If a girl says she has plans after being asked for a drink, what does that mean?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
slaog said:
Way out of your league!!!! Its no surprise no woman is attracted to you when you have this mindset. Get rid of the idea of women being out of your league. It makes you act inferior which is a big turnoff for women.

In future get it into you head that nobody is out of your league. If you don't change your mindset then nothing will change.

Thank you for the reminder (even I need to hear that shiit sometimes)

@THe OP, funny a smiliar thing happend to me this weekend. Hot tall busty blond, gave me her card, I texted her with my standard MO "you home safe" she replied "just pulled in thanks, good night", texted her the next day just to test the waters with a "hey" no response, no problem, kept it moving....

Number close was weak, funny part is she approached me(my mistake I was caught off guard, I don't get approached often lol) :(


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Sep 26, 2009
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San Jose California said:
Man I can't stand questions like this, cuz it could mean she actually has plans, you don't know.
it's official, the hos not interested. F#$%^ her

AAAgent said:
I've dated a few older girls recently and they tried to pull "ya i don't date younger guys." next thing you know we're out together.
That's the kind of attitude I've been tryin to school these fools about. Resistance is just that. If we gave in to it, then we wouldn't be where we are today. You wouldn't see ugly ducklings with swans. And you've just proven it to everyone with your testimony. Persistence pays off. It's what or how I did it that screwed me up. The character was intact, as always.

slaog said:
Very naive. I'm not saying pretend you're superman or James Bond. Obviously you think like an AFC and so act like an AFC. That mindset of yours makes you put women on pedestals and makes you act the way you think ie that you're not worthy of being in their presense. Do you think this attracts women? Its a turn off because its a sign of lower value. Women don't want somebody with lower value then them!

Also to change the way you think you need to put in the mental effert. You can't just say "I'm a woman magnet" and expect them to come running. You need to keep telling yourself positive things over time until you believe it.

About those famous women you mentioned... I don't think they're out of my league.

Stick around and you'll learn in time that what seperates DJ's and AFC's is mindset.
If getting pissed off every time I get rejected by these types of girls is AFC thinking, then I'm AFC of the year but I can't deny the reality I see -- that's solid reason, and I gotta notice it otherwise I become delusional with a reality that only I can see -- I want the world to see my reality.

I would love to take your advice, but I get the feeling your getting your knowledge from Calos Xuma's latest book and not experience. Has your consistent "positive thinking" paid off? If so, how? How's your dating life different today than from what it was before? Please prove me wrong, cause I would like nothing more than for you to be right on this one.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
T.D.J.KING said:
If getting pissed off every time I get rejected by these types of girls is AFC thinking, then I'm AFC of the year but I can't deny the reality I see -- that's solid reason, and I gotta notice it otherwise I become delusional with a reality that only I can see -- I want the world to see my reality.

I would love to take your advice, but I get the feeling your getting your knowledge from Calos Xuma's latest book and not experience. Has your consistent "positive thinking" paid off? If so, how? How's your dating life different today than from what it was before? Please prove me wrong, cause I would like nothing more than for you to be right on this one.

Yes it has paid off. I've changed myself over the past year or 2. I've changed alot. Before I used to go out every week basically praying for a miracle that some girl would show some interest. Once or twice a year they did and I might get some kissing action in a club and a number but they'd never ring back because they just were not attracted once they realised how AFC/desperate I was.

When I was younger I did have admirers because I'm not bad looking, but nothing ever came of it. I was so AFC I didn't know what to do when somebody showed interest.

So I eneded up on this path. At first I wanted to know the secrets of how to pick up women. I wanted to know what were the tricks to use. Soon enough after that I realised it all comes from within. Once I started to learn about that I started getting more and more results. I knew what to do then but it takes time to change. I couldn't help myself texting alot for example even though I knew it was wrong.

Even by understanding some of these things it will help you believe in it. If you can see the matrix you live in everything will be clearer to see. Women and attraction won't be a mystery anymore. Its then just a matter of putting it into practise and always learning from experiance.

All men who are good with women have high opinions of themselves. You won't see Bad boys thinking women are out of their league. The same with DJ's etc. Men who are bad with women put women on pedestals and treat them like Godesses and build them up in their minds to something the women are not.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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I tend to think of most things in a business or war like manner.

Lets say you're a salesman trying to sell an item to a person that showed no interest at all. How would you do it?

Some people get really aggressive and push push push, there's also a whole bunch of other ways to go about it.

Whenever I come across a girl that I might be interested in and they try to play off I'm not interested or they're too old for me which is a big issue in asian culture I just blow it off.

First off, girls almost never mean what they say 100% because their emotions always flucuate and their minds change. So all you have to do is change their mind.

Know when to push and pull and by push I mean interact with them, show them what you have to offer without actually offering it to them, etc. By pulling, know when to back off and have her come to you, make her work a little bit and give her little by little.

Females change their minds really easily, it's just a matter of how they're persuaded. How do you think they walk into a mall to go "window shopping" and come out with 3 bags, a flatscreen tv, and a whole bunch of clothes.

"It was on sale."

Well make them think you're discounting yourself for them. Show them you're a catch and when you go after them they'll start to think omg... i better get him before he's off the market.
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New Member
Sep 26, 2009
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slaog said:
All men who are good with women have high opinions of themselves.
you maybe right about that one playboy. Keeping a hold of your thoughts with high opinion of self and potential will pay off it's keeping such thoughts always circulating in your mind especially when things don't goyour way or mistakes are repeated that it gets the toughest but I guess if you can not budge in your opinion of self and potential you're heading for some pretty sweet moments.

Keep keeping those high thoughts playboy, that may just be the hardest task we face.

AAAgent said:
First off, girls almost never mean what they say 100% because their emotions always flucuate and their minds change. So all you have to do is change their mind.

Know when to push and pull and by push I mean interact with them, show them what you have to offer without actually offering it to them, etc. By pulling, know when to back off and have her come to you, make her work a little bit and give her little by little.

Females change their minds really easily, it's just a matter of how they're persuaded.
I feel that especially the part about showing off your qualities and letting the girl fall client to attraction. But in order for that to happen I feel one might need to just know how to let go and that can be hard but if I can learn to let go around women and be myself then yes these honies might just fall hard.