If you have jacked guys in your group, you will clean up


May 17, 2013
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America is best
sylvester the cat said:
noobolgy said:
My brother is guilty of this one. he thinks he judges people pretty well and very quickly he thinks he can get a general idea of what kind of person they are.

more often than not he is very, very wrong. but try telling someone as arrogant as him that he is wrong. the irony is that he thinks he can sum up other people but ask him about himself and he cannot answer. with types like my brother life is very much easier to nod your head in mock agreement and avoid.

However I'm not your brother. My assumptions are usually confirmed as I spend more and more time with people.

But go ahead pull shivt out your ass.

Also, to manipulate some one, don't you have to be able to read and understand them first? I'm very good at that to.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
S Town
Lifting weights and hitting the gym is a fallacy and a myth for trying to get women. Gaining a little muscle won't help you get women if you're still a push over and your face looks like a 4. Chilling with better looking bulked up men in hopes to score women will make you stand out like a sore thumb.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
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Bokanovsky said:
Many women are not into the whole beefcake/roid monkey look. The most attractive physique is the swimmer/tennis player type: fit, toned, broad shoulders but fairly slim.

Well, it's blatantly obvious that somebody doesn't lift.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Mike32ct said:
I used to wing with a huge 6'4" ripped guy.

Yes, I got lot of girls approaching me. They all wanted the big guy's name and number lol.

lol my best friend, one of the 2 of them in HS was 6'2, about 185 and absoutly shredded. part of the reason if not the main reason i had so low self esteem when it came to women, they all wanted him lol. mind you were were in high school. it took me years to realize i was a catch in my own right.

Well, it's blatantly obvious that somebody doesn't lift.
i don't think the avg person understands just how hard it is to get that buff. they act like if you go to the gym and lift weights for a month you will come out looking all roided up.

i have been working out daily just about since i was 22 years old, i have muscles but i'm 5'8 170 pounds. and **** i have to eat a ****load of protein just to stay 170 or else i would be smaller becuase i burn alot of calories.

do you understand thea mount of foods you have to eat to get that the rock look lol? or how much time you have to spend in the gym and the type of "supplements" you have to take to get that look?

then the dudes that do go tot he gym are afraid to lift heavy or "They are going to look too buff". like the friend of mine who is 40 pounds bigger than I am telling me he doesn't want to get too big when i tell him he needs to focus on low rep heavy weights in the gym to lose weight. rotfl.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2013
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goldengoose said:
Does anybody else besides me think he is lying? Somehow I don't think you are telling the truth. You'd get arrested for punching a guy in a bar these days. George Lopez got arrested for just being passed out drunk. How were you on a date when you were with another guy approaching 3 women? Where did the date come from? Why did you go solo to another bar? What happened to your date? Something isn't adding up.

Exactly, that's the kind of story the local crack head tells me when he wants money for crack.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
i don't think the avg person understands just how hard it is to get that buff. they act like if you go to the gym and lift weights for a month you will come out looking all roided up.

i have been working out daily just about since i was 22 years old, i have muscles but i'm 5'8 170 pounds. and **** i have to eat a ****load of protein just to stay 170 or else i would be smaller becuase i burn alot of calories.

do you understand thea mount of foods you have to eat to get that the rock look lol? or how much time you have to spend in the gym and the type of "supplements" you have to take to get that look?

then the dudes that do go tot he gym are afraid to lift heavy or "They are going to look too buff". like the friend of mine who is 40 pounds bigger than I am telling me he doesn't want to get too big when i tell him he needs to focus on low rep heavy weights in the gym to lose weight. rotfl.

You hit the hammer on the nail.

What gets me the most is when dudes ask me for advice and/or to train them, follow it for a week or two then go off and do "something I saw online" or "work on toning". Then after about another week if even that, they never come back to the gym and go back to their old ways.

But yeah, people think getting big is easy when it isn't by any means. Hell, it took me 7 years to go from 6'2 140 to 6'4 225.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Gray The Prince said:
You hit the hammer on the nail.

What gets me the most is when dudes ask me for advice and/or to train them, follow it for a week or two then go off and do "something I saw online" or "work on toning". Then after about another week if even that, they never come back to the gym and go back to their old ways.

But yeah, people think getting big is easy when it isn't by any means. Hell, it took me 7 years to go from 6'2 140 to 6'4 225.
Word. I've been working out for 12 years and I'm still skinny. On the other hand some guys have DNA that will allow them to look buff even though they eat McDonalds and don't work out. It's luck man.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
So, on a self-improvement forum, your advice is to leech off of other guy's confidence rather than developing your own?

I could give a f*ck if my friends are muscular, skinny, Brad Pitt or Rob Ford. I'm going to succeed or fail on my own merits. Women are going to be attracted to me because of the way I look and act, not because I'm piggybacking on somebody else's good qualities.

There is nothing more pathetic than the sidekick. People of SoSuave, I implore you, DO NOT be the sidekick. DO NOT follow the OP's "advice."


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
TheCWord said:
So, on a self-improvement forum, your advice is to leech off of other guy's confidence rather than developing your own?

I could give a f*ck if my friends are muscular, skinny, Brad Pitt or Rob Ford. I'm going to succeed or fail on my own merits. Women are going to be attracted to me because of the way I look and act, not because I'm piggybacking on somebody else's good qualities.

There is nothing more pathetic than the sidekick. People of SoSuave, I implore you, DO NOT be the sidekick. DO NOT follow the OP's "advice."

You misinterpreted my post.

The point is to USE the buff guys to get access to women you want. If you don't already have HB 9 model's in your group, the buff guys will attract attention and when those women are mingling with your crew, you can get an "in". I wasn't the sidekick at all that night. I was getting numbers from girls I wouldn't have been able to get on my own…they probably thought I was a cool guy cause I was with those dudes. You are who your friends are, or at least who they seem to be at that moment.

You are guaranteed to get more pvssy if your friends are good looking than if your friends are trolls. Prove me wrong.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
Word. I've been working out for 12 years and I'm still skinny. On the other hand some guys have DNA that will allow them to look buff even though they eat McDonalds and don't work out. It's luck man.

Um no...eating a calorie surplus, getting enough protein, and lifting will make you gain muscle. Sure some people have different caloric needs, but the reason that youre skinny is that you didnt eat properly.

Diet is key. No luck there.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
Word. I've been working out for 12 years and I'm still skinny. On the other hand some guys have DNA that will allow them to look buff even though they eat McDonalds and don't work out. It's luck man.

genetics do matter, some people have incredible genetics while some people have weak genetics, sure that part is the luck of the draw.

do you mind giving me a quick synopsis of your workouts? how often and what kind of exercises? im a slender hardgainer myself, but ive been been able to gain some muscle over the years, i can give you some tips. if you are going to the gym and just doing arms and chest you are wasting your time.

if you are naturally slender you are never going to be big. bruce lee trained his ass off, but he was still slender despite being super toned and ripped. bruce lee would have never been able to look like an arnold. and thats fine, just dont have unrealistic expectations.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
You are guaranteed to get more pvssy if your friends are good looking than if your friends are trolls. Prove me wrong.
so by this logic the buff dudes in the group are less likely to get puzzy if trolls like you are with them yet trolls like you are guaranteed more puzzy if you are with the buff dudes.

good one! :up:

YOu really need to stop giving 'advice' man. Really. Just stop.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
In my own personal expierience, buff guys have the looks.....BUT ABSOLUTELY NO GAME WHAT SO F*&^ING EVER. I have no sympathy for guys who go to the gym to get big to pick up girls. Its sad to see lengths that these guys do get bulky and ripped just to get girls attentions.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
old_skoolr said:
In my own personal expierience, buff guys have the looks.....BUT ABSOLUTELY NO GAME WHAT SO F*&^ING EVER. I have no sympathy for guys who go to the gym to get big to pick up girls. Its sad to see lengths that these guys do get bulky and ripped just to get girls attentions.
That hasnt been my experience at all. Some of those dudes have game, and some dont. At the end of the day, I see plenty of girls practically throw themselves at dudes in great shape...so it really makes things easier for them where optimal game wont be necessary.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
But the thing is from what Ive seen and heard from girls and seing at clubs & bars, is that these dude dont even have the basic level of game needed to pick up girls and only have their body to show for it.

I know its not the case all the time, but in my city theres alot of guys who take on this "gym" vulture, not to improve themselves but only for the sake of picking up women


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
asa_don said:
Chilling with better looking bulked up men in hopes to score women will make you stand out like a sore thumb.

hahaha yeah, so true the women won't pick the runt of the litter and he would spoil it for the rest of the group.

TheCWord said:
So, on a self-improvement forum, your advice is to leech off of other guy's confidence rather than developing your own?

I could give a f*ck if my friends are muscular, skinny, Brad Pitt or Rob Ford. I'm going to succeed or fail on my own merits. Women are going to be attracted to me because of the way I look and act, not because I'm piggybacking on somebody else's good qualities.

There is nothing more pathetic than the sidekick. People of SoSuave, I implore you, DO NOT be the sidekick. DO NOT follow the OP's "advice."

Give this man a cigar, for he knows what he says. Who says the leech is going to have any success piggybacking? He would look like an outsider in the group for all the women to see. I don't know of any tight knit social circle that would let some scrawny stranger in to become an intruder for the night. It doesn't happen that way. My group wouldn't allow that we would laugh him out of the bar. We wouldn't even want to be seen with him. His story doesn't even add up to what he was saying.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
Everything is relative guys. I will be the first to admit that i do NOT have much success at clubs. i'm not buff, and that's the number 1 thing girls look for in clubs. In life outside of clubs? Different story, but if you go to Vegas, you will see the jacked guys cleaning up. That's not an opinion, that's a fact.

Like I was saying, going with a group of buff guys will give you more of an "in" than if you go with betas. I used to go to clubs with betas, and we would not talk to any females the whole night. Going with these buff tall dudes will give you openings, which you should use to your advantage. Do the girls who approach your group want to fvck the buff guys first? Of course they do. I'm not denying that. But you increase your access to women which is paramount.

If you're already buff and getting laid from club game, then of course don't even read this thread. This is for guys who aren't getting sexual attention at clubs.
I actually don't find that true whatsoever from experience. I am a frequent club goer and I am not buff. however, I am tall and none of my friends I go out with are huge and the ladies love us. They love our presence at the clubs, they love the humor we present in conversations, and they love our style.

As mentioned earlier in this thread you have to value yourself. Play to your strenghts. If a girl wants a buff guy then why would you go with a bunch of buff guys. All you would be is the guy that talks to the girl while the buff guy goes and brings her drinks then later takes her home that night.

Increase your access to women by yourself by looking sharp, being funny, and being fun to be around. I actually notice girls usually don't usually like the "meathead" type of guy who is all muscle and no brain.

This whole thread to me is pretty pathetic. Your advice is to let all the "buff guys" fvck all the b1tches while you get solid access to the friend zone by orbiting the "buff guys" or maybe buy a b1tch a drink or too. You don't have to be buff to be alpha.