On the topic of wealth building.....
-Before you make a million, you have to make $100,000. Before you make $100,000 you have to make $10,000.....all the way to making $1. You have to work your way up.
I think most people fail because their initial goal is too far in the clouds. It seems so unbelievable, you never get past the first step.
-Read great books, articles, stories and content EVERY week. Soak up information like a sponge. Expand your paradigm on a regular basis. Be methodical and build on what you know. Subscribe to the Wall Street Journal. Learn from masters. Find role models. Find people making more money than you are.
-Leverage what you've got (huge, HUGE topic).
-Develop core expertise.
-Set your priorities. Can't waste time on trivial stuff.
-Develop great habits.
-Measure what you're doing and improve upon it.
-Experience is worth more than theory. Get out there.