Posting this as a result of some other stuff I've read on this board today, thought it deserved it's own thread.
This forum has a lot of bitterness and anger, and so many posts here seem to give an impression they do not like nor respect women. And think that they are only good for one thing...
But you know what, thinking this dooms you to failure. How can you truly understand and respond to someone you dislike? It's impossible to ever master women with this mindset.
The guys who do the best are those that LOVE women. Not just their curves, but also their way of thinking, their attitudes, and all their differences from typical men. I'm like this, I have tons of female friends because I genuinely prefer spending time with them for the most part. Also having a higher level of empathy allows me to say the right things, and ultimately get what I always want.
I think this would be my number one piece of advice to most people on this board. Stop getting angry, and try to embrace just how amazing women are
This forum has a lot of bitterness and anger, and so many posts here seem to give an impression they do not like nor respect women. And think that they are only good for one thing...
But you know what, thinking this dooms you to failure. How can you truly understand and respond to someone you dislike? It's impossible to ever master women with this mindset.
The guys who do the best are those that LOVE women. Not just their curves, but also their way of thinking, their attitudes, and all their differences from typical men. I'm like this, I have tons of female friends because I genuinely prefer spending time with them for the most part. Also having a higher level of empathy allows me to say the right things, and ultimately get what I always want.
I think this would be my number one piece of advice to most people on this board. Stop getting angry, and try to embrace just how amazing women are