Men adjust to women’s looks?

I don’t know where you got that idea,but no man with options would do that lol.No man.Long term connections with women aren’t things men necessarily go looking for.No man looks at a girl he’s attracted to and thinks,”Gee, I wonder where we’ll celebrate our 5 year anniversary?”He thinks more along the lines of,”Damn she has fat ass.”A man’s attraction,and later commitment to a woman is dictated first and foremost by how much he is physically attracted to her, and maybe not even then.Men aren’t thinking about things like “long term compatibility.”All that comes later,if he feels like keeping her around.Men with options will only start thinking that way much later on,having indulged their desires to the fullest.And while these men wouldn’t be caught dead with 4s,it is a reality that even these 4s can find somebody to **** them.The sexual marketplace is that way for women. I don’t think you understand what guys mean here when they refer to the dualistic sexual strategy of women,but you best believe it exists.It is derived from motivations of women to get into relationships with men,short or long term.
I assure you I understand exactly what is meant by dualistic mating strategy. At my age, having been married, having had 3 children, having been divorced, and having seen countless women bargain their looks transactionally in exchange for resources or perceived financially security I know a tremendous amount about this.
Socially I have a friend for example who is 55. She looks 35, much as I do. She married 30 years ago her college sweetheart. He is worth now over 100 million. She can get whatever cosmetic procedure she wants, they have whatever material things they desire, their two children are grown and attending expensive private universities, they support many charities etc. And they hate each other. They will never divorce. It would cost him too much money, and she would lose the lifestyle and prestige she basks in. So they both openly take lovers on the side and they stay together as partners. So believe me, I get it.
I just am not a woman who believes in transactional relationships. I require actual desire to be the glue that holds things together.
I have friends I know personally in their 30s to 60s who have banged hundreds (in a couple of cases over 1000) of women. They all get bored with meaningless sex in time. Men who have never experienced this cannot wrap their brains around this concept.
You are so enthralled with how hot a girl is that you cannot imagine anything else being more important. Men with much more life experience (and experience with women) will tell you the same thing…
“It doesn’t matter how beautiful she is. Someone somewhere is sick of her shjt”
Google that statement. You’ll find it educational.
In other words looks,while important are not the most important thing to high value men with options. I should know. Desirable men are the only ones I go out with.
Here is why this is true. Beautiful women are a dime a dozen. They are everywhere. Now. You may or may not be able to date them, but they are everywhere.
High value men always can get beautiful women. That is a requirement. Baseline. The ugly need not apply. Understand?
But finding a beautiful woman who is pleasant, warm, giving, fun, sweet, kind, feminine and engaging? Very small subset of hot women also have those attributes. High value men select from this subset. Beauty is a given. It only gets you in the door. The other qualities matter much more.