I Want To Be Popular,so I Can Be Invited To These Huge Party!!!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
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jacksonville, FL
Those "cool" guys that called you losers, don't listen to them. Do you play sports, and could you possibly become outgoing? If you are even slightly athletic, you could try to work hard at a sport, and gain respect that way, and if you could be extraverted, you could be popular and hit on all the "cool" guys' girls.

To get you there, it can't really be answered here. It could be a long process. I suggest you get in touch with ghost rider. You could also aim me. Ghost rider might be better though, since his mention of the benz gives me the impression he has more money than me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
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los angles, calli
yo dreamx, I kno where your comming from, I just turned 16 and i'm tryin ta get through the same kinda sh*t. Hit me up too, my aim is redmosquito447


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Don't look for goals that you can't do.
Being popular dosn't mean having the whole school love you.
Everyone will have that one person that is jealous of you.
But thats beside the point, you need to go for goals that you can do to reach your goals.
Try reading the DJ boot camp its going to help you out.


New Member
Apr 13, 2006
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dreamx said:
Heck yeah! Im willing to take the steps to fix them,dude I really like your advice.My dad who doesn't like me calls me a sissy so I don't want to be working out with him,he might push me too far.But another problem if I go the gym won't the guys make fun of me and call me skinny or a wimp?
Everyone starts off weak, that's the whole purpose of the gym, to get stronger. When I first started at the gym (summer of junior year, now im a senior), I could hardly life 50% of what other kids were doing. I kept at it and I'm on par with most others. Also, working out really does increase your confidence like nothing else. Even without seeing immediate gains, I felt 10x more confident after my first few weeks.
I quickly found out that the gym is also a great social hub. We have one major gym in our area and SO many "popular" guys and hot girls from my school go there. You can easily strike up a conversation there or you can strike up a conversation at school regarding the gym. The possibilities are endless. Question is, do you have a gym around you that most of your classmates go to? If so....JOIN! :)


Mar 22, 2006
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**** Its Friday!

hey guys today is friday and everyone expect me and my friends at the party.Well I want to go do something fun like meet girls,but I don't know where i'm bored and tired of being on these computer all day playing warcraft,plus the comic store is closed and I don't want to be going there.I want something thats not dorky,see if I was popular I would have fun things to do dang life sucks.What are some fun things you DJ's do?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby

i usually work (like a job) or smoke cigarettes or call a friend or clean my room or watch tv or hangout or scheme to find alcohol or marijuanna (well i quit smoking so alcohol now). if you get some solid friends randoms hit can happen...i was witht he guys and this guy mario we were hanging in his truck and he had some old couch in the back and we had the random idea to go mudding with two people in the back...haha that was fuccking funny. mehhh now that i think about it my life is boring lately. but its spring break and i've been sick so its no surprise.


Mar 22, 2006
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dude,atleast you do something as what I said in my other posts all me and ,my friends do is go to the comic store,thats it.And I want to do something for fun,its friday and I been just staying home playing warcraft all day,its annoying I want some fun things to do,but I don't know.


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
New York
dreamx. you're fake, it's obvious, shut the fcuk up


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Dude,how am I fake,first of all your coming to conclusions you don't know about my life and how much I struggle so you gonna come on here and insult me,dude I have gone through soo much stuff,and I'm still going through soo much stuff,that life is hard and you don't know sh*t about me so don't judge me if you don't know me.Maybe if you read some of my other posts you would atleast know me,what I type on these forum is REAL,everything I post is real,and I don't care if you don't believe me.Dude don't come here to just critize me or insult me if you don't got anything nice to say to me,then don't post anything or just simply leave.So You Shut Your Mouth!ACTUALLY STOP TYPING ON THESE THREAD!


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
los angles, calli
The way you type is soo ****ing annoying and odds are, you talk like that too. Listen, i'm being too ****ing nice, get your **** together, get some good clothes, some zit cream, and just try not to be a dork and stop whining


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Damn DreamX for your sake i hope your lying, cuz i find it hard to believe someone could be that F|_|CKING stupid


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
FIRST OF ALL I'M NOT STUPID!!! I get very good grades and i'm an honor student in my class, in matter of fact I won the science fair couple weeks ago,so I'm not stupid.Well to you guys my life,may seem like a joke,but too me its not and its very hard to live my life like these,thats why I'm hoping people will help on here,rather then insulting me!


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2006
Reaction score
Man, do something about it, instead of whining about. People here have already told you everything you need. Now it's your turn. We can't take control of your life.


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
First of all I agree with the advice other people have said. Just so you know though the party is going to suck. You know why?... They are handing out invitations. Everyone knows that if the party will have alcohol it can only be passed by word of mouth where it's at. The cops will be at the door of the party in less then a half hour. The paper invitations too easily make their way into the hands of parents.

My other advice is read these and then make it a pain in the ass to get too your computer. Turn it off and unplug a lot of things on it. That way it will seem easier to work out and get out into the sun then it is to put the computer back together. That way you won't spend all your time on it. The way I did it was having the air conditioning way up so the air in the basement(where the computer is) was so cold that I could only bear it for mabye an hour. Then I just had to get out to the warm pool!


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
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DreamX, teens are shallow (atleast a great majority are), make sure that sticks in your head. With that you can conquer highschool.

Think of it like this: Highschool is the only time the social ladder really matters in your life and you can use that to your advantage. Ever notice what celebrities get talked about the most? It's the ones that are making news, creating scandals, keeping busy, etc.

Now go join a sport or pick up a musical instrument and play infront of your school someday before you graduate. Both will get you noticed depending on the amount of talent in each. Just being in a sport will let you become friends with more kids, and if you're good you'll be talked about every day (kids = shallow = sports/drinking top priority, so you win!). And I don't even have to explain how playing infront of your classmates in a band will help you socially.

Also, if you go to one party (if it's your first one show up a little later so they everyone has more alcohol in them and they'll be friendlier) and handle your beer well you'll be invited to more parties.

Personally I know I could be popular if I wanted to, but deep down I feel I don't want to become popular for the wrong reasons. I want to garner respect musically, not by getting tanked every weekend and banging the dirtiest sluts so I can show off to guys who will be holding low-level jobs all their lives because they were *******s/morons as teens.

As you can see it's not too hard. When in Rome do as the Romans do and you'll begin to fit into the social circle you want into. Do drugs you'll probably gravitate towards the druggies, become a slut and you'll probably hang out with the other sluts, do "popular stuff" and you'll fit into the "popular crowd".


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Here is my advice for you just because I don’t have anything better to do for the next 2 or 3 hours:

1. Stop typing like a ****head. You seem to have never learned the concept that punctuation usually has spaces around it. If I were you I would run every post you make through Microsoft Word or something else with more grammatical intelligence then you have. If you don’t want to be considered a troll stop whining so much and stop typing like you do.

2. Being smart / a geek is not a bad thing; people just don’t want to hear about it. I am a geek. On the weekends I often go to LAN parties and play Warcraft III with friends. If you have WoW then I recommend you immediately cancel your account because it is a waste of time. I also go to all kinds of parties and meet a fair share of fine looking women. If you can separate yourself from the comic book store for a few days then you’ll be doing alright. A lot of the women I meet find it quite interesting that I lead a different lifestyle then most of the jocks in our school. Just leave your geeky comic book obsession at the door, the most I would say about it is that you like collecting them, don’t bore her with the details of your stupid collection, no one in the real world cares. Being smart is helpful too; you can think on your feet and can improvise a good deal of your game. You can lead compelling arguments and outwit a lot of people.

3. Improve your image. When I read your posts I can almost hear you speaking them in the stereotypical nerdy comic book collector voice (to hear what I’m talking about plug your noise and talk like you are better then everyone else). You also probably speak too fast, but that’s just an assumption. Slow down some, you’re in no hurry to get what you need to say out. Relax and take time to enjoy life and the situations your in. I would recommend lifting some weights, I don’t do it personally because I am lazy but it does help. Clean up your acne and clothing style.

4. Get out more to more places then the stupid comic book store. This is self explanatory. Get out and do things normal kids do, find some people and tag along with them.

Pretty much everything I just typed up for your stupid ass is covered so well on this site you should have no problem expanding on it. Read the bible and have fun with it. DJing isn’t hard and learning how to present yourself will make you more successful in a lot more areas of life then just getting women. I’m off to the movies now after feeling a little bit too much like an armchair DJ..