I used to be a big time AFC......and i still got all the girls!! HOW??


Jan 14, 2006
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Yes, I learned abotu sosauve rite after my last serious gf who i had one-itis for, and this was about 7 months ago........I had all the AFC qualities before, including fear of rejection (unless I was drunk), supplication, being too nice, being needy, takign girls out to dinner, ect ect ect.......prob the only things I had going for me was c+f (didnt kno i had it, it was natural), and i guess my looks (i was like a 7, but thru workign out im an 8 now) and sweetness played a big role.

HERES THE BOTTOM LINE - before so suave, in my AFC days, I had still managed to fvck about 40 different girls, several of whom were serious gf's who i fvkced ALOT.....and id say about 20 outta 40 were HB7 - HB9 with the other 20 or so being HB 5 - HB7.

Post sosuave, I have pretty much kept up the same rate of success as I had before, soooo my point is....or moreso my question is - HOW IN THE HELL DID I HAVE ALL THIS SUCCESS AS AN AFC?????


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Maybe you've got the lost little boy look going for you where chicks with a mothering instinct are naturally drawn to you for that as well as inherently believing you are safe and will not hurt them emotionally.
May 29, 2006
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Because you weren't an AFC numbnut.


Jan 14, 2006
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Well all those things i listed were pretty AFC.......i did stuff like being overly sweet, saying I love you first, supplicating to every need, ect ect ect.........btw dunno why but when girls heard me say i loveu to them, it literally made them wanna make love to me aka fvck me, so that mite explain like 10 outta 40 girls lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
Yes, I learned abotu sosauve rite after my last serious gf who i had one-itis for, and this was about 7 months ago........I had all the AFC qualities before, including fear of rejection (unless I was drunk), supplication, being too nice, being needy, takign girls out to dinner, ect ect ect.......prob the only things I had going for me was c+f (didnt kno i had it, it was natural), and i guess my looks (i was like a 7, but thru workign out im an 8 now) and sweetness played a big role.

HERES THE BOTTOM LINE - before so suave, in my AFC days, I had still managed to fvck about 40 different girls, several of whom were serious gf's who i fvkced ALOT.....and id say about 20 outta 40 were HB7 - HB9 with the other 20 or so being HB 5 - HB7.

Post sosuave, I have pretty much kept up the same rate of success as I had before, soooo my point is....or moreso my question is - HOW IN THE HELL DID I HAVE ALL THIS SUCCESS AS AN AFC?????
When this site says AFC. It means those losers who stay at home have bad social skills and have huge never ending crushes.

You still actually went for it and ****ed 40 girls. That's the opposite of what the site means when it says AFC. The fact you could still go out and have a good time and actually go for the ***** means you were not AFC.

Of course they will want to **** you if you say "I love you" if they already liked you. You don't have to say certain sentences to some how unlock *****. If you look good enough already they will **** you if you go for it especially if their drunk or who knows what you were doing. It's not like they analyze and listen for a certain C&F line and then go.. "Oh he's not AFC I will **** you." They just check out to see if your a loser or not.

That's why it should not be called AFC but rather just loser. Belive it or not normal guys actually get *****.
May 29, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
Well all those things i listed were pretty AFC.......i did stuff like being overly sweet, saying I love you first, supplicating to every need, ect ect ect.........btw dunno why but when girls heard me say i loveu to them, it literally made them wanna make love to me aka fvck me, so that mite explain like 10 outta 40 girls lol
I would punch anti dump if I saw him in an internet cafe.

The rules are retarded, they mean nothing to a person who knows why they are bad. Like telling me that I should walk before I can run as a rule, but already knowing how to run.

You weren't an AFC. You may have had tendencies or occasionally revert to your old self, but you were not a full blown AFC.

Spidy R

New Member
Jun 5, 2006
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I had a classmate exactly like you, take girls out for dinner, saying i love you, so much different from what im learning from this site. But he still managed to fvck a hell lot girls.

Im still observing him and asking him for advises. He has a huge amount of c&f, heck care attitude.

I guess thats what working for you, gentleman but not really a "nice guy" with c&f. Cool.. Btw its hard to find a "nice guy" with c&f.. They are just too boring to say any of that.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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Being AFC works in some situations.. with a girl on the rebound, with afc women, and probably in other situations. Even with the ****y/funny, the way you described it you were being afc.
A woman may **** you but you definately won't be her fantasy. Women are emotional beings, but they are also practical.

Girl A: Which guy are you gonna hook up with?
Girl B: I think guy a.
Girl A: Why?
Girl B: Ehh... he's convenient.

This conversation happen in front of me this weekend. Do you think that the guy in question was an AFC or a strong DJ...

Man Of Adventure

Master Don Juan
May 21, 2001
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Illinois USA
You may have a lot of nice guy qualities, but youre different from a nice guy because you can actually make fun of these girls. Thats something nice guys dont have the balls to do. Girls enjoy something different so theyll enjoy you. Yes, neediness is something you can take care of yourself but there are probably a lot more things besides c&f that youre doing right and you dont know it yet. Hell of a job man.


Jan 14, 2006
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the funny thing is, now that i have all this sosuave knowledge, i actually fear approachign chicks, as opposed to before when i didnt care at all!!!!

when i was AFC, i had less fear in approaching, thats right,and thats just weird...........................

I think being AFC has resulted in a lot of girls who said they love me (there have been quite a few, id say like 10) basically change their mind in a few months and not even like me or wanna be with me anymore, so obviously i got the hook, but acting AFC made no one wanna stick around (thats ok tho, being single aint exactly that bad!)
May 29, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
the funny thing is, now that i have all this sosuave knowledge, i actually fear approachign chicks, as opposed to before when i didnt care at all!!!!
Your not scared, your worried.


Mar 17, 2001
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You probably have a look women like. I'm guessing you're not a bad looking guy and get by on it. Not everybody needs "skills" to get laid by many women.


May 21, 2006
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How is it possible to get all the girls and be an AFC at the same time? Perhaps you are mistaken?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
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AFC don't take action AT ALL. They just sit around feeling sorry for themselves or stand around at some party waiting for chick to come to them...

If you have charge, you will bed some chicks...

It's like entering a race over and over... sooner or later you take a trophy home. As opposed to never entering the race at all because you think you can't win anyways.


Jan 14, 2006
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i was thinkin that 40 isnt average either.....its like i acted AFC, didnt look THAT great, but looked decent, yet i bedded girls like a don juan would....thats wat i find weird basically.....it makes anti-afc advice on this site look kinda useless, even tho i SEE all the points in all of the advice and i agree with them all.........women really ARE unpredictable lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Read my post again.

You actually went for it and tried to **** all those girls. Of course if you keep going for it you will bound to get some. The AFC that site talks about wouldn't even think of 40 different girls let alone try to **** them. They crush on a select few and have no balls to do anything about it. And then when they do get the courage to do something about it they write a poem and act creepy or boring.

You were not a bigtime AFC.

Nobody is mistaken, a lot of you are just idiots. There really is not anything unpredictable about it either.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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skip2mylou781 said:
Yes, I learned abotu sosauve rite after my last serious gf who i had one-itis for, and this was about 7 months ago........I had all the AFC qualities before, including fear of rejection (unless I was drunk), supplication, being too nice, being needy, takign girls out to dinner, ect ect ect.......prob the only things I had going for me was c+f (didnt kno i had it, it was natural), and i guess my looks (i was like a 7, but thru workign out im an 8 now) and sweetness played a big role.

HERES THE BOTTOM LINE - before so suave, in my AFC days, I had still managed to fvck about 40 different girls, several of whom were serious gf's who i fvkced ALOT.....and id say about 20 outta 40 were HB7 - HB9 with the other 20 or so being HB 5 - HB7.

Post sosuave, I have pretty much kept up the same rate of success as I had before, soooo my point is....or moreso my question is - HOW IN THE HELL DID I HAVE ALL THIS SUCCESS AS AN AFC?????
I'll bet you've had a good social circle (correct me if I'm wrong)... at least that's what I'd suspect. You know at least one or a few people that get you into "warm" scenarios with girls where you're already hanging with them under pre-ordained circumsatnaces (at work, outings with groups of friends or aquantences, etc.) and not the usual "cold" scenarios like hitting on a stranger at a bar, library, or coffee shop like DJ's are "supposed too".

I've said this before on theads here, but I think a good social circle is worth more than ALL the informantion on here put together, so long as you are above mediocre in terms of pesonality and looks, and not socially innept. I really had no AFC qualities before I came on here, at all, and had terrible luck with girls... and I still do. I feel like I've got everything going for me EXCEPT a good social circle, which is pretty difficult if your not high school or college age from what I can deduce. To be honest, Sosuave has been of little help at all. Girls respond better in familiar situations and environs where they don't feel like their being "played" and where you could interested in them because you know a bit of their personaility, and not just because you thought they were attractive.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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social circle

Archaxis said:
I'll bet you've had a good social circle (correct me if I'm wrong)... at least that's what I'd suspect. You know at least one or a few people that get you into "warm" scenarios with girls where you're already hanging with them under pre-ordained circumsatnaces (at work, outings with groups of friends or aquantences, etc.) and not the usual "cold" scenarios like hitting on a stranger at a bar, library, or coffee shop like DJ's are "supposed too".

I've said this before on theads here, but I think a good social circle is worth more than ALL the informantion on here put together, so long as you are above mediocre in terms of pesonality and looks, and not socially innept. I really had no AFC qualities before I came on here, at all, and had terrible luck with girls... and I still do. I feel like I've got everything going for me EXCEPT a good social circle, which is pretty difficult if your not high school or college age from what I can deduce. To be honest, Sosuave has been of little help at all. Girls respond better in familiar situations and environs where they don't feel like their being "played" and where you could interested in them because you know a bit of their personaility, and not just because you thought they were attractive.
You make a good point. Social connections eases getting with women. But becoming part of a good social circle requires a certain amount of DJ-like characteristics. People generally hang out with other people who are alike in their behavior, social status, etc. The dj skill presented here will help. talk to people everywhere, listen to what they've got going on, ask questions, and you'll network pretty quickly.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Hood Hopping...

I dont know why people think that all afcs dont get girls. Theyre not macks but some types of afcs have active social lifes but they put the female sexuality on a pedestal, thats why theyre afcs. The way i see it theres 3 levels of game: (1) cant get the azz to save his life (2) lucks up with some play but women starts to control (3) the mack thats in control of his interactions with girls.

He was probably level 2. He mostly goes into relationship so he can get some form of play. because he puts sex above all the relationship, the girl uses sex as a bargining chip, which she could use to control you.

If the girl thinks youre real goodlooking, and/or shes a lil desperate, shell go with you and trophy you around. Girls like attention, which they get alot of when youre her trophy. With all this attention, they hit you off with some play, just enough to keep you into her and willing to do whatever for her at a moments notice. Now with this situation, she can drop you whenever, shes the boss. Now, male bosses are fair when they fire you, but a women boss might fire you just because she can.