If you want to fight feminism, this is not the way


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
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Yes that ambition comes at a price, usually the traits we deem feminine. Usually there is w trade off. That's not saying q girl that's educated or ambitious in this way can't be visually appealing, but there is more than looks to feminity. And of course there are exceptions. We run into problems when people want to use outliers to examples to disprove a point when they should know damn well we are using the average woman in this demo for criteria.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2012
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beyond the shadow of doubt
you fail to see what`s obvious

A lot of feminist (and well-educated) women picked this link up and they shred Roosh to pieces, on Reddit, their own blogs and everywhere else, while making a much bigger splash.
all the feminist women are introverted, low self-esteem bloggers, who sit at home and blame men for their misery, while they don`t have a life

all hardcore misogynists butthurt manginas do the same on blogs and youtube, which means ... that this 'feminenazi' thing is an online phenomena, supported by sexually challenged people of both genders

it`s like the retarded people that hang too much on the internet, believing lies that never were, if the media was true, than every open air concert should be full with women mocking guys, then grabbing men by their hair, throwing them into the bushes to have sex or to cut down their penises

truth is the worst that happens, is that women don`t do anything at all, out fear of judgement of the others and being passive is a basically a feminine trait

so guys complaining of being single, are basically the same guys that don`t approach, wait women to make a move which is contrary to their nature, than go home, watch a bunch of cr@p online and create a blog about their false convictions ... the feminine guy is an eternal kj and mental masturbator

never ever, ever, ever has a woman confronted me of being direct, masculine or escalating too much ... au contraire mon ami, they said "not so fast" while giggling and feeling honored of being so attractive to me, that makes my blood boil

women are just the way they always were, except now they have more rights they used to have in the dark ages and are a little bit confused, because the men became 'incongruent' to say the least


and Roosh is basically finished as an online dating guru



Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
Roosh was spot on, and I believe we NEED to p1ss off the feminists. We need to make them FURIOUS. Because violence and aggression is a battlefield upon which the male species DOMINATES.

We need to fight this war on the battlegrounds of humour, logic, violence and aggression, because they are our strengths. We are vulnerable to the group hug/wankfest b1tch moan session front: women can do that much better than us, but fcuk them. We must IGNORE their b1tching and moaning and hit them hard with humour, logic and aggression.

I repeat: FCUK em


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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I find Roosh's claims relating

"desirability" to "education"

very sad... We must really be sad bastards if we have to resort to attacks like this, but only if we are dead serious.

If Roosh is Roosh and he's not meant to be taken seriously (like what Warrior had been trying to tell me) then it's fine.

If it's just humor, it may be funny yeah. I see the point in his claim. But in my experience all the feminine women were more educated than average.

One LTR was a PhD student in Math, another potential (who I sleep with) is an MD ...

The only LTR who turned out to be a true slvt is ... guess what.. an American waitress/bakery girl.

Most aggressive, most unpleasant, and naturally my dominant game and "unreal" requirements didn't stick with her.

This chart simply doesn't make sense to me. And people like Danger are being reasonable but some of you are dead serious with this sh!t. That's scary :)


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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What, you gotta be PC & reasonable while fighting a guerrilla war now?


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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The first comment on Roosh's page nails it. While it's a gross simplification there's still truth in what he's saying. Women that are high testosterone, thus less feminine, tend to be the type of women that go towards those fields he's saying are boner softening. There's definitely a correlation, and I think the causation is simple good old fashioned testosterone.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Jitterbug said:
What, you gotta be PC & reasonable while fighting a guerrilla war now?
I don't get the impression that we are fighting a guerilla war. There's a lot of grand generalizations from personal bad experiences (especially in this forum) that pertain to the entire female population. Think about it this way, you guys spend a life-time discussing feminism and how it's spreading and how they flake left and right...

If you were giving a presentation to a serious audience tomorrow, what would be your punchlines? What would be the studies you present to make your point? Whatever Mr. Tits writes in a furious rant doesn't count one bit, as rational or acceptable. I am still wondering the bottom-line of the war against feminism argument. All I see is pure idiocy in Roosh and company's work.

I get the basic premise: Western women has changed. But to me, that's about it. Empirical evidence suggests that they became more masculine; I accept that to a degree as well. But remember: a lot of personal experience is tainted due to the very nature of it. It's personal. It's about time that you guys show me something impersonal, so, for instance, I can understand why women with higher education cannot be feminine. So that I learn it and join the brotherhood. And I defend it among female company. Right now; all I have is WITHIN relationship guidelines. But I have been doing that anyway. I was teaching and training and taming every single woman who has come into my life. But in order for me to take a more serious political stance in all this, I need to know the serious bottom-lines. Not some excel chart some guy farted on a piece of paper while he's high on pot. Please direct me to an informative post about this; with as little personal bullsh!t as possible, like "how I dated that femiNazi BPD in 2004 and how she screwed me over".

Otherwise, you ( we ) are just as full of sh!t.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Boilermaker said:
. It's about time that you guys show me something impersonal,
Who the fvck are you to demand stridently that anyone here has to show you anything when you have shown such little grasp of the obvious so far? :crackup:

You clearly want to play the 'educated' beta white knight and will do so the rest of your life searching for 'facts and figures' while ignoring the truth all around you. love is a bloodsport before it is ever a science

If you don't feel which way the wind is blowing circa 2012 then the impending hurricane will certainly send you flying.

good luck.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Burroughs said:
If you don't feel which way the wind is blowing circa 2012 then the impending hurricane will certainly send you flying.

good luck.


You are so typical.

Anyone who challenges the "dogmas" here is quickly labeled as a "beta white-knight" right?

It's not so embarrassing to admit you don't have a clue, dude. You don't have to bite to please your masters,

let them speak for you, don't worry too much.



Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Boilermaker, can you stop being such a nerd and have some fun once in a while?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
i used to be a " badazz beta"

hey you cant blame the whiteknights for standing up for thier beliefs and lifestyle choices, a majority of them dont even have a chance to chose let alone try for a change.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
Boilermaker, you're way out of your depth here. Roosh's point is valid, and there is a very logical reason why: universities are the most feminist-infected institutions in society (the public service is the second-most). The longer a woman is immersed in such an environment, the more feminist she becomes. Feminism champions lesbianism, encourages women to be more masculine and less feminine in every way. I seen it happen first hand to my very own sister, dude. She was the sweetest girl, so modest and servile, but each subsequent year in university man, the difference in her attitude and behaviour grew bigger and bigger. Roller Derby, lesbianism, radical feminism, honestly before going to uni you would have thought she would be the last person to get involved in that stuff. The contrast with my other sister who never went to uni is stark. She's the kind of one who'll watch football with us and go and get us cold beers whenever we need new ones. Seriously, I KNOW Roosh's point is accurate, and I've shown why, why can't you accept that?


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Danger said:

Are you suggesting that you do not see the inherent misandry in our current state today?

What do you think about women being able to just accuse a man of domestic violence and he has to leave the premises?

What do you think about how the Duke Lacrosse players were automatically assumed guilty and their season suspended, even without a trial?

Those are just two items off the top of my head.

Or for a third, what do you think of some of the airline industries profiling of men to not allow them to sit next to a child who is unaccompanied by an adult?

Do you not consider those forms of misandry?
All three are unjustifiable racism towards men, and I have checked and educated myself about the two.

Fair enough.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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d!ckmojo said:
Boilermaker, you're way out of your depth here. Roosh's point is valid, and there is a very logical reason why: universities are the most feminist-infected institutions in society (the public service is the second-most). The longer a woman is immersed in such an environment, the more feminist she becomes. Feminism champions lesbianism, encourages women to be more masculine and less feminine in every way. I seen it happen first hand to my very own sister, dude. She was the sweetest girl, so modest and servile, but each subsequent year in university man, the difference in her attitude and behaviour grew bigger and bigger. Roller Derby, lesbianism, radical feminism, honestly before going to uni you would have thought she would be the last person to get involved in that stuff. The contrast with my other sister who never went to uni is stark. She's the kind of one who'll watch football with us and go and get us cold beers whenever we need new ones. Seriously, I KNOW Roosh's point is accurate, and I've shown why, why can't you accept that?
Feminism indeed champions lesbianism, fair enough. Your personal experience is duly noted, point taken.

Thanks for the inputs,

PS. Jitterbug, I may be a nerd but at least I have the humility to admit it when I stand corrected.
I am not here for a piss match, I am educating myself through these debates.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Boilermaker said:
PS. Jitterbug, I may be a nerd but at least I have the humility to admit it when I stand corrected.
I am not here for a piss match, I am educating myself through these debates.
Alright then.

This is what you wrote:

If you were giving a presentation to a serious audience tomorrow, what would be your punchlines? What would be the studies you present to make your point?
Do you realise how naive you sounded? That is not how you fight this fight, and you missed the point by a mile. Roosh wasn't writing an academic thesis.
He was making a point to irritate feminists while hinting at some truth to get the guys listening. Mission accomplished, it's that simple.

It's neither scientific, academic, reasonable or logical, but it works. If in doubt, just look at the political campaigns by our glorious leaders. They mostly consist of 30 seconds of soundbites.

Your Powerpoint presentation and well researched argument will maybe win over one pedantic nerd out of a million people.

Wars to win the hearts & minds of the people are fought with lies and dirty tactics, not logic and academic integrity. ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Jitterbug said:
Alright then.

Do you realise how naive you sounded? That is not how you fight this fight, and you missed the point by a mile. Roosh wasn't writing an academic thesis.
Wait. What? Why was that naive?

I didn't ask Roosh to write a thesis, nor did I want a thesis from you. I just asked you to give me your punchlines for my information. This wasn't about Roosh -- Roosh was joking, what about you? Were you joking? You are one of the most serious guys about this "guerilla war" and I just asked you a simple question: What are you fighting for? If you can't answer that in a few minutes ... I am not sure who is sounding naive now. I can explain to you, anything, that I consider myself to be an expert on, in a few minutes, giving you the bottom-line. If I can't do that, it means I don't understand it either (c.f Feynman for more on this). I expect that from you as well; if you claim that you know something obvious that I am not getting.

He was making a point to irritate feminists while hinting at some truth to get the guys listening. Mission accomplished, it's that simple.
It's neither scientific, academic, reasonable or logical, but it works.
Well, I wasn't suggesting "science" to win a people's war. Yes, I agree with everything you say about how humor is a powerful tool and he was ridiculing them and so on. I initially missed that but people (esp. Warrior and Danger) pointed that out. But now you are missing my point. I was having doubts what it is I am supposed to be fighting against, and I wanted you to show me the problem. Now showing has to be done rationally, scientifically and reasonably, like it or not. Danger gave some more examples and they are logical. But I still don't see that "obvious reality" all of you guys are capable of seeing. Please enlighten me; where should I look to see the elephant?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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I need to put emoticons in my posts now to show whether I'm serious or not eh?

It's like guerrilla warfare because if a man speaks out in public against feminism, misandry and injustices towards men (hope you aren't gonna make me explain what those are) without the protection of anonymity, he will have his career destroyed and socially ostracised. We cannot engage The Enemy directly. We have to be evasive and attack from the sides or behind.

Hey, even that alone is a good reason to fight back, if you're American and love freedom of speech.

There are too many reasons. Spend a few minutes reading a manosphere blog and you should find some you care about. All you have to do is to open your eyes. If you don't give a sh1t, I can't convince you to care. You'll just be arguing with me pointlessly like you're doing now. Not that I was trying to show you why you should care in the first place, I think you miscomprehended my intention somewhere. I only told you that you had no idea how effective Roosh's tactic is.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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Wow! So much time and energy wasted on women who don't deserve a second of your thoughts.

You guys are losing this "war" just by participating.

Such a waste of life. Focus on better things.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Slickster said:
You guys are losing this "war" just by participating.

Such a waste of life. Focus on better things.
Yeah lets stick our fingers in our ears and shout La La La as women are literally encouraged by the government to become single mothers at 40 with cash, prizes and incentives. Good times for the repercussions. Maybe even hold hands and sing Kumbaya as the average Western male loses 70% of his net worth in the divorce courts and gains custody of his own children in a contested scenario only 30% of the time.

I think your happy clappy ideology is what got us bent over and grabbing our ankles in the first place. You can only be an at peace ultimate inner game loving ït's allllll goood zen phuck monkey for so long mate, perhaps you'll even have a son one day and be compelled to give a sh!t as he grapples with his first false rape allegation.

Anyway, talk about a thread backfire.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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samspade said:
More education does not necessarily equal lower femininity. It's more accurate to say that as men most of us don't give a crap what women do for a living (with some exceptions). It is not a major factor in initial attraction, and is only factored in later if a relationship happens. My wife is as feminine as they come, but she also has a Master's in computer science. Still sexy. However her master's is not what makes her sexy. She could be a waitress or a receptionist or just a housewife and she'd still be attractive to me. She hooked me with good female game, based on the physical and the submissive.

The problem is that American women mistakenly assume that because they see occupation as important in a mate, that men will find them attractive based on their occupation/ambition. Thus you have Vice Presidents of Publicity at 35 angry and frustrated that they attained so much but can't catch a husband. They were taught how to be successful in career but not in love because "a woman doesn't need a man" or whatever.

I do see the OP's point in all of this however. I don't think men protesting and lobbying will accomplish nearly as much for mankind as will our actions toward our own happiness. Rather than post a chart or a rant, I simply select for women who deserve my attention. Anyone else (including hyper career womyn) were a fukk bunnies at best. Personally I know a couple of liberal American women who gnash their teeth because my wife cooks, cleans, and shops for me. Let 'em gnash, they can wear down their molars in frustration. I'm happy.
Why out of some lines you toke only a couple? it doesnt make any sense as a question if taken away from the main reasoning.

It would be like taking a couple of lines from Plato only to answer that there are no flying chariots existing.