if you think you're ugly, this is for you


Jan 14, 2006
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4 years ago, i was a 2/10 in my own books, and slowly but surely ive changed into what is at least a 7/10 by workign out, changing how i dress, dieting, changing my hair, and YES even tanning

and i went from total retard who never got pvssy to the worst and biggest player (yea im bragging lol)

so read on please.................

seriously, guys who are ugly shouldnt worry.........they watch too much porn and it shoots up their standards and they end up not wanting anything under HB6, but the REALITY is, if YOU are a guy and ur a 1-4 in looks, then U HAVE NO RIGHT to have such high standards, and u either need to get better looking, or go for HB3-5's

its hypocritical to say looks dont matter to a chick, when at the same time, u b hatin on the fat HB2s who have high standards and want guys who are 7+

u gotta play in ur league........if ur a single A player, ur gonna get struck out by the Cy Young winner from the majors, and thats equivalent to an HB10 GASP not giving a seconf of her time to a guy whos a 3.........at the same time, a AAA player who jsut made it into the majors COULD get a hit off of a top 10 pitcher in the majors, thats just like a guy whos a 6 hitting on an HB9

u people following?

IF you look in the mirror and u think u arent that good looking (or better yet, judge by ur success, have u been shot down ALL THE TIME by hot chicks?), AND if u have relatively high standards, then in that case, u are a HYPOCRITE........u cant sit there bein an ugly fvck and desire to hook up with hot chicks, thats not how REALITY works, so if thats the case, then STOP READING SEDUCTION MATERIAL NOW........and go improve ur looks for weeks/months, and when uve transformed from a 3 to a 7 (good clothes, some muscle/abs, nice hair, nice cologne WILL do that)........THEN u can go hit on the hotties and even think to have a chance!

u think u cant ever NOT be a 3??? wtfffffff

lets assume that u have an UGLY UGLY face (like a ZERO), WHO THE **** CARES??? ur face is only part of wat makes ur LOOKS, with the other parts being ur body (which u can make into a 10/10), ur clothes (u can make it 10/10)....fcukin u can even change ur EYE color with eye contacts.......u can seriously have an ugly face and STILL with everything else being in place be a 7. WHAT NOW??


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
theres nothing better than posting the truth from ur own experiences

take that from someone who was an AFC who was a virgin at the age of 18 and was quite ugly (no tan, bad hair, bad clothes, outta shape, smelled?) WOW i sucked back in high school BIG TIME!


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, I love the "honest posters" on here, who tell it like it is, who give real facts that sometimes can be a real ugly wakeup call to alot of men. ie. women are cruel--> looks matter, you cant get anywomen no matter how perfect your game, etc.

All the true facts about women that mean that some men just will not be getting lots of ***** no matter what they do, nature wants it this way its the way of life, life aint fair. but we need to keep it real, and tell it like it is.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2006
Reaction score
the truth, plain and simple, couldnt' have said it better myself.

The most efficient way to get a hot girl is to be hot.

Go to the gym.

I have met only very very few people who are truley 'ugly'.
99.99% of the ugly people i've met have the potential to be good looking through weight gain/fat loss, better posture/body language, clothes, facial expressions(smile more), hair, ect.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
@ Skip,
Many props,I was like you. I rarely got the "Hes cute" a few years ago,and I didn't think I was too appealing to women. Now...at my job friends bring their girl friends to meet me because they think I'm cute and want to meet me.

I used to let comments get to me,"Your nose is big","Your too skinny" blah blah,I've heard it all. I used to let them get to me. Then I realized,hold on a second....I'm skinny,what can I do about it? I started on my self improvement,and more specifically seruios weight lifting 9 months ago. Today(same height) I have over 14.5 inch biceps,36.5 inch chest on a 5 7' frame.

Now about the nose knocks,remember EVERYTHING IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT! I used to get offended with people in high school when they cracked on me,it was rare but some tried making jokes to me. I don't know why but it was the fatties who made fun of my nose,no one else. Now whenever someone does make a comment I will cut straight to the bone and call them fat.

Jokester;"Its almost as big as your nose"
Me;"Yeah well it still takes a million of my noses to equal your stomach."

Then they shut up,right then and there.

Don't sit around and take people's dumb words,just use it as fire against them and they learn their lesson.

Ok I will cut to the chase her,look at celebrities,ie Tom Cruise,Owen Wilson,Vince Vaughn. They all have a flaw;
Tom Cruise;He and I share the same size nose
Owen Wilson;I don't know what happened to his nose
Vince Vaughn;He has a gut,no doubt about it

Lets see her,ALL HAVE AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN BY THEIR SIDES! Do they let them bother them? Heck no. They came to peace with them and moved on.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score

Ladies and Gentleman

Here we have something that is known as a Keyboard Jockey. Notice how the KBJ has no idea how to spell, no clue with punctuation and basically talks nonsense in a bid to create himself an online ego. Obviously, they spend valuable time behind their computer screens, typing up theory that they THINK will work or that works on Ugly Girls on the internet - but never putting it into practice outside the cables and binary code.

Skip - not only are you a KBJ, but you are a docile, idiotic vending machine of
useless information. The only 'Good' information that you give is either copy pasted from the bible or simply a quick Hash job that you've tried to make look like your own. Come back when you've actually picked up a girl on the street or in the mall, and no - Ebay dosnt count.

Sarge On...
Im getting kinda sick and tired of skip and his horrible "Articles" on seduction. Everyday i see more horrible advice given out like hes some DJ. Ive seen his pic he is a 3/10. I feel bad for anyone hanging off his nuts thinking what he has to say holds any validity.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
Well, he is posting from his limited experience... but thats about it!!!

like... did this... yeah it works.... must be true... gotta share it with the dudes on sosuave...

Its a big confidence boost to have pu$$y on tap!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
This is what I took from it;I don't think he is necassarily saying non so attractive guys can't pull hb7+s but rather it is easier to pick them up when you look your best. If you do not present yourself as the best you can,why do you go after women that look they best they can? Am I "wrong" for thinking this was his intention of his post?


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
this model, years ago... she was only 14 but she'd fuk anyone. even fat guys. lol. and she was pretty hot.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
blinkwatt said:
This is what I took from it;I don't think he is necassarily saying non so attractive guys can't pull hb7+s but rather it is easier to pick them up when you look your best. If you do not present yourself as the best you can,why do you go after women that look they best they can? Am I "wrong" for thinking this was his intention of his post?
intention? or obvious.. do we need spam of his msypace tactics. Now more or less hes rechanting the dj anthem. Self improve always. Except in the words of skip.

He also stated to not sarge outside your range. Aka if your a 3 dont hit on a 10? Who cares ive seen guys look like a fraction of me yet get decent girls. Seduction is an amazing thing.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2006
Reaction score
I think if you have really good skills you might be able to pull it off, just look at the author of The Game neil straus, he is a 5 at most but his girlfriend is HB9.

Then again, looks do matter to some extent if your skills aren't awesome
I seriously need to loose 15 kg and clear up my open pores and blackheads.

What is the best way to clean up your pores?


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
Weak_Game said:
Im getting kinda sick and tired of skip and his horrible "Articles" on seduction. Everyday i see more horrible advice given out like hes some DJ. Ive seen his pic he is a 3/10. I feel bad for anyone hanging off his nuts thinking what he has to say holds any validity.

LOL im a 3/10? if IM a 3/10, then forget bout everythin i said about 3s not getting with 9's........dude bringing YOUR opinions of MY looks makes absolutely no sense here, u cant rate me, cuz u arent into men, so dont try to rate me

funny guy


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
Weak_Game said:
intention? or obvious.. do we need spam of his msypace tactics. Now more or less hes rechanting the dj anthem. Self improve always. Except in the words of skip.

He also stated to not sarge outside your range. Aka if your a 3 dont hit on a 10? Who cares ive seen guys look like a fraction of me yet get decent girls. Seduction is an amazing thing.
AHEM,.........if ur a 3, u got no rite to go sarge on a 10, U DOTN DESERVE A 10 IF UR A 3!!!!

the advice is, go IMPROVE URSELF from a 3 to a 6/7/8/9 even, and THEN go sarge the hot ones........these sosuave tactics are so much easier to pull off when ur gaming and hb9 if u, ya kno, actually LOOK GOOD



Jan 14, 2006
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also, do u really think the hb10 tries hard on herself to make herself look absolutely stunning, only for her to have a slob of a 3 go up to her and try to game her??? the hb10 works hours a day on her hair, make up, tan, all that girly shyt cuz she wants to attract THE BEST POSSIBLE LOOKING GUYS

if she didnt want the best guys, she wouldnt wanna look her best

how much more common sense do i need to make my argument? lol


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
You don't have to be good looking, you just have to look good.

Groom yourself, change your hairstyle, change your clothes and yes go to the gym.

Don't try to change the things you can't control and take initiative on the ones that you can.

Skip's right to a certain extent only. A 3/10 can't get a 10. But with a few negs, some grooming, a change of clothing, and a lot of game... that 3 can become a 10 himself. Keep that in mind.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
In MY experience I have known plenty of beautiful women date average-to-ugly men, for a variety of reasons.

How hot is Pete Doherty? Average at best, yet he has Kate Moss. Check out all the famous hotties and their partners, they don't always choose the best-looking guys. I know a guy, fat as f*ck but he dresses flamboyantly and radiates arrogance and contempt. He's not even charming. But he f*cked Daryl hannah, true story. He claimed to not even know who she was, which gives a clue as to what really turns on your HB10s. Not that she's a 10 anymore...

This is a stupid thread. Looks are a very important factor, and everyone should do their best to improve themselves, but any claim they are all-important is disproved by reality time and time again.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score
Really some girls dont care(rare nowadays) but most will not date u if u a 3 and shes a 10. Even if she likes u unless her friends think u the sexiest thing. Church as crazy as it might sound is where when i was goin i had great success.
If u ever go to church u will see many georgeous women with guys who they could really do better than just based off looks.
Problem is its hard for many guys to be mackin in church. But if u are active in church u could probaly do pretty good. Alottve church girls really just want nice guys.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2006
Reaction score
skipmylou has a good point though. In my experience, when I work out hard, run, tan and dress good women are much more receptive. It makes meeting them easier. Looks aren't the end all be all though -- looks will not get the girl -- they will just help you meet her. In my experience, a combination of charisma, substance, and looks gets the girl. ( In that order) Women want a high energy, confident man. You just need to look good and exhibit charisma. I don't think you need to be hot.