Okay, what she wants vs what she needs:
Maybe you remember that I said: what everybody wants is Attention & Validation (A&V). This makes A&V your currency. Like money, you pay attention and you validate what pleases you.
Now, A&V has a curious property: it gives you confidence when you get it, but when you don't get it... you lose confidence. That's why the most insecure people are the biggest A&V seekers (which is why many, if not most, celebrities are insecure A&V black holes).
Another property of A&V is that the value is highly dependent on the person bestowing the A&V on you. If you make sure you look good and you're strutting around trying to get A&V from women, the value of the A&V is directly related to the attractiveness of the woman giving you A&V. Getting lustful glances from unattractive women won't give you that A&V confidence you'd enjoy if an attractive woman appreciates your looks.
And a third interesting property of A&V is that you value it more when you have to put effort into earning the A&V. This is why I don't give my A&V freely to any woman who wants it. If I give a woman what she wants without her having to put any effort into getting it, she will put my A&V with the other freely given A&V she gets from her 'orbiters'.
However, most of the orbiters don't really know her. They don't know what she needs.
What she needs is the A&V from a man who can really SEE her. Someone she can respect because she cannot manipulate him with sex, but she has to be naked before him, drop her mask and her modesty, and be appreciated without fearing judgment. Someone who can and will penetrate her mind before penetrating her willing body.
Although what she needs seems similar to what she wants, there's a difference in whether you're handed something on a silver platter or if you have to put time and effort into getting it. Freely given A&V loses its appear very quickly, but earned A&V is cherished.