you fail to see what`s obvious
A lot of feminist (and well-educated) women picked this link up and they shred Roosh to pieces, on Reddit, their own blogs and everywhere else, while making a much bigger splash.
all the feminist women are introverted, low self-esteem bloggers, who sit at home and blame men for their misery, while they don`t have a life
all hardcore misogynists butthurt manginas do the same on blogs and youtube, which means ... that this 'feminenazi' thing is an online phenomena, supported by sexually challenged people of both genders
it`s like the retarded people that hang too much on the internet, believing lies that never were, if the media was true, than every open air concert should be full with women mocking guys, then grabbing men by their hair, throwing them into the bushes to have sex or to cut down their penises
truth is the worst that happens, is that women don`t do anything at all, out fear of judgement of the others and being passive is a basically a feminine trait
so guys complaining of being single, are basically the same guys that don`t approach, wait women to make a move which is contrary to their nature, than go home, watch a bunch of cr@p online and create a blog about their false convictions ... the feminine guy is an eternal kj and mental masturbator
never ever, ever, ever has a woman confronted me of being direct, masculine or escalating too much ... au contraire mon ami, they said "not so fast" while giggling and feeling honored of being so attractive to me, that makes my blood boil
women are just the way they always were, except now they have more rights they used to have in the dark ages and are a little bit confused, because the men became 'incongruent' to say the least
and Roosh is basically finished as an online dating guru