That was a great list Mr. Me. If I ever even think of marrying some broad, I am going to defer to this list with a check mark and she better score 100% on it. Hell if I ever meet the crazy laundry list she has for me then now I got a list of my own hehe. I think that is the reason why many marriages end so badley, men tend to look beyond a woman's other flaws and hope for the best especially if she is really hot.Mr. Me said:Maybe she's great? Is she? I mean, she doesn't boss you around, doesn't nag, she respects you, she's considerate of you, doesn't deny you sex, enjoys it with you, is a giver, flexible, has a great sense of humor no big temper, is crazy about you, doesn't have weight issues, medical issues, doesn't overspend or buy needless junk, pays her bills on time, no car problems, no psychotic episodes, doesn't hit you, yell at you, curse at you, call you names or insult you, loves her family, has no bad influencing girlfriends, no drug problems, no alcohol problems, is not on psychiatric medication, her ex doesn't keep in contact with her nor are there any calls from overseas strangers named Raul whom she met while she was abroad, no gut feelings that anything's amiss, she doesn't tell you things that don't ring true, doesn't flirt with other guys? Then maybe she is marriage material. But you'd still be wise to wait until you've been with her fully for a couple of years, and then get engaged maybe, but not married.
Although at this stage in my life, I don't see myself ever getting married due to the whole entrapment issue that comes with signing that marriage contract/licence.