Mmmmm sounds hot and heavy.Im pretty unexperienced and not 'that' sexually agressive – we had sex 6 weeks after we met.
I think there is a few things going on here:
1. Your confidence.
Yep she started to give it up when you got a little more edgy. You seem a bit hung up on being inexperienced and not being able to escalate to sex. Relax a little. I know its hard with six weeks of blue balls. But good sex is mainly setting a chicks mental frame rather then performance based (unless you really suck).
2. You set the frame
And you set the frame at eunuch. Now its just backpedalling and scrambling to reset your position. Yeah you probably could turn it around, but its a hell of a lot of work. And give it a few years and you are back to square one.
3. No other options
Slickster covered this already. You are getting bent out of shape and knocking your confidence down even more focusing on a chick not putting out. Your mentality is that of scarcity.
4. Don't partner up with chicks that can't come
Yeah run like fcuk. Its a great way of thinking its you doing something wrong. More likely she is asexual. It is a horrible life being attached with a girl with a low libido.and that i shouldn't worry because she has never experienced orgasm with any boyfriend
I've had a handful, and promptly ditched them all. There can be all kinds of horror back stories and mental issues attached to this. None of them good.
Chuck in parents house and oneitis and its a recipe for loooove
of not getting any