Part of being a DJ is to allow ourseleves to live the honest stright life. If we live a life that we can be proud off, there is no reason for us to keep big secrets away from our loved ones and others and there won't be a reason for us to get in trouble either.
If we fvck up, which can happen, lets face the consequences like men, instead of hidding, decieving and manipulating in order to hide the truth. That is what women do. Lets not become them.
Ha ha, good post. Yeah, I definitely agree. Part of me knew this all along, I have used women to "unintentionaly" leak information all the time. They're great haha. Pretty much, if something is a hot topic, and is kind of a "Wow, are you serious?" thing that you tell a women, all her friends will know about it.
I have come to terms with the fact that women will never admit that they're wrong, (99% of time). It used to piss the shvt outta me when I couldn't make her understand how she is wrong but every women out there will decieve and manipulate and hide the truth.
Originally posted by blueangel83
I'm a woman and this is my comment to you...
why don't you just turn gay if you hate women that much
Women CAN be trusted! STOP GENERALIZING!
I could say the same thing about men, but I am fully aware that there are men out there who are trustworthy.
Ok blueangel, can you ADMIT to us that women in general are LESS likely to be able to keep a secret than a guy is? In general, I think we all know this is true. In general, there is MORE of a chance that a girl will give up a secret then a guy. Can you ADMIT this blueangel? Please resond.