Gen X Forum
Okay, so there probably aren't enough of us for a lively forum yet, but let's use this thread to see if quality trumps quantity. There is general agreement that the game evolves at this stage. Now we've got the holiday season here and I know what I want under my christmas tree

So, what venues are you guys using? I've hit some local bars, posted a personals ad, dropped in at a networking group, met friends of friends going out, did an x-mas party, and hit up some chicks in the building (actually I used EC and they hit on me). But I haven't found the right chemistry for that hot holiday fling yet. I've thought about singles club events b/c they look fun but the mere idea of meeting a woman who is desperate to meet a man . . . . Sunday is a Sierra club hike that may hold some opportunity but often is an older crowd. That one is mainly about getting out of doors.
One thing I noticed was a wine bar. Anyone try one of these? There was a gorgeous blonde chatting up a guy when I walked by, the place was subdued which plays to verbal strengths, but I didn't have the balls to go in there alone, mainly b/c I don't know **** about wine. "Yeah, I'll have a half-flight of .... house." Of course, that could be an opening if used right . . .
Another good venue ought to be department stores. I despise them myself. So would my ideal woman. But for a fling, could work. The approaches are obvious, "So another espresso maker, eh?" Or some such. But often times you get women shopping in pairs and a girls night out attitude. I've found you can approach them if you think of yourself as a sales guy, b/c think about it, sales guys approach everybody, why shouldn't you, but you have to have your game on for that.
Finally, I thought of joining a gym again. Currently use my apt. to work out, save cash and time. And I never really did a gym PU. But, maybe it's time to change that. Not convinced gym is where it's at though. Did meet a chick in karate class one time. But I've got about two weeks to pull things off and want to aim for max bang for the buck.
Eileen, where would we find you in a flirty mood around the holidays? Walden, what is your holiday game plan?