WHOever said that you have to have money to make money is thinking without talking.
Okay, yes it makes it EASIER, but hell, it's easier to go to the NBA if you are 7'4, then if you are 5'9 now doesn't... but there are a couple of players in the NBA under 6 Feet.
So yes, it's HARDER, but not IMPOSSIBLE..
Can I get a DUH?
I can't believe how man ypeople these days are afraid of a little hard work.
Fat people.
Dumb people.
poor People
You have to look no farther than Me, as someone who started from nothing to making a nice amount of money.
As alot of you know, I started a company 4 years ago. I sold it, at least my share, for mid six figures. My stock was valued at over 2 million dollars, so if you want to get technical I was at one point in time a millionare, but I don't consider that.
When I didn't tell you is that we started our company, a computer company no less, with 3 computers and $200 dollars.
We didn't do it overnight, we took babysteps.
The first step we took was to get enough money to actually get all of the business startup costs done.. which was around $5,000.
So we worked normal jobs, and saved up until we had $5,000... It took around 5 months but eventually we got it.
After that, we decided we needed to actually sell products... It took us 2 and a half months to sell our first PC.
Then after that, our goal was to sell on average 1 PC a day.
That didn't take two long, around 2 months.
After that, we decided our goal would be to sell enough PC's to were we could quit our day jobs.
that took another 3 or so months, by then we were selling a constant 4 or so PC's a day.
Then our next goal was to save enough money to get our own place.
So we had to get our own place quicker than we wanted. However, as long as I was livign with my business partner (and we had a nice apartment by the way), never was late for one payment or bill... well the satilliate bill, but I only watched the sapranos so I would just wait until sunday to pay it.
So after that was done, we wanted a building. Another 6 months.
One day while we were in our building, my business partner came to me and out of the blue, he said "do you realize we turned 200 dollars, give or take, until a company with employees that has over 1 million in revenue"?
Up until then, I can honeslty say I never thought bout it, all I thought about was the next goal.
How did we do it? Hard freaking work. I am nto talking about 4-7 hour days, an average day for me was waking up at 5am to start working, run errands around 11am, come back home at 1pm, work to 12pm, go to sleep. 7 days a week, until my 21st bday, which was around 2 years into our company. The day I hired a secratery, was the day I was able to work somewhat of a normal schedule.
And thoose two years of hard work have done more for me than any am o unt of money could ever do. I KNOW there is NOTHING I can't do, because I had my own mom tell me I am a looser and basically disowned.. now she is "so proud of her baby" because at 22 I make more a year then she ever has (and I grew up in an upper middle class neighboorhood)... wait, that's a lie, my mom made more then me, but I was worth more then she is.
Plus, you appricate things more when you create them yourself.
That $100,000 sports car has a different meaning when you buy it knowing all the blood, sweat and tears that went into getting it.
I went from the age of 18 until a week after I was 21 from having sex for crying out loud! Even going on a date! A funny story is my first date, with my current EX GF of 1 year, was at a Coffee shop right next door to my office, because I wanted to be close if something was to go wrong.
In other words, it's not that making money is impossible, it's just that 99 percent of you have no idea the work, dedication and sacrafice that goes into it, therefore you conclude it's impossible.
The way I think is this... I work now, okay, I don't go out this weekend to that "big party that everyone is going to be at?"... you know what? Everyone that is there is going to be at the next "big party" and in the same financial, emotional and physicall condition as they were at the first one. You aren't missing anything. And when you do decide to have a life, playtime is SOOOOOO much fun when you know how hard you worked to get your playtime. YOu have no regrets.
How many times hav eyou been out and out of the blue, you just don't feel "right"... dont' know why really, but just something isn't right... it's because you know you have something more important that you could be doing.