Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
I will never trust a woman again. I believe they can’t be trusted.
I will probably eventually when and if I want to get married but until then NO.
Now I’ve put up a lot of crap over my lifetime but something came up and that was the last straw.
Now just recently some shyt went down and I almost got screwed. We didn’t kill or rob anyone people however I still almost got seriously screwed.
All thanks to a woman.
And thanks to her I now know that they can’t be trusted, they do not make good friends, nor can they be fit to be ahead of anything. I now personally do not feel comfortable knowing a woman is in charge with serious decision-making.
The reason stuff went down is because
A woman couldn’t keep her mouth shut and when stuff went down and push came to shove she let my buddy and I out to dry.
She didn’t let us know what was going on. She acted on emotion and she just went to save herself.
Now lucky for us I have one and only one true good lady friend that came through and let us know what happen. And we eventually took care of everything and now things are somewhat all right again.
Again we didn’t kill or rob anybody people. Police isn’t or going to be after us. Just thought I throw that out there. Anyways..
After all this I thought to myself, what have I learned from this?
I learned that,
A MALE guy friend would not of done that to me. A true buddy wouldn’t let you hang out to dry. A MALE buddy always or 95% of the time got your back.
It was a perfect example of why NOT to keep in contact with an EX and talk about things that you do or say like you were together. People get jealous. They don’t keep the same honor system or your secret like they did when you were together.
You DO NOT talk or tell people secrets or things you did where others might hear or see.
That means you DO NOT Write that person a letter, Text Message, IM message, Email, Voice Mail, Note, or anything like that. And even on the phone be careful.
A Woman can’t keep her mouth shut or a secret when she is in love or still in love with someone. You can forget it.
When danger is abound woman think irrationally and act on that and on emotions. Not seeing it through and the whole picture.
Now on that side not when I found out I didn’t freak. I kept my cool EVEN though I was pissed off I immediately thought of how to solve the problem. I didn’t think just for myself but of others.
The end results were that every thing is cool and nothing end up really bad happening.
But really,
Have you ever notice that when you get in trouble or hurt, there is always a women involved.
Think about it.
I can,
Just to list a couple that happens to me,
Lost a close friend cause of a girl,
Lost a girlfriend,
A family member,
A Broken Heart,
Got in to trouble countless of times cause of a girl,
Clouded my judgment and caused me to do something stupid.
That just a few I can think of.
Again the outcome of all of this and of later events have made me realize that
1. Women do not make good friends, (there are at least 1 exception to every rule)
2. Save personal feelings, thoughts, and experiences of alike for your wife.
3. Cannot be fully trusted (unless married),
4. I will not keep in contact with EX and if so never ever tell them anything like I use to,
5. They CAN NOT make rational decisions when faced with danger or a serious problem.