If you have jacked guys in your group, you will clean up

Father Joseph

Don Juan
Feb 6, 2014
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Being buff can be a good thing like a plus in women's eyes but it does not necessarily mean that you are good with women or that you are dominant and "alpha".

Having a muscular physique can boost your self confidence and that way help you with women but not always.
People can still boss you around and treat you like garbage even though you are buffed up. It is a matter of self confidence (+bodylanguage) more than the size of your biceps. May God bless you.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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OP is an idiot. He makes sweeping generalizations and applies them to everyone. He probably saw a movie where The Rock ended up with the girl at the end and so assumed ALL buff guys get the girls.

In reality SOME girls like buff guys, SOME girls like brainy guys who aren't buff.

SOME girls like buff guys with brains whereas SOME girls like buff guys with no brains. SOME girls like skinny guys with brains, SOME girls like skinny guys with no brains (OP). etc etc etc

There is no one type to fit all. There are all sorts for all types. Don't let OP delude you into believing his limited outlook on life. Life is a dazzling array of all sorts not a one size fits all. what is probably most important and where OP misses out is your attitude in life. POsitive or negative. No-one likes a loser. And that doesn't mean you have to be a millionaire. You can still be humble and a winner. Take note OP.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2014
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Yup, there is no one size fits all, but I bet the guys who look after themselves whether they're buff or just nicely toned would get the girl over another guy with similar game/looks who doesn't look after himself - can't override 40,000 generations of female programming dude!

I run and lift, I'm not massive by any means but do the ladies love having a feel, f'kin right they do!!

The OP isn't really an idiot, it's just his opinion - we all have em and we're entitled to our own whether it's right or wrong ;)

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
nemz said:
Yup, there is no one size fits all, but I bet the guys who look after themselves whether they're buff or just nicely toned would get the girl over another guy with similar game/looks who doesn't look after himself - can't override 40,000 generations of female programming dude!

I run and lift, I'm not massive by any means but do the ladies love having a feel, f'kin right they do!!

The OP isn't really an idiot, it's just his opinion - we all have em and we're entitled to our own whether it's right or wrong ;)
that depends on the guy and his mentality not his physique. and yes, op really is an idiot. this is a forum dedicated to giving advice to those seeking it. this is the not the first uninformed thread he has created intending for his unsubstantiated and untested theories to be taken as fact! plus he explicitly states that his theory is fact and not merely an opinion without any stats to back his 'facts' up which only further proves the retarded nature of OP.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2014
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I think women are attracted to groups of guys who exude confidence, they can feel it - perhaps it was this confidence that attracted the ladies the OP mentioned rather than their muscles. Like you say it's about the individual's mind set ultimately, rather than how they're built.... but on equal ground (confidence/looks/game) a guy who looks after himself has an advantage over an average geezer (in most cases).


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Big guys get attention more easily than small guys, but women are so picky they'll next you if you're a weirdo.

I'm almost 6'2", four years ago I was 150 pounds, not much big muscle, but I was cut and lean, had a nice 6 pack...I got looks and stares from women. Fast forward to now, I'm almost 210 pounds, I gained weight after a surgery and lost my abs so I got into weightlifting. I'm squatting over 450 pounds, benching close to 300, weighted dips of up to 260 pounds. I get maybe a few more compliments now because I 'm a big muscular guy.

The moral of the story is be in shape, whether you're the skinny runner type, or the bodybuilder, girls like men who focus on themselves. Being handsome in general also helps. I've had girls tell me I get away with a lot more BS than other guys simply because they find me attractive. In other words the more attractive men get more shots at women cause they want it lol.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2013
Reaction score
Wow OP, I have a similar success story.

One time I was out with my buddy at a Starbucks, he had a V for Vendetta anon mask on carrying an old 1980s boom box on his shoulder playing some Chuck Berry. This girl started talking to me in the line, I couldn't believe it.

Later on I was with another friend doing some running around, he had on his Hulk power gloves with his cool tyedye fanny pack. AGAIN another girl talked to me. It was unreal.

I knew it had nothing to do with me. It had to be my superhero hipster loving friends drawing them in for me. From there on out I always made sure to go out with my superhero hipster friends. I never bother to dress as one though because that wouldn't make any sense.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
I never wanted to be jacked, but apparently it helps a lot. Went to the club with a bunch of weightlifters, they had chicks going up to them. But this guys were super jacked....it looked like steriods and they were not good looking, but the muscles helped them out

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
age matters. at 18 girls might be attracted to your muscles.

at 40 they are more interested in the size of your bank account.