Getting laid won't solve the problem. Women will not solve the problem. Only you. Where other people are in their lives, irrelevant. Only your life is what counts. Other people's lives, don't count. Yours counts.
You're not your best self. You have potential. You can grow and progress, just like anyone. You have just as much right to happiness as everyone else on this planet.
You have to believe you deserve happiness, and that you have control, that you actually have the power to pull this off.
It will take time and effort and determination. But start with basics, otherwise it's just a mishmash of different things pulling you in different directions.
You MUST make peace with the fact that a woman will not cure this. It all starts from there. It's not that you're lonely, or that you can't get laid, or xyz... it's that you don't have a strong sense of self.
So work on creating that. It will take the time it takes. When you get it, it's yours, no one can take it from you. But you have to start building it.
Make a commitment to yourself, that from now on, the only approval you seek is your own, the only standards you need to live by, are your own, and the only person that decides how you are progressing, is you.
This is about YOU... not other people. And it is your responsibility, to start living for you. Not others. This place is FULL of advice on how to do it.
But you can't do jack shyt until you decide that you are going to take 100% responsibility for not only how you feel, but the actions you are going to take.
We can give you advice, but in the end, the person that actually DOES anything about it, is you.
You are in the depressed victim-mentality, It hurts, I've been there, and ther reason I'm being so cut and dry, is to break through all that. It feels good to sulk but it will not get you where you want to go. The past is gone, you are in control. How you feel, right now, is a result of choices you made. So make new choices.