If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch


Jun 15, 2015
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Tenacity said:
When you are challenging an opinion, you restate the other side's theory and refute it with data, facts, logic and reasoning, not name calling.
That's rich coming from you son. You must've forgot your history of dropping N bombs on here. Though hypocrisy for me not for thee is the MGTOW credo.

Tenacity said:
Getting up here and saying men who are MGTOW are "weak bytches" who see themselves as victims is not a dialogue sir, that's a personal attack. It's hard to have a discussion when you are throwing out personal attacks.
I call it like I see it. Don't like it? Keep whining. What is MGTOW the "army" that runs away yelling and ranting at everything? Curls up in a ball and is "brave" on the internet challenging society, women, etc? The same "army" attempting to finish what feminism started. You MGTOW are fooling no one.

Tenacity said:
So let's start a discussion, shall we?

- What is it that you disagree about in relation to MGTOW?
The entire thing. Running away isn't a solution. Or pretending to run away. No one has a gun to your heads saying you have to get married.

What made YOU become MGTOW? Were you ever married? Did you get taken for everything? Do you have kids? Are you currently paying all your money for child support? If not. Then you simply have an agenda against nature. And it's a lost battle. Hate to break it to you MGTOWs.

Tenacity said:
- Do you know what the definition of MGTOW is, along with the fact that there's four levels to MGTOW?
Men Going Their Own Way. 4 levels means it's a cult. It spreads it's ideology like a cult. If it's "whatever you want MGTOW to be" there's no need for "levels". The definition matters little as it's men pretending to go there own way but going online. Men who for some weird reason need a group of men to "go their own way" instead of just going on their own. A group of MGTOW is "whatever you want it to be" so then there's no need to call it "MGTOW" if it's "whatever you want it to be". Its trying to herd stray cats. A group that is unoriginal as EVERYONE "goes their own way" in life no matter how much the group of men "doing and it being whatever you want" tries to claim others are doing as "sheep" while they are doing the same exact thing.

Tenacity said:
- Do you believe the discussion of how the market of women is mostly low quality, how marriage has become a scam from a generic sense, and how the child support system is totally broken...is just VICTIM talk? Or is there some level of fact and truth behind the statements?
Glass half empty mentality. Sorry but there's too many of us normal "blue pillers" who are either in successful marriages or know and have many friends who are married. Divorce happens. NOTHING in life is 100% fool proof. If MGTOW is "certain" of impending doom in the current climate, with society, women etc. Might as well off yourselves as guess what? We're all going to die someday. Might as well end the pain sooner.

I mean if you look at it from a MGTOW point of view you might as well NEVER take ANY risks in life and live in a bubble. Don't cross the street because stats show many people get hit by cars, even though many people cross the street fine. Many people have accidents on the road. Might as well not drive because you could always get in an accident. MGTOW acts as if they have ZERO self-awareness, self-accountability or brains to successfully complete risks like many people do and have done since the history of humankind. They prefer to see ANY risk as something they are completely unable to accomplish successfully.

Tenacity said:
It would be great if you "MGTOW Haters" actually came to the table with data, facts, logic and reasoning to SMACK DOWN the claims we make, rather than just your stupid personal attacks.
So others need data, facts, logic, reasoning against MGTOW "claims". LMAO

Tenacity said:
Like calling us "weak little bytches" is going to change our minds? You want to change our minds (or at least change my mind) then bring me some logic and FACTS TO THE TABLE that I'm omitting.
If you prefer to see everything in a negative light no facts, logic or reasoning will change you mind. The intellectually dishonest who have their own agenda are their own worst enemy.

Tenacity said:
I'll be waiting......
Don't wait too long as you've been "going your own way" haven't you?


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

I don't even know where to begin with this.....

silencer said:
That's rich coming from you son. You must've forgot your history of dropping N bombs on here. Though hypocrisy for me not for thee is the MGTOW credo.

You keep bringing this up like a lame reporter on MSNBC using out of context sound-bites to push a narrative. I'm black, I'm not a racist against blacks, you can do yourself a favor and stop making a big deal about a black guy using the "N" word as if we (black guys) don't use that word everyday. Where I was wrong in this context, was using it on this Forum as it violates the Terms and Conditions. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to push this narrative silencer.

I call it like I see it. Don't like it? Keep whining. What is MGTOW the "army" that runs away yelling and ranting at everything? Curls up in a ball and is "brave" on the internet challenging society, women, etc? The same "army" attempting to finish what feminism started. You MGTOW are fooling no one.

The entire thing. Running away isn't a solution. Or pretending to run away. No one has a gun to your heads saying you have to get married.

Correct, nobody has a gun to our head saying we have to get married and THUS, a lot of us (MGTOWs) opt out of marriage. But then you say we are cowardly little "bytches" who are "running away"?

If you agree that marriage is optional, not required, why then do you correlate being a "scared little bytch" with the decision not to get married? Why does "being cowardly" have to be included in the equation?

Again, Hit Hard did this in the other thread. He discussed the decision to get married as if we are discussing cold approaching a chick. If you see a chick you want to talk to and DON'T, you can equate that to being a "cowardly, scared little bytch". But to equate not getting married, which is signing a very inefficient legal/business contract, to being a "cowardly, scared little bytch" is equivalent to a Sales Guy cussing out a Prospect because the Prospect doesn't want to sign up for their service.

Marriage is a commercial transaction sir, and no commercial transaction is required, only optional (that is unless you are talking about Obamacare but that's another story). :rolleyes:

What made YOU become MGTOW? Were you ever married? Did you get taken for everything? Do you have kids? Are you currently paying all your money for child support? If not. Then you simply have an agenda against nature. And it's a lost battle. Hate to break it to you MGTOWs.

Again, makes no sense. The answer is NO to all of these questions, but your framing of these questions is like me asking you the following, "Have you ever been bitten by a rattlesnake?" Then if you say NO, I go on to say that then you shouldn't be so worried about getting involved with rattlesnakes.

I don't have to get burned to know that the stove is hot sir. I don't have to fall off a building to know that it hurts when I hit the ground. Your framing of these questions makes no sense.

The reason I haven't gotten "burned" through the Family Court is because I'm diligent in research, analysis and management of my dating life. If I wasn't so diligent, I would be screwing chicks recklessly and might have 8 kids from 8 different women by now. Or, I might have been married and divorced twice by now.

Men Going Their Own Way. 4 levels means it's a cult. It spreads it's ideology like a cult. If it's "whatever you want MGTOW to be" there's no need for "levels". The definition matters little as it's men pretending to go there own way but going online. Men who for some weird reason need a group of men to "go their own way" instead of just going on their own.

The concept of "going your own way" is to decide which way YOU want to go in life, what YOUR goals, desires and passions are in life, and go after them. You frame, design and craft your life the way you see fit.

Not all MGTOWs opt out of Marriage and creating children, instead, they proceed with the procedures AWARE of the risks but use various techniques to try and risk mitigate the situation such as extreme filtration on the front end, while maintaining their frame/attraction throughout the marriage, while also having an extensive knowledge over the legal procedures to always keep himself "ahead" in that area using pre-nups, letters, spending tracking, etc. These are MGTOW Level 1 guys.

Tenacity doesn't want to get married, but Tenacity wants to continue being in committed/loving relationships with women while they last. That puts me at MGTOW Level 2.

MGTOW Level 3 are guys that don't want committed relationships with women and will only seek out sex every now and then.

MGTOW Level 4 guys are those who don't want to fvck women at all, and they don't even want to work as much at all either due to not wanting to pay taxes to support "welfare wh0res".

If you are going to criticize MGTOW, at least know what it is.

And so what if it's a cult? A cult has different definitions and one of them includes having "excessive admiration for a particular person or thing". Every religion is a cult, feminism is a cult, being a Republican is a cult, being a Democrat is a cult, being a SJW is a cult, being apart of the Civil Rights Movement was a cult, all ORGANIZED SOCIAL GROUPS are a cult.

Glass half empty mentality. Sorry but there's too many of us normal "blue pillers" who are either in successful marriages or know and have many friends who are married. Divorce happens. NOTHING in life is 100% fool proof. If MGTOW is "certain" of impending doom in the current climate, with society, women etc. Might as well off yourselves as guess what? We're all going to die someday. Might as well end the pain sooner.

Again, my friend, what type of logic are you bringing to this argument?

First off, saying "not all marriages are like that" is irrelevant because nobody said all marriages were like that, we said too many end BADLY to make this an epidemic/concern.

Secondly, no, nothing in life is 100% certain except death and taxes, but there's a reason we do forecast analysis, weather analysis, trend analysis, business planning, career planning, college planning, investment planning, retirement planning, health planning, insurance planning, financial planning, goal planning, etc. No, we do not know for certain what tomorrow brings, but by doing strategic PLANNING and making strategic MOVES, this allows us a higher chance to "write our tomorrow" rather than "just coast through life".

MGTOWs like me, after fully comprehending the legal regulations relating to marriage and children creation, as well as the nature of women in general, we are making strategic planning decisions to opt out of the engagement. But again, not all MGTOWs are opting out as I stated above.


Jun 15, 2015
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Tenacity said:

I don't even know where to begin with this.....

Shocking MGTOW always claim anyone who debates them "they don't really know what MGTOW is" LMAO. You dudes are predictable as hell. And lame as hell. MGTOW to MGTOW is whatever you want it to be yet when someone calls you out on MGTOW you dudes love to pretend people don't know what it is to delude yourselves that only MGTOW know what MGTOW is. You make up some group when there is no need for a group if you're all going your own way. You aren't going your own way. You're sitting at a fork in a road on your own MGTOW symbol not even wanting OTHER MGTOW to go their own way. You're just collecting there going nowhere to keep going in circles about what you aren't going to do trying to recruit more MGTOW to sit at the fork not ever really going anywhere but pretending to still sitting at that fork gathering as a group to go nowhere while saying you are.

Tenacity said:
Correct, nobody has a gun to our head saying we have to get married and THUS, a lot of us (MGTOWs) opt out of marriage. But then you say we are cowardly little "bytches" who are "running away"?

If you agree that marriage is optional, not required, why then do you correlate being a "scared little bytch" with the decision not to get married? Why does "being cowardly" have to be included in the equation?

Again, Hit Hard did this in the other thread. He discussed the decision to get married as if we are discussing cold approaching a chick. If you see a chick you want to talk to and DON'T, you can equate that to being a "cowardly, scared little bytch". But to equate not getting married, which is signing a very inefficient legal/business contract, to being a "cowardly, scared little bytch" is equivalent to a Sales Guy cussing out a Prospect because the Prospect doesn't want to sign up for their service.

Marriage is a commercial transaction sir, and no commercial transaction is required, only optional (that is unless you are talking about Obamacare but that's another story).
Two people earn more than one. Two people are the starting point of a society. NOT ONE.

So you're sure of something you've NEVER done. MGTOW are experts on something they've never done or have foolishly done because they were "asleep" as if they were NEVER aware divorces happen and lived in some delusional Disney fantasy land. MGTOW elevate their assumptions into dogmatic truths with little to no real-world verification or context, with over-thought as their only major source of verification.

No sir you dudes are simply against nature attempting to use red herrings to try to convince others what you have never done and choose not to. That's not MGTOW being whatever you want it to be. Which if it is. There's no need for a title, group etc. as everyone in the history of humankind has gone their own way. Completely unoriginal concept. MGTOW is a cult and the first thing it did to become that way was to refer to everyone in the plural as opposed to the singular.

Never take ANY risk in life. Act as if any and everything not only could but WILL cause you to ruin your life because you are a helpless. clueless zombie who will have everything taken from you....even though it hasn't and you've never done it before.

All this marriage, child support talk is simply a red herring for those against nature attempting to finish what feminism started railing against nature.

I wonder if all MGTOW parents are divorced? Were or are all MGTOW fathers paying child support for them? Are MGTOW's themselves being taken to the cleaners in divorce? Are all MGTOW paying child support? If no. Then wake up from your "awakening". Because then the MGTOW manifesto and mantra is wrong. Like it or not.

Tenacity said:
Again, makes no sense. The answer is NO to all of these questions, but your framing of these questions is like me asking you the following, "Have you ever been bitten by a rattlesnake?" Then if you say NO, I go on to say that then you shouldn't be so worried about getting involved with rattlesnakes.

I don't have to get burned to know that the stove is hot sir. I don't have to fall off a building to know that it hurts when I hit the ground. Your framing of these questions makes no sense.

The reason I haven't gotten "burned" through the Family Court is because I'm diligent in research, analysis and management of my dating life. If I wasn't so diligent, I would be screwing chicks recklessly and might have 8 kids from 8 different women by now. Or, I might have been married and divorced twice by now.
Perhaps it's a great thing MGTOW's such as yourself never get married. You just aren't cut out for it like many others who succeed in it. You MGTOW are the cause of your own issues. The pretending MGTOW to be whatever you want it to be is laughable at best as you preach the mantra of it being whatever MGTOW wants it to be while railing against marriage which YOU have chosen not to do.

The term MGTOW is not salvageable. MGTOW today is about as manly as feminism is feminine. It no longer represents strong, independent men who under their own intellectual volition decide to go out and strike out on their own way. It is a bunch of self-proclaimed internet professors who can only study and speculate about what real life MGTOW's are doing in the real world.

Are their real world MGTOW's out there, real men, genuinely going their own way? Yes, of course. But they're too busy actually being MGTOW to write about it, let alone care if they're labelled "MGTOW." If you need a name for MGTOW or a club of fellow "travelers", you just don't get it and most likely never will.

Nature is going it's own way regardless of MGTOW. MGTOW are a part of nature yourselves and are being weeded out by helping along with natural selection. MGTOW is nothing more than a temporary and excusable coping mechanism used as a shield to stop from any kind of self or personal growth. A fringe movement of so-called "men", who start slamming the keyboard and blaming everything else except themselves for all their ills. MGTOWs are those who come to the fork in the road (the MGTOW symbol) but then stop and declare that they're going to go their own way, but never actually "get on with it."

Why? Because MGTOW really don't want to go their "own" way. They want everyone to go as a group to get validation and affirmation for their life. So there you see them, perpetually yelling at real MGTOWs to stop as they actually proceed to go their own way, insisting that they wait so that everyone can go the same way together. So instead of sitting at the fork in the MGTOW road in a loop of anger and hatred in a self-perpetuating echo chamber, waiting for every other MGTOW to join going nowhere, actually start going anywhere but sitting at that same fork in your own symbol.

There's two types of people, talkers and doers. So which one are you? Do you just talk about it? Or do you stand up and do something about it? Because believe you me, all the rest of it is just coffee shop BS.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

I'm wasting my time discussing this with you because, you aren't debating with logic and ration. I'm sorry, but unfortunately this is going to be my final response to you on this topic.

I have no issues discussing/debating topics, but when the person I'm discussing/debating the topic with just continues to throw out statements that TOTALLY lack logic and ration, then I'm wasting my time.

It's almost like being an adult discussing this topic with a 12 year old, seriously man and that's not just to DISS you because I don't throw personal attacks out like that. I'm saying that for you to become aware of how piss poor your debating, discussion and argument structuring skills are.

silencer said:
Shocking MGTOW always claim anyone who debates them "they don't really know what MGTOW is" LMAO. You dudes are predictable as hell. And lame as hell. MGTOW to MGTOW is whatever you want it to be yet when someone calls you out on MGTOW you dudes love to pretend people don't know what it is to delude yourselves that only MGTOW know what MGTOW is.

The definition of MGTOW has been defined since the beginning of the movement. www.MGTOW.com and www.goingyourownway.com will give you more insights.

The definition of MGTOW has always been about a guy making the decision to craft/design his life the way HE sees fit, rather than what society tells him he "ought" to be doing, i.e., getting married and making children. If he wants to do that, fine, if not, then he doesn't have to and he shouldn't allow the public "male shaming tactics" to deter his decision.

MGTOW harvests itself in four different types of guys, you can call them four levels but they aren't really levels of graduation per say, they are just four types of guys. One guy takes the red pill and still participates in Family Court procedures, the other three guys take the red pill and opt out with a variety of differences between those remaining three guys in how they deal with women going forward.

This is what MGTOW is, period.

Silencer, you don't have to be MGTOW sir. At the end of the day, the purpose of The Manosphere is just like designing a fitness routine.....you are going to come into a community with a shyt load of information, theories, and approaches, then it's up to YOU to design how your dating life will be, based on what works best for YOUR LIFE.

If a guy decides it's best for HIS LIFE to be MGTOW as well as decide that he wants to opt out of marriage and children creation, then let him have his decision.

If a guy decides he wants to remain Blue Pill, that's his decision.

You have no damn right to get up here and "shame" him in what he OUGHT to be doing because it's how you define "nature" or "being a real man". I'm so sick and tired of these Male Shaming Tactics by you Blue Pill Guys, Feminists and Far Left Liberals.

Let a Man have his liberty of choice.

You make up some group when there is no need for a group if you're all going your own way. You aren't going your own way. You're sitting at a fork in a road on your own MGTOW symbol not even wanting OTHER MGTOW to go their own way. You're just collecting there going nowhere to keep going in circles about what you aren't going to do trying to recruit more MGTOW to sit at the fork not ever really going anywhere but pretending to still sitting at that fork gathering as a group to go nowhere while saying you are.

See my response above to understand what the concept of "going your own way is". I can opt out of getting married and making children, that doesn't mean I've lost my liberty to DISCUSS the matter. What you are saying makes no sense sir which like I said, is one of the reasons I'm going to stop discussing this with you.

So you're sure of something you've NEVER done. MGTOW are experts on something they've never done or have foolishly done because they were "asleep" as if they were NEVER aware divorces happen and lived in some delusional Disney fantasy land. MGTOW elevate their assumptions into dogmatic truths with little to no real-world verification or context, with over-thought as their only major source of verification.

See this thread where I break down the marriage/divorce stats for Hit Hard: http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2270718&postcount=14

Your stance is that if a guy has never DONE something, then he should just proceed with DOING IT even if reports show that it's a risky proposition that might not work out in his favor?

- So reports show that majoring in the Liberal Arts doesn't workout so well in the job market, you are saying that a guy should major in it ANYWAY because after all, he's never actually majored in it and never actually went out into the job market with it on his resume, so how does he "know" it's a low quality major from a market standpoint?

- So reports show that having sex with multiple people RAW increases your chances of catching a serious STD like HIV, you are saying that a guy should just fvck multiple people RAW anyway because after all, he's never actually went around fvcking multiple people RAW so how does he "know" he will catch a serious STD from it?

- So reports show that most MLMs are scams with people losing money within the investment if they participate. You are saying that a guy should just participate anyway because after all, he's never actually did an MLM before so how does he "know" he will lose his money?

You are saying that reports, analysis, stats and other people's experiences should NOT come into play when making a major decision in life such as to get married or make children? That's your stance, correct? And this is why I'm saying that this is my final response to you because, I can't debate someone who uses THIS high level of illogical reasoning.


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Tenacity said:
See this thread where I break down the marriage/divorce stats for Hit Hard: http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showpos...8&postcount=14

Your stance is that if a guy has never DONE something, then he should just proceed with DOING IT even if reports show that it's a risky proposition that might not work out in his favor?

- So reports show that majoring in the Liberal Arts doesn't workout so well in the job market, you are saying that a guy should major in it ANYWAY because after all, he's never actually majored in it and never actually went out into the job market with it on his resume, so how does he "know" it's a low quality major from a market standpoint?

- So reports show that having sex with multiple people RAW increases your chances of catching a serious STD like HIV, you are saying that a guy should just fvck multiple people RAW anyway because after all, he's never actually went around fvcking multiple people RAW so how does he "know" he will catch a serious STD from it?

- So reports show that most MLMs are scams with people losing money within the investment if they participate. You are saying that a guy should just participate anyway because after all, he's never actually did an MLM before so how does he "know" he will lose his money?

You are saying that reports, analysis, stats and other people's experiences should NOT come into play when making a major decision in life such as to get married or make children? That's your stance, correct? And this is why I'm saying that this is my final response to you because, I can't debate someone who uses THIS high level of illogical reasoning.
ASTOUNDING MGTOW "logic" son. You dudes STILL haven't even convinced yourselves of your own claims or you'd just get going on your own way with no need for God knows how long group circle jerks of the same things you're so "convinced" of. You just need to recruit as many dudes as you can to believe in your own nonsense you haven't convinced yourselves of in some "get back" attempt against women and society who don't want you or could care less if you didn't want to get married. You so-called "men" need numbers and validation from other men like yourselves to "prove" you are "right" yet sill aren't convinced sitting at your MGTOW symbol fork in the road with your ridiculous strike banners. Epic fail is epic.

MGTOW prefer to see women as statistics and data while using conjecture as "logic" rather than using critical thinking and common sense as if they are helpless and need outside sources as any excuse to tell them how to live life and avoid any personal accountability, have self-awareness, or use self- reflection.

Tenacity said:

I'm wasting my time discussing this with you because, you aren't debating with logic and ration. I'm sorry, but unfortunately this is going to be my final response to you on this topic.

I have no issues discussing/debating topics, but when the person I'm discussing/debating the topic with just continues to throw out statements that TOTALLY lack logic and ration, then I'm wasting my time.

It's almost like being an adult discussing this topic with a 12 year old, seriously man and that's not just to DISS you because I don't throw personal attacks out like that. I'm saying that for you to become aware of how piss poor your debating, discussion and argument structuring skills are.

Nah MGTOW's NEVER engage in their own shaming tactics. LMAO. You dudes are a trip.

MGTOW only want to "debate" with head nodding yes men in an echo chamber. You dudes are a lost cause. You can't even finish what feminism attempted to. An impotent fringe movement MGTOW is and nothing more.

So you want to discuss something you want no part of for months and YEARS on end? You dude have no money to get married in the first place.

MGTOW is designed to fail. Enjoy MGTOW's DECLINE.
Last edited:


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

Okay my friend lol. Also for your reference (from our discussions in the Anything Else section), I've updated my fitness pics here and included a picture at the end of the slideshow with a sign that says, "Tenacity From SoSuave". You know because you said I was apparently a white guy with a black internet face :D.

You can check out my recent thread post here with the slideshow link.



Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Tenacity said:

Okay my friend lol. Also for your reference (from our discussions in the Anything Else section), I've updated my fitness pics here and included a picture at the end of the slideshow with a sign that says, "Tenacity From SoSuave". You know because you said I was apparently a white guy with a black internet face :D.

You can check out my recent thread post here with the slideshow link.

Congratulations. You generalize your own race like you do with women and marriage. Doesn't make your points the end all be all as countless people and marriages prove otherwise.

Try to awake from your "awakening coma" or better yet take a nap as your warped thoughts could use a good rest.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
dasein said:
Busted. And ironically makes a good point. It's not about being "beta" or "weak" or "self-esteem" or "self-worth," it's about a very rational calculation of how and whether to maintain what once was good yet has now turned problematic and less good. That was the case in most of my beta behavior, the natural inclination to try to "fix" or "repair" that women simply do not have, know men do, and capitalize on it ruthlessly.

Men try to figure out the best way to kill the tiger. Women try to figure out the best way to get a better share of the tiger's meat they didn't kill. It's that simple, and applies to the present just as to the Pleistocene.

What most of these discussions lack is the progression of time in the average relationship. Most women are effectively crack dealers. They give you the good stuff for awhile, then start stepping all over it because they know you will come back.

Cultivate a broad network of crack dealers and suddenly they all can sense it and will keep giving you the good stuff.
:up: :up:

Spot on.

Most women are only on their best behavior when they're trying to lock you down. Once you commit, they feel they don't have to do sh!t. Smart men see the con job for what it is and move on to something better.. or just move on period. Idiotic betas treat the woman better and feel guilty for not making her happy like she used to be.

This is why no man should ever trust a woman's behavior in a new relationship. 9 times out of 10 her behavior will get worst as the relationship continues and she will inject more and more drama, manipulation and bullsh!t.

Which is why exclusive relationships are mostly for betas. No man with any self-respect has time to eat sh!t from a woman who barely f*cks him. :crackup:


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2014
Reaction score
Poon King said:
Which is why exclusive relationships are mostly for betas. No man with any self-respect has time to eat sh!t from a woman who barely f*cks him. :crackup:
dude dont no sh@t bout nothin thinkin all dudes n relationships r betas not gettin no p@ssy. if u think dudes n good relationships aint gettin n e p@ssy u dont no wut the f@ck ur talkin bout. n u call urself a poon king playher man? :crackup:


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2010
Reaction score
Took me a while to catch up but I'm glad Silencer got banned. Almost all women don't use logic while explaining themselves. When you hear the handle Silencer and see those posts you know the only intention was to cause trouble and beat down on our members. What a troll I'm glad she's out.


Jul 12, 2015
Reaction score
Took me a while to catch up but I'm glad Silencer got banned. Almost all women don't use logic while explaining themselves. When you hear the handle Silencer and see those posts you know the only intention was to cause trouble and beat down on our members. What a troll I'm glad she's out.

AFC MGTOW's love to claim others don't use "logic" while they are immune to their own hypocrisy, possess no self-awareness, and project on everything else instead of being accountable for their own foolishness.

The "logic" of men pretending to "go their own way" is to go nowhere but online and keep pretending. MGTOW are hoping the same women they rant about turn around and miss them because deep down they are blue pillers masquerading as red pillers searching for their NAWALT. MGTOW pretenders need more head nodding yes men to agree in their echo chamber because their "truths" are that weak.

Amazing how women with so-called hamster brains cause MGTOW "scientists" to go on for years about them pretending to run the other way.

Forget being in relationships and being unable to make demands. MGTOW are still b1tches to women even when they AREN'T in relationships.

More MGTOW "logic". Claiming to go their own way and ranting about women on a SEDUCTION forum. Epic.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
backbeat said:
dude dont no sh@t bout nothin thinkin all dudes n relationships r betas not gettin no p@ssy. if u think dudes n good relationships aint gettin n e p@ssy u dont no wut the f@ck ur talkin bout. n u call urself a poon king playher man? :crackup:
Funny coming from an ignoramus who probably wipes his ass barehanded. :crackup:

No one will ever take you seriously until you learn to string a sentence together.


Jul 23, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:
Funny coming from an ignoramus who probably wipes his ass barehanded. :crackup:

No one will ever take you seriously until you learn to string a sentence together.
Why are you allowed to constantly break rules on the forum insulting posters that you claim you are trying to "help". You aren't here to help. You are here to drag others down with you.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Stugots said:
Why are you allowed to constantly break rules on the forum insulting posters that you claim you are trying to "help". You aren't here to help. You are here to drag others down with you.
Not trying to fight PK's battles for him but from what I've seen he only attacks those who attack him.

If you don't agree with an opinion state why and if the discussion doesn't evolve, agree to disagree and move on.

Stuff like this drags on because of a combination of trolls, people who lack reading comprehension and those with emotional problems who shouldn't involve themselves with anonymous internet arguments.


Jul 23, 2015
Reaction score
G_Govan said:
Not trying to fight PK's battles for him but from what I've seen he only attacks those who attack him.

If you don't agree with an opinion state why and if the discussion doesn't evolve, agree to disagree and move on.

Stuff like this drags on because of a combination of trolls, people who lack reading comprehension and those with emotional problems who shouldn't involve themselves with anonymous internet arguments.
AFC King can't fight his own battles. Pretender King can only make ridiculous generalizations towards women by using traits that are found in any and every human. Then when called out on his nonsense resorts to insults never critical thinking which is why he's a trolling KJ with his own agenda.

Alphas don't get mad at women. Alphas don't need to make demands. Alphas don't complain about women and fear them trying to gain "strength" in numbers of agreeing head nodding yes men who are angry and frustrated as well. Women follow alphas without the alpha having to throw his demanding temper tantrums.

If you have to make demands in a relationship you are only a whining beta that she doesn't respect. If you are an alpha in her eyes you don't need to make demands. Your woman will happily follow along. Most don't understand that as they operate with a beta mindset using what they think alphas do but are nothing more than AFC angry betas.

And like the beta he is who can't defend his nonsense he neg reps from his burrh0e account.

If you can't make... 07-23-2015 07:26 PM Burroughs
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Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Stugots said:
AFC King can't fight his own battles. Pretender King can only make ridiculous generalizations towards women by using traits that are found in any and every human. Then when called out on his nonsense resorts to insults never critical thinking which is why he's a trolling KJ with his own agenda.

Alphas don't get mad at women. Alphas don't need to make demands. Alphas don't complain about women and fear them trying to gain "strength" in numbers of agreeing head nodding yes men who are angry and frustrated as well. Women follow alphas without the alpha having to throw his demanding temper tantrums.

If you have to make demands in a relationship you are only a whining beta that she doesn't respect. If you are an alpha in her eyes you don't need to make demands. Your woman will happily follow along. Most don't understand that as they operate with a beta mindset using what they think alphas do but are nothing more than AFC angry betas.

And like the beta he is who can't defend his nonsense he neg reps from his burrh0e account.

If you can't make... 07-23-2015 07:26 PM Burroughs
Another brand new Troll account. So neg reps on the Internet make you depressed? You must have no life.

Cry more. :crackup:


New Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Love PK's work, its amazing how his insight gets right under some peoples skin


Jul 23, 2015
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whiplash said:
Love PK's work, its amazing how his insight gets right under some peoples skin
Poon making up new accounts to praise himself again. :crackup:

Poon King said:
Another brand new Troll account. So neg reps on the Internet make you depressed? You must have no life.

Cry more. :crackup:

That's rich coming from Pretender AFC King the boards troll mascot for years calling those who point out his contradicting foolishness "trolls" because he's trying to get them banned as he has no answers to his idiotic generalizations and fear all women MGTOW nonsense.

Why would anyone take a "Poon King's" "advice" on relationships when he himself claims to never have gotten in one? Those who can DO. Those who can't? Get on SS and whine about relationships they can't get and "don't want".:crackup:


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Tenacity said:
It's not your job to sit up here and "fix" somebody else. Hithard and other guys have been doing this same crap to me and it's annoying. Extremely annoying.

Ten you sprout a lot of deluded bitter bull$hit at times, so I will call it out. Other times you lay down the truth. You don't want interactions thats fine. Don't go using my handle in your posts or those of other respected posters to get your little backhanded slights in. Trust me, you $hit us to tears as well.