If a girl says she has plans after being asked for a drink, what does that mean?


New Member
Sep 26, 2009
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I met her last night. I asked for her phone number. She said she
couldn't give it to me becuase I was too young for her, so I asked
to give it to me anyways on a "friends only" bases. She agreed and
gave me a business card that had both her phone number and email
address. I emailed her this morning and told her to meet me for a
drink this evening. She replied, "Hey, I have plans. Thanks anyway!"
Was that a bad sign?? Need feedback from person who has experience
with seduction material and women. Thanks.

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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The fvck???

Man she is totally not interested...Is this a Joke post?


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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Going out on a limb here, but maybe she made plans. probably to railed by some other dude, most likely.

I'd wait a few days and try one more time. Sometimes you just need to be lucky with the timing.

Also, you need to counter the too young thing. You should have said "Being young has advantages, you know. Dont give me that shyt."
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Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
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She probably had plans. But I don't think she's interested in you anyways.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
T.D.J.KING said:
She replied, "Hey, I have plans. Thanks anyway!"
Was that a bad sign?? Need feedback from person who has experience
with seduction material and women. Thanks.

An extremely short responce. It tells you she basically didn't want to waste too much time replying so it means she is not interested. Forget about her and go find other interested women. Even DJs need to shop around before they find suitable a woman.


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Sep 26, 2009
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slaog said:
An extremely short responce. It tells you she basically didn't want to waste too much time replying so it means she is not interested. Forget about her and go find other interested women. Even DJs need to shop around before they find suitable a woman.
Yeah, I figured that. In fact, I figured she wasn't interested when she gave me her business card in the first place. After all, I only spent no more than 5 min with the girl -- more like a woman since she was like 30. I told her I was 23. She most likely did it just to be nice and get rid of me. These sorts of rejections almost always happen to me. But I can't say I blame them though; I do it to myself... I always go for the number even though I get virtually no indicators of interest. I know I shouldn't, but it's so tempting for me to ask a girl out. I guess I secretly like being rejected. It hurts, but I guess it's a way of feeling alive. It beats not feeling anything at all. Of course I would much rather experience that rare feeling of success; that can be quite an ego boost, and the romance that awaits is priceless.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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T.D.J.KING said:
I guess I secretly like being rejected. It hurts, but I guess it's a way of feeling alive. It beats not feeling anything at all.
Man, I wish I got dished those genes.


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Sep 26, 2009
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Darth said:
Man, I wish I got dished those genes.

Thanks for the compliment, Darth. I guess I never saw it like that. But truthfully, there is a lot of humiliation involved. Especially when others view it as being foolish or stupid for trying. For example, I once approached an older,professional woman who was WAY (I mean miles away) out of my league in a crowded subway train/car. As with most metro trains, everyone there was quite minding their own business, waiting to get home or wherever their headed to. Knowing that this woman would NEVER go for me because she was so beautiful she could literally have her pick of the litter, I went to talk to her anyway only to be blown off in front of everyone. It was humiliating for me. It wasn't a very good feeling. So bad was the feeling I thought I would never try again because I didn't want to feel that pain anymore. But did I stop? No, for some twisted reason, I wanted more. No matter where I see an attractive girl, I approach her, no matter how inappropriate the situation. The only times I don't approach women is when they are with a dude.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2002
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She is not interested in the least. Unless she hands you a business card all on her own and says something to the effect of, "Call me", she is not interested.
First realization should have been the, "You're too young for me"


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Sep 26, 2009
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Ridingthelightning said:
She is not interested in the least. Unless she hands you a business card all on her own and says something to the effect of, "Call me", she is not interested.
First realization should have been the, "You're too young for me"

so because a woman tells you a form of no ("you're too young for me", "I don't think it's a good idea", whatever) you're going to give up. Sorry, but I don't take no for an answer.


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
So wait, you don't take no for answer so she can shoot you down a 2nd time, when you actually have some form of hope that you might hook up? That's really silly.

Ok, a few tips here:
- When a girl/woman tells you no to a telephone number request and you ask the number on a 'friends-only' basis, that mean you just defined the relationship. In other words, you blew every single chance of dipping it into this girl.
- When she says she already has plans, it's most likely that she does indeed, has plans. You're not the center of her universe.
- When a girl always blows you off but never re-schedules, get rid of her number. They get away with this once and then it's over, but it is mostly an indicator that she has no interest.
- Most women mean NO in such an early stage by saying NO(because they have nothing to lose anyway). Are you going to keep pushing having sex with her when she says NO to sexual moves? They have a name for that: rape


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
T.D.J.KING said:
. For example, I once approached an older,professional woman who was WAY (I mean miles away) out of my league in a crowded subway train/car.

Way out of your league!!!! Its no surprise no woman is attracted to you when you have this mindset. Get rid of the idea of women being out of your league. It makes you act inferior which is a big turnoff for women.

In future get it into you head that nobody is out of your league. If you don't change your mindset then nothing will change.

Jay Dee

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2007
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T.D.J.KING said:
Thanks for the compliment, Darth. I guess I never saw it like that. But truthfully, there is a lot of humiliation involved. Especially when others view it as being foolish or stupid for trying. For example, I once approached an older,professional woman who was WAY (I mean miles away) out of my league in a crowded subway train/car. As with most metro trains, everyone there was quite minding their own business, waiting to get home or wherever their headed to. Knowing that this woman would NEVER go for me because she was so beautiful she could literally have her pick of the litter, I went to talk to her anyway only to be blown off in front of everyone. It was humiliating for me. It wasn't a very good feeling. So bad was the feeling I thought I would never try again because I didn't want to feel that pain anymore. But did I stop? No, for some twisted reason, I wanted more. No matter where I see an attractive girl, I approach her, no matter how inappropriate the situation. The only times I don't approach women is when they are with a dude.
I think constantly approaching chicks you find attractive is a good mindset to have. Ladies can be so fickle and emotional, you sometimes have to catch them at the right time and place, which makes it a bit of a numbers game - and how do you maximise them numbers? Keep following through, just get them more comfortable and memorable with you enough to make them want to continue your interactions with them at a later date. This can mean being a little bit different with your current approaching techniques.

Maybe check for signs first? Eyeing you up, comes near you, etc. Just learn to know early on when the pain is greater than the gain.


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Sep 26, 2009
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SandHawk said:
So wait, you don't take no for answer so she can shoot you down a 2nd time, when you actually have some form of hope that you might hook up? That's really silly.

Ok, a few tips here:
- When a girl/woman tells you no to a telephone number request and you ask the number on a 'friends-only' basis, that mean you just defined the relationship. In other words, you blew every single chance of dipping it into this girl.
- When she says she already has plans, it's most likely that she does indeed, has plans. You're not the center of her universe.
- When a girl always blows you off but never re-schedules, get rid of her number. They get away with this once and then it's over, but it is mostly an indicator that she has no interest.
- Most women mean NO in such an early stage by saying NO(because they have nothing to lose anyway). Are you going to keep pushing having sex with her when she says NO to sexual moves? They have a name for that: rape
No disrespect my fellow Don Juan or protege thereof , but I to use logic when seduction requires the defying of logic is not seduction at all, but a chess game. First of all, even if I wanted to be more aware and tactful, I can't because I don't know how. I'm kind of like a social retard and like the Rake in Green's book 'The art of seduction' where I must rely on my deep desire for women to be seen as attractive. Sometimes I want them so bad it intoxicates them. Unfortunately not all women (especially here is California) go for that kind of stuff because I think it's seen as less attractive. Here when a guy demonstrates too much interest too early it appears to be a turn off. Women here are so image conscious that it's all about appearing "cool" and "hard to get". If I had more social intelligence, then maybe I would be able to pull that off but I just want all the hot women I see.

slaog said:
Way out of your league!!!! Its no surprise no woman is attracted to you when you have this mindset. Get rid of the idea of women being out of your league. It makes you act inferior which is a big turnoff for women.

In future get it into you head that nobody is out of your league. If you don't change your mindset then nothing will change.
Do you honestly believe that new age load of crack. Listen, I've tried all the "thinking positive, thinking something that your not" stuff and I was only fooling myself. The truth is, there are many woman who stick to their own; guys who are taller than they are and who look like them in terms of skill color or at least physical size because it's inherent in them. To be five foot five, bald and pudgy and to think your in a league of your own, your probably right, the league of uglies. To think you're in a league with the penelopes cruzes and adriana lima's of the world, your fooling yourself. If I wasn't a fool, I wouldn't dare approach such woman like most other men who look but don't dare because they think such women will never go for them. But because I am a fool, I dare try and every time I've gotten' a hard dose of reality. If I wasn't a romantic and believed in a wishful outcome, then I probably wouldn't even bother.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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If I remember correctly, the 'rake' is attractive due to pre-selection, and his manwhoring. He is the guy that fvcks so many girls, and has such a bad reputation, that girls feel there is something wrong with themselves, if he doesnt fvck them. The feel left out, if they dont fvck him, even if they dont like him at all. Its a really slvtty game of 'keeping up with the Jones's. It isnt because he shows so much intent, although, something had to get him to the level of 'rake' in the first place.


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Sep 26, 2009
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horaholic said:
If I remember correctly, the 'rake' is attractive due to pre-selection, and his manwhoring. He is the guy that fvcks so many girls, and has such a bad reputation, that girls feel there is something wrong with themselves, if he doesnt fvck them. The feel left out, if they dont fvck him, even if they dont like him at all. Its a really slvtty game of 'keeping up with the Jones's. It isnt because he shows so much intent, although, something had to get him to the level of 'rake' in the first place.
Well,in that case, I'm nothing like the rake cause I don't whxre around; not that I wouldn't. Put me in Don Juan's shoes, and I'll never want to take them off.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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the greatest fear of women is when great catch walks away. there's 29.9 billion women out there now. you have opened new doors so don't waste your energy and game on some ho that is not interested


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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there's less than 29 billion people in the world.....when approaching a target, think about all the reasons she could say no to you and take it away from her.

Like if i was to ask a girl out i would give myself the best opportunity possible:

"Hey, you free to grab a bite to eat this week?"

This rules out a specific day. So instead of me asking her out to eat on friday, saturday, or sunday and getting rejected on any of those days, i'm giving myself the option of all three. Instead of asking her out to breakfast/lunch/dinner i'm giving myself all 3 opportunities so she has less of a reason to say no.

Once she agrees then i get to the specifics.

But find ways to increase your chance of success. If she says your too young for her or she's too old for you just explain to her that there isn't anyone in this world that's too old to have fun.
Make her feel comfortable and yourself less threatening.

I've dated a few older girls recently and they tried to pull "ya i don't date younger guys." next thing you know we're out together.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
T.D.J.KING said:
Do you honestly believe that new age load of crack. Listen, I've tried all the "thinking positive, thinking something that your not" stuff and I was only fooling myself. The truth is, there are many woman who stick to their own; guys who are taller than they are and who look like them in terms of skill color or at least physical size because it's inherent in them. To be five foot five, bald and pudgy and to think your in a league of your own, your probably right, the league of uglies. To think you're in a league with the penelopes cruzes and adriana lima's of the world, your fooling yourself. If I wasn't a fool, I wouldn't dare approach such woman like most other men who look but don't dare because they think such women will never go for them. But because I am a fool, I dare try and every time I've gotten' a hard dose of reality. If I wasn't a romantic and believed in a wishful outcome, then I probably wouldn't even bother.

Very naive. I'm not saying pretend you're superman or James Bond. Obviously you think like an AFC and so act like an AFC. That mindset of yours makes you put women on pedestals and makes you act the way you think ie that you're not worthy of being in their presense. Do you think this attracts women? Its a turn off because its a sign of lower value. Women don't want somebody with lower value then them!

Also to change the way you think you need to put in the mental effert. You can't just say "I'm a woman magnet" and expect them to come running. You need to keep telling yourself positive things over time until you believe it.

About those famous women you mentioned... I don't think they're out of my league. ;)

Stick around and you'll learn in time that what seperates DJ's and AFC's is mindset.