Yeah... They exist in droves, but they don't stand out. We only notice the jerks, players, and crazies, because they're always out there; making noise, dressing flashy, chatting up everyone, playing games, criticizing others, voicing their opinions, approaching with confidence, and being hot. But, these aren't quality people. Unfortunately, many people are setting themselves to attract this same kind of woman. That's why you don't want to go too far with this whole game / looks / player ordeal, or you'll be attracting these shallow hoes and crazy *****es left and right.
The decent ones don't stand out, because they don't have to. They're content and calm. Crazy people and jerks are insecure and have low self-esteem - among other issues. They'll attention *****, dress like skanks, cause drama, play games, mess with your head, and make all of this noise because they're desperate to be wanted, and need to feel important. They're terrified of rejection, sensitive to criticism, and so forth. Everything they do is the result of an underlying flaw. They'll sleep around because it makes them feel wanted. They'll become snobby, prissy, stuck up *****es to fit in with the cool crowd, and not get bullied by them.
You're never going to run into a loud, aggressive, fake, shallow, in-your-face person who doesn't have low self-esteem, and isn't insecure. That's why they act like this; its all connected. And, it usually runs pretty deep (into childhood).
Anyway, the decent ones tend to be quiet, calm, kind, peaceful; maybe shy and reserved. They don't dress like pornstars, jump from guy to guy, cause problems everywhere, tease and attention *****, aren't obsessed with drama, don't judge, criticize, and bully others, aren't trying to be something they're not and so forth. They also don't play games, they act like normal human beings, are dependable and respectful. You encounter them every day. Decent, nice, down to earth, normal, possibly cute women. But most people want hot, fake, exciting, wild, and challenging. It stands out, and isn't boring or lame. You reap what you sow, is all I have to say.