that site, without the flex video conferencing and the internal messassing system. So this ugly sends me, not only a template.. which I really don't have a problem with if it looks good, a ****ty template, didn't even bother to change the companies name to the actual companies name, literary just picked a template and put it on line and called it an update. Anyway, money and all I told him it just wasn't going to work, he obviously was well in over his head and the level of work we do is just more professional than what he is doing. so he 1. curses me out 2. calls me a bad client and 3. says, "puff, why is it so hard to find good clients"
lol, this is exactly what is going on here. The common denominator between all my problems and me is me. the guy site looks like my 10 year old sister doodled some **** on a night brite but kat told me he was "really good" and I took her word for it (like a dumbass, but the guy does work for a news station doing graphic work I figured he had to know something about something). You insult someone paying you 2 grand, giving you a grand without you doing an ounce of work and when you are fourante enough to get the job you do a craptastic job, then when you submit the crappy job you blame everyone but you. yes he charges, or tries to charge, 50 and hour, but he isn't worth it, I don't give a damn if you went to school or not. I know programmers in india that I could pay 10 an hour to that would run cirlces around the guy programming. The problem with people like him, and people who complain about life in general, and take no blame, is they would rather sit back and blame women for not being high quality, they would rather blame obama for.. taxing women too much so they can't go out and ****,t hey would rather blame everyone but them.. they, are the most successful people on earth, always. not that they aren't successful don't mistake what i'm saying but.. if a woman doesn't want to date you or you can't find a date, it's probably because in some way shape or form, you aren't datable.
just a thought.
There was a period in my life when I had just gotten off drugs, and was still going through PAWS, that I had all this physical ****, I had all these toys, I was not in the shape I am in now, but i was getting there, at that time I was about 185ish, small enough where I could wear regular clothes and look decent in them. But, because of the paws I suppose, I was just a whiney little ***** for like 3 months. I cried so much in that month, like a little *****, i was just overly emotional about every little thing. Every girl that saw me ran the other way, despite, how successful i was, and I was. I still was not datable. I ran off every bit of 5-6 women in that period of time.