I Want To Be Popular,so I Can Be Invited To These Huge Party!!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
WHY when someoone like dreamx post something weird, the page goes about 6 pages long???


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Take a look around. Life may seem like a *****, but it ain't so bad. Your problem is you care too damn much about what people think of you (including people on this board). How do I know? You respond to every jab that someone takes at you! Thats how. I would imagine its no different for you at school. Someone gives you ****, you respond in anger and frustration. Stop worrying about what others think, and it will all get eaisier.

Let me tell you something kid... in life, you are dealt one hand of cards. Some people are lucky enough to get a royal flush, others may only have a full house, but true success is determined by what you do with the hand you have been dealt.

What does all this mean? It means quit complaining, and play your hand to the best of your ability, take your losses, and celebrate your successes. Get out there and do something with yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
DreamX, this will be the only piece of advice that I give you. Don't even reply. Make your decision and leave the forum. I don't want to see you here for at least two weeks because you're spending too much time just sitting on your ass.

Right now, you are being needy and desperate. The reason people don't like you is because of your negativity. It's okay to be negative sometimes, if you broke up with your girlfriend, or if your grandma just died, but at one point, people will stop being sympathetic, and will simply leave you behind. If you don't care about yourself, nobody else will do it for you.

As of now, you have two choices:

1. Sit at your computer, keep going to the comic book store, and continue to whine about your life. Keep your childlike short-term goals ("I want to go to a party?!") and continue being immature. Keep asking for advice but become indignant when people give you honest criticism. Keep waiting for somebody to give you all the right answers (and believe me, it won't happen), just so you can take the easy way out. Sit on your ass, don't do any work, and expect what you want to simply come to you. Be angry at the world for not simply handing you whatever you want when you should be angry at yourself.

2. Grow up. From what I've read of you, you have the social maturity of a ten-year-old. Stop waiting for somebody to give you the ultimate guide to life, and go out and do it on your own. Your think that being "popular" is just a set of objectives that you need to fill like one of your video games. HELL NO. You need to make a commitment and a constant effort to interact with people, to form relationships and to maintain your status. You keep sitting there waiting for somebody to give you the ONE tip that will suddenly make you 'popular' when nothing of the sort exists. Stop looking for the easy way out and actually DO something. There are resources that you can tap into, literature that you can read, but if you don't have your own intrinsic motivation to improve yourself, nobody can help you. You want something? Make a goal, figure out how to reach that goal, and WORK FOR IT.

Your situation is that simple. Two choices. Shut up, Pick one, and stick to it.


Can somebody please just LOCK this thread now?


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
los angles, calli
I had a long conversation with dreamx and I understand his situiation and after the aim conversation he told me that he said hi to a hot girl, so he's not sitting on his ass and he just might be moving along. The school he goes to is just not the correct environment for him...its a ghetto ass school so the marryjawanna and the teachers at the party makes sense. Hes a good kid that likes white girls and after a few links to hot girls myspaces in my school, the kid felt better. He's actually not a troll


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
BBX said:
I had a long conversation with dreamx and I understand his situiation and after the aim conversation he told me that he said hi to a hot girl, so he's not sitting on his ass and he just might be moving along. The school he goes to is just not the correct environment for him...its a ghetto ass school so the marryjawanna and the teachers at the party makes sense. Hes a good kid that likes white girls and after a few links to hot girls myspaces in my school, the kid felt better. He's actually not a troll
I have respect for your patience. I totally lost it on the kid after awhile. You must be VERY tolerant. Respect man, respect.


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
BBX understands me,and I'm not always on these forum or on the computer sitting around,I haven't been on here for 4 or 5 days.But I would like to thank you guys,I'm improving alittle bit,because today was an excellent day :D


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Quit complaining

You already know what steps to take just do it. The reason why people are ticked off is because you keep asking for advice and blowing off what people say, and don't try. First step I would take is to admit you are the problem, not the other people. Also show people you are trying like proving you actually did something. Like saying what you actually did, and being specific on detail.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
dreamx said:
BBX understands me,and I'm not always on these forum or on the computer sitting around,I haven't been on here for 4 or 5 days.But I would like to thank you guys,I'm improving alittle bit,because today was an excellent day :D
Good to hear. Just make sure that you keep your progress going. Sorry if I was a bit of an ass, I need to learn to have more patience.