Senior Don Juan
So damn true man that has ALWAYS been my problem, while i have certinaly improved i notice it more and more especially in college. Girls give me EVERY ****KING IOI you can think of, from eye contact with smiles, direct compliments, obviously making themselves available to me, hell even had this one chick rub her ass all over my hard cocck and i didn't Do ****. Truthfully speaking i probably could have had sex with at least 10-12 girls this semester but instead i've only made out with 4 girls and allowed myself to be taken advantage of by some fat biitch. AH GAWD the horror.f283000 said:I had the same problem and there is a simple explanation. Yes when you are good looking you get more smiles, they start conversations sometimes instead of the other way around etc etc. The problem is that you being good looking won't change the way females are made, YOU STILL HAVE TO LEAD THEM, YOU STILL HAVE TO MAKE THE MOVE! YOU STILL HAVE TO ASK THEM OUT THEY WONT DO IT!
You getting smiles and having them talk to you is them giving you a green light pretty much. Even so they still expect you to be a man and ask them out, lead them, make your move etc. This is a fact that doesn't change whether you are ugly, average or good looking, women won't take the lead you have to do it!
That was the biggest mistake i was making with women. Getting smiles from random girls at campus and everywhere i went, getting looks, but not doing to well in actually getting lots of dates. Then i realized that i am getting green lights but i am not acting on it.
If you are good looking like you say you are there is only 1 thing you need to do, GET YOURSELF OUT THERE! talk to them, ask them out if you get signals. You will end up with plenty of dates you won't be turned down often. Just get yourself out there don't concentrate on 1 or just getting a gf, if you get signals ask for numbers (you won't get turned down often) start calling them, then ask for dates simple as that. You'll do well trust me.
The thing is though that being good looking will get you lots of numbers and dates if you show confidence and act on the signals you get, but you still need game to seduce them and achieve your goals. The advantage you have is that they want to be seduced by you and gave you signals for you to approach them. Whether you seduce them or f____ up is up to you.
Anyway though, i went through many states this semester at college, from super ****y, to gaming every chick i saw, to ignoring every chick i saw and to finally just not giving a fuuck and having a good time, with genuine confidence. In all situations i had so many chances for puussy so much. But hey i'm not beating myself up for this, for this has been a hard sticking point for my entire life. Always beautiful women making it obvious they want me and me doing nothing. But with my evaluation of myself and realzing that i am going to be a musician i now know that i have to embrace every aspect of good things in my life. The potential to have the palm of the world in my hands.
I know that if i never make my move on these beautiful women i will never be able to experience the joy and bliss of a truly goregous women. And it's so crazy because it's not thta i'm afraid to talk to them, or even make the move but i JUST DON"T MAKE THE MOVE. like it's crazy but when i'm talking to some chicks and totally vibing with them my mind tells me that i can make a move b/c i have DHV and they way this women looks at me, she will do anything all i have to do is lead....BUT I DON"T or at least i HAVEN'T. But the point is i have 3 weeks b4 next semester and i am determinded to embrace evry part of my life. I am so driven when it comes to my music, and i serisouly see more and more that i don't have to try with women. The only thing i have to do is simply LEAD,MAKE THE MOVE, TAKE ACTION.
This post simply tells me what i already know, but it's the one thing i always struggle with taking the action. I am however determined to change my life, b/c it's not fair that these gorgeous, beautiful women in my life don't get to experience more then a great conversation with me. I want to show them how much i really appreciate them. I'm still the prize and always will be but i must stop being selfish. In closing i want their puussy, but don't have to work for it, but at the same time i just never show them that i want them so it leads me no where. However i swear to myself i will change this next semester. I am tired of this man and it's time to go after everything i want in my life. Music, money is my drive and i don't have to try hard i just have to want it and acheive it.