If you have jacked guys in your group, you will clean up


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Just got home.

The first bar I went to, I was with my boy who is pretty big. I approached a group of 3 women, and they kept saying "where's that bouncer guy?" when he went to get a drink. They freaking loved him. I got quite comfortable with one of the chicks in the group. I ended up getting kicked out of the bar cause I punched a guy who was trying to creep on my girl (beta orbiter…the girl I was protecting was the one I was actually on a date with LOL) but it was all in all a good time.

I then went to a bar about 20 minutes away, totally solo. I approached a group of guys who happened to be personal trainers at my gym. We talked about all kinds of stuff and they were really chill. Soon enough, I was getting all kinds of sexual attention from females there.

Make sure that there are really buff guys in your social circle. Makes pick up game so much easier, cause the women flock to you. I became friends with the guys at the bar and I plan to hang out with them next weekend.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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Thanks for the tip. I'll look for an ugly scrawny guy to join my group and we will see how well he does.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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skinnyguy said:
Just got home.

The first bar I went to, I was with my boy who is pretty big. I approached a group of 3 women, and they kept saying "where's that bouncer guy?" when he went to get a drink. They freaking loved him. I got quite comfortable with one of the chicks in the group. I ended up getting kicked out of the bar cause I punched a guy who was trying to creep on my girl (beta orbiter…the girl I was protecting was the one I was actually on a date with LOL) but it was all in all a good time.

I then went to a bar about 20 minutes away, totally solo. I approached a group of guys who happened to be personal trainers at my gym. We talked about all kinds of stuff and they were really chill. Soon enough, I was getting all kinds of sexual attention from females there.

Make sure that there are really buff guys in your social circle. Makes pick up game so much easier, cause the women flock to you. I became friends with the guys at the bar and I plan to hang out with them next weekend.
Does anybody else besides me think he is lying? Somehow I don't think you are telling the truth. You'd get arrested for punching a guy in a bar these days. George Lopez got arrested for just being passed out drunk. How were you on a date when you were with another guy approaching 3 women? Where did the date come from? Why did you go solo to another bar? What happened to your date? Something isn't adding up.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
goldengoose said:
Thanks for the tip. I'll look for an ugly scrawny guy to join my group and we will see how well he does.
:crackup: :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
The brahs at Bodybuilding Forum misc seem to struggle with girls as much as the guys on here. Never really understood that.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
Yo'Mama said:
The brahs at Bodybuilding Forum misc seem to struggle with girls as much as the guys on here. Never really understood that.

My theory is that they used to be skinny brahs with no self-confidence and a poor mindset. They got buff. But a lot of them still are trapped in that old mindset.

Also, most miscers are probably 5'2'' 110 lbs.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
It's because they're stuck on the looks theory, like 90% of guys on this planet. They think that all they have to do is get buff, then women will come crawlin. Nope. Doesn't work that way. It may get them right place at the right time lays, or build some confidence, which will transfer over to lays. But, if all they're doing is working out, and not changing anything else, it's only one piece of the pie.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Out there
Whenever I see something written by this particular OP I can taste vomit in my mouth.

skinnyguy said:
I punched a guy who was trying to creep on my girl (beta orbiter…the girl I was protecting was the one I was actually on a date with LOL) but it was all in all a good time.
See in bold above. I have to break it to you, your white knightness but... beta orbiter = trying to protect a girl. Good job. Now go ride a rainbow.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I prefer to hang with smaller, skinnier guys. Contrast counts for a lot in game. Once that initial looks thing is over with, I'm able to deploy my killer personality and win them over.

I'm not a bad looking guy at all, but I used to be in a band with a lead singer who was built well and had a natural magnetic, very masculine charm that the ladies swooned over (even when the band thing wasn't in play... just socializing). I found it nearly impossible to overcome the contrast of his masculine charm vs. my neutral beta-ness.

That's where intelligence and personality come into play. Intelligence is NOT sexy to women, but it can help a man to position himself very nicely when he throttles his own intelligence to accomplish his aims.

Speaking of intelligence, I do believe that the SS community is by-and-large comprised of men who are above-average in intelligence, and this very intelligence has been a huge factor in our problems with women. In short, we are hyper-aware and often think too much instead of just living.

Before SS, we were hyper-aware of female behavior and our own emotions. After the red pill, we are hyper-aware of the mechanics and dynamics of game.

Or maybe I just drank too much Geritol this morning, I don't know... ;)


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
When I was huge, all i got were compliments from dudes. Girls like the toned/skinny abs guys more


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
Speaking of intelligence, I do believe that the SS community is by-and-large comprised of men who are above-average in intelligence, and this very intelligence has been a huge factor in our problems with women.
Probably true. We tend to want to analyze situations when we should just be going for it. Having said that, I have no interest in being any dumber, women or no women.

I think the problem with being a skinny guy going to the bar with guys who are jacked is that the girls would all want the guys who are jacked.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2014
Reaction score
Jacked or not, it depends on the guy´s overall appearance. In general, it´s not a good idea to go out with a group anyways, because there will be too much hassle, competition and uncontrollable situations. If your goal is to find women, better to go solo or with one trusted friend who knows how to assist you with a PROVEN track record.

If you go out with a group, make sure your friends aren´t too much better looking than you. The group is as strong as its weakest link so don´t be the best looking either because then your friends bring down your value. Most of your friends are betas who WILL sabotage your night. Don´t take your group along if you wanna score.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Espi said:
Just because they're subscribed to that forum doesn't mean they're BB'ers.

But--some guys just have no clue. No frame of reference whatsoever. They're still trying to "nice" their way into her pants.

AFC's come in all shapes and sizes.

No no I read an article on a bb once so I am now a bber. Logic.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Everything is relative guys. I will be the first to admit that i do NOT have much success at clubs. i'm not buff, and that's the number 1 thing girls look for in clubs. In life outside of clubs? Different story, but if you go to Vegas, you will see the jacked guys cleaning up. That's not an opinion, that's a fact.

Like I was saying, going with a group of buff guys will give you more of an "in" than if you go with betas. I used to go to clubs with betas, and we would not talk to any females the whole night. Going with these buff tall dudes will give you openings, which you should use to your advantage. Do the girls who approach your group want to fvck the buff guys first? Of course they do. I'm not denying that. But you increase your access to women which is paramount.

If you're already buff and getting laid from club game, then of course don't even read this thread. This is for guys who aren't getting sexual attention at clubs.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Yo'Mama said:
The brahs at Bodybuilding Forum misc seem to struggle with girls as much as the guys on here. Never really understood that.
Many women are not into the whole beefcake/roid monkey look. The most attractive physique is the swimmer/tennis player type: fit, toned, broad shoulders but fairly slim.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
zekko said:
Probably true. We tend to want to analyze situations when we should just be going for it. Having said that, I have no interest in being any dumber, women or no women.

I think this is why I drink to much. I seriously look at most people in life I meet below me in intelligence. Not sucking my own d!ck here or anything, but seriously; I can judge people pretty well, and very quickly I can get a very general idea of what kind of person they are.

But as you spend more and more time with people, and their true colors come out. Most people can't even see themselves, and they are just ****ty people.

No one is innocent. There is only the guilty, the ignorant and the unlucky.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
noobolgy said:
zekko said:
Probably true. We tend to want to analyze situations when we should just be going for it. Having said that, I have no interest in being any dumber, women or no women.

I think this is why I drink to much. I seriously look at most people in life I meet below me in intelligence. Not sucking my own d!ck here or anything, but seriously; I can judge people pretty well, and very quickly I can get a very general idea of what kind of person they are.

But as you spend more and more time with people, and their true colors come out. Most people can't even see themselves, and they are just ****ty people.

No one is innocent. There is only the guilty, the ignorant and the unlucky.
My brother is guilty of this one. he thinks he judges people pretty well and very quickly he thinks he can get a general idea of what kind of person they are.

more often than not he is very, very wrong. but try telling someone as arrogant as him that he is wrong. the irony is that he thinks he can sum up other people but ask him about himself and he cannot answer. with types like my brother life is very much easier to nod your head in mock agreement and avoid.



Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Mike32ct said:
I used to wing with a huge 6'4" ripped guy.

Yes, I got lot of girls approaching me. They all wanted the big guy's name and number lol.

This is why I get myself fit. Me and a couple buddies from the gym are going to a big musical festival at the end of spring. No way will I allow them to outshine me and get all the tail lol
Dhoulmagus said:
When I was huge, all i got were compliments from dudes. Girls like the toned/skinny abs guys more
Yeah, chicks like a swimmers build, soccer build type guy Ive noticed. Think Drogba or Cristiano Ronaldo. The biggest Ive seen a lot of girls like is a lean fitness model body.